The New York Times Is Doing Something About Their Embarrassing Opinion Section – VICE
admin | January 23, 2020
It looks like the New York Times is reining in the Opinion sectionor at least wants to be seen as doing so.
admin | January 23, 2020
It looks like the New York Times is reining in the Opinion sectionor at least wants to be seen as doing so.
admin | January 23, 2020
Recently, on a friends Facebook page, an Arab Supremacist Israel-hater wrote the following to me: I respect Judaism for what it is, a religion. European Zionism is Colonialist and racist.
admin | January 23, 2020
A prominent Middle East news correspondent got my attention a few years ago when, on a news panel, she articulated a thought I had pondered for years.
admin | January 23, 2020
JANUARY 21, 2020 The following essay appears as the preface to How Yiddish Changed America and How America Changed Yiddish, edited by the authors and published today by Restless Books. We have to believe in free will.