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Alan Chartock: On being Jewish | –

| January 31, 2020

By now, most people know that not counting Israel, there are more Jewish people in New York City than anywhere else in the world.

White nationalist group, The Base, on Wisconsin investigators’ radar – WISN Milwaukee

| January 31, 2020

The vandalism of a Racine synagogue in September is helping shine a light on The Base, which the FBI described as a "white, racially motivated extremist group." The FBI made seven arrests this month across four states, including Yousef Barasneh, 22, of Oak Creek, who is under house arrest.

Baltimore Rabbi Chosen as Next Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union – Orthodox Union

| January 31, 2020

Rabbi Moshe Hauer Will Succeed Allen Fagin, Who Will Retire Later This Year NEW YORK Rabbi Moshe Hauer, the senior rabbi of Bnai Jacob Shaarei Zion Congregation in Baltimore, will become the executive vice president of the Orthodox Union (OU), the nations oldest and largest umbrella organization for the North American Orthodox Jewish community, following the retirement of Allen Fagin later this year. Rabbi Hauer has built his synagogue into one of the most dynamic centers for prayer and learning in Baltimore during a 25-year career. He is active in local communal leadership in many areas, with an emphasis on education, children at risk and social service organizations serving the Jewish community.

In a Brexit bastion near London, a growing Orthodox community springs to life – Cleveland Jewish News

| January 31, 2020

CANVEY ISLAND, England (JTA) This scruffy-looking town on the mouth of the Thames River is known for its oysters, sea breeze and the nativism of its residents. Its also home to one of Europes fastest-growing communities of haredi Orthodox Jews, who make up 1% of the local population just four years after the first families moved from London. A whopping 72 percent of Canvey Islands constituency of Castle Point voted for Brexit in the 2016 referendum 21 points above the national result and the third most pro-Brexit of the United Kingdoms 650 constituencies.

ADL poll: Anti-Semitic violence is on the rise in America but anti-Semitic attitudes are not – Cleveland Jewish News

| January 31, 2020

(JTA) Despite a rise in anti-Semitic violencein recent years, the proportion of Americans holding intensely anti-Semitic views remains small, according to a new poll. The poll, conducted by the Anti-Defamation League and published Wednesday, asked 11 questions of U.S. adults regarding traditional anti-Semitic stereotypes, using a protocol the organization developed more than 50 years ago

Come together to defeat anti-Semitism, the worlds oldest hate (Commentary) –

| January 31, 2020

Michael Balanoff is president/CEO of the Jewish Federation of Central New York. He also is a member of InterFaith Works of CNYs Round Table of Faith Leaders, to whom he delivered these remarks in January. By Michael Balanoff | Special to Anti-Semitism is the worlds oldest hate

Jamie Price / Walter Haverfield LLP – Cleveland Jewish News

| January 31, 2020

As a trial lawyer at Walter Haverfield LLP in Cleveland, Jamie Price represents clients in situations from business disputes to trust and estate litigation.

As world marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise – USA TODAY

| January 31, 2020

The stepsister of Anne Frank met privately Thursday with Southern California high school students who were photographed gleefully giving Nazi salutes around a swastika formed by drinking cups during a party.

What you should know about The Base – Florida Courier

| January 31, 2020

ADVERTISEMENT BY CHARLES DUNCAN THE NEWS & OBSERVER (RALEIGH, N.C.)/TNS Police and federal agents around the country are investigating a neo-Nazi group that the FBI says was trying to build an Al-Qaida-style terror network.

Nadler will miss end of Senate trial to be with ailing wife – Jewish Journal

| January 31, 2020

Nadler will miss Senate trial end to be with sick wife The Forward ", c, "> "].join("") } var c = "body", e = h[c]; if (!e) return setTimeout(q, 100); a.P(1); var d = "appendChild", g = "createElement", i = "src", k = h[g]("div"), l = k[d](h[g]("div")), f = h[g]("iframe"), n = "document", p; = "none"; e.insertBefore(k, e.firstChild).id = o + "-" + j; f.frameBorder = "0"; = o + "-frame-" + j; /MSIE[ ]+6/.test(navigator.userAgent) && (f[i] = "javascript:false"); f.allowTransparency = "true"; l[d](f); try { f.contentWindow[n].open() } catch (s) { a.domain = h.domain, p = "javascript:var d=" + n + ".open();d.domain='" + h.domain + "';", f[i] = p + "void(0);" } try { var r = f.contentWindow[n]; r.write(b()); r.close() } catch (t) { f[i] = p + 'd.write("' + b().replace(/"/g, String.fromCharCode(92) + '"') + '");d.close();' } a.P(2) }; a.l && q() })() }(); c[b].lv = "1"; return c[b] } var o = "lightboxjs", k = window[o] = g(o); k.require = g; k.modules = c }({}); /**/ Getty Images Jerry Nadler Rep.

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