admin | January 28, 2020
NEW YORK (JTA) Earlier this month, Deborah Lauter stood in a Holocaust museum among students of color from a Brooklyn public school trying to explain why the museum is relevant to the current rise in anti-Semitism in their borough. The Holocaust didnt happen in a vacuum, Lauter told the students. It started with egg throwing.
Category: Hasidic |
Comments Off on She has 6 employees and less than $2 million. The mission: Stop anti-Semitism in New York City. – JTA News
admin | January 27, 2020
VATICAN CITY Pope Francis on Sunday asked the world's 1.3 billion Catholics to stop for a moment of prayer and reflection on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz and say "Never Again".
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
Comments Off on Pope Asks Catholics to Say ‘Never Again’ to the Holocaust – The New York Times
admin | January 27, 2020
This years International Holocaust Remembrance Day, celebrated annually on Jan. 27, marks the passage of three-quarters of a century since the liberation of Auschwitz, the largest German Nazi death camp
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
Comments Off on For Auschwitz liberation’s 75th anniversary, fight Holocaust denial with education – Washington Examiner
admin | January 27, 2020
Art After Dark.(Photo: Enquirer file) Would it be cheesy to say there are some reel cool events this week?
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Things to do this week in Cincinnati: Jan. 27-Feb. 2 – The Cincinnati Enquirer
admin | January 27, 2020
About eight years ago, when Rabbi Jen Lader began leading a class for teenagers at Temple Israel in West Bloomfield Township, she asked the students if they had ever experienced anti-Semitism.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Recent events stoke concerns of rising anti-Semitism – The Oakland Press
admin | January 27, 2020
As president, I will always have Israels back, Mr. Bloomberg said
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Bloomberg Warns of Anti-Semitism Rearing Its Ugly Head – The New York Times
admin | January 27, 2020
This Holocaust Memorial Day, as we commemorate the 75thanniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, we confront one of the greatest evils that humankind has ever inflicted. The mechanised slaughter of Jews, planned, plotted and executed by the Nazis, remains a stain on the moral conscience of the world. But there is the risk that when we look at black and white photographs of something that happened to other people, in another time, in a different place and at the hand of people with whom we feel we have nothing in common, we might think of antisemitism as a relic of the past.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on How I would take personal responsibility for tackling antisemitism – The Times of Israel
admin | January 27, 2020
Its almost at the end of the world. Its an island 250 miles south of Australia.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on A small, small Jewish world | The Jewish – The Jewish Standard
admin | January 27, 2020
.and Spring Festival in China and Vietnam.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Gardens of the Cross Timbers: Happy Lunar New Year – Shawnee News Star
admin | January 27, 2020
By Jonathan D. Sarna, Brandeis University It is a common scene on many a Saturday morning in cities and towns across the United States to see seventh- and eighth-grade boys and girls, a few not Jewish at all, gather in synagogues and temples to watch a classmates bar mitzvah. This coming-of-age ritual marks a 13-year-old mans assumption of religious and legal obligations under Jewish law.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on What Is A Bar Mitzvah? – Longmont Observer