WVU joins the world in commemorating 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp – WBOY.com
admin | January 29, 2020
admin | January 29, 2020
admin | January 29, 2020
The future is one step closer. The Jewish Federation's Fund for the Future, a major commitment to fuel a next-generation renaissance in Jewish life, has raised nearly $60 million since its launch last year
admin | January 28, 2020
As someone who believes in equality, and that it should apply to everyone, I have found myself time and time again supporting, promoting, and finding the intersections of Zionism and Feminism. By definition, Zionism is the nationalist movement of the Jewish people that espouses the re-establishment of and support for a Jewish state in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel.
admin | January 28, 2020
Anti-Semitism has hopped to the forefront of the political conversation in recent years. It seemed like every interviewer of a Labour Party representative brings up anti-Semitism. However, these claims of anti-Semitism within the Labour party have been deflected and delegitimised as simply anti-Zionist arguments and criticisms of Israel.
admin | January 28, 2020
Today, the World Zionist Congress elections open, and Diaspora Jewry will have almost two months to elect those who will hold seats in the World Zionist Congress (WZC),the legislative body that determines the policies of the world's leading Jewish organizations - the World Zionist Organization (WZO), the Jewish Agency of Israel (JAFI), the Jewish National Fund (JNF) and KerenHayesod.The WZC is the body that makesmajor policy decisions concerningthe future of Zionism,Aliyah and absorption, Israeli advocacy worldwide, Jewish education andthewar against antisemitism, settlement in Israel and other vital issues for Israel and the Jewish peoples future. Policies will be decided, andresourcesareallocated.The stakes are extremely high and that is why more and more organizations and activists have entered the frayfor this years election.Unfortunately, while the Left has been largely out of power in Israel fora number ofdecades, they have significant control of the WZC due the liberalDiasporaJewish establishments resources and power. In these elections, some extreme-Left figures likePeter Beinartand JeremyBen-Ami, the president of the far-Left group J Street, haveentered the fray to move the balance of power even further Left
admin | January 28, 2020
Zionism and feminism are both dirty words. Express an opinion in favor of either, and youre bound to have a heated discussion whether online or in person
admin | January 28, 2020
This article originally appeared in the Yiddish Forverts. Until recently, scholars considered the history of the Zionist movement in the Soviet Union solely a history of repression. But nearly 2,000 pages of archival documents provide a more multifaceted and even suspenseful picture of relations between Zionist organizations and Soviet authorities during the first decade after the October Revolution of 1917.
admin | January 28, 2020
Menachem Begin: studied at Warsaw University and served, briefly, in the Polish Army. Wikipedia With Polands relationship with Israels leadership looking ruffled in light of the latters decision to allow Vladimir Putin to speak at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum held in Jerusalem, sources closer to home have been quick to note the crucial importance played by Poland, and the Anders Army, in the eventual formation of Israel. Under the command of General Wadysaw Anders, the unit made their way through Iran to Palestine en-route to fight in the Italian campaign
admin | January 28, 2020
Belgian newspaper de Standaards inflammatory article titled How the Zionists Discovered the Holocaust. Photo: Twitter
admin | January 28, 2020
Predictably, Russian President Vladimir Putins speech to last weeks World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem raised hackles among the responsible guardians of Holocaust memory. The Russian dictator claimed that 40% of the 6 million Jewish victims of Nazi slaughter were citizens of the Soviet Union a vastly overinflated figure that can be arrived at only if you include those Jews who resided in countries that were occupied by the USSR