admin | February 3, 2020
Western and Israeli propaganda never tire of telling the world of the age-old Israeli quest for peace, and how much Israel longs to be accepted by Palestinians and the rest of the Arab peoples as a Jewish state - an oasis of European civilisation lodged smack in the middle of the Arab world. Indeed, the racist wisdom of former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban (born in South Africa as Aubrey Solomon Meir) that Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity for peace was recently reiterated by US President Donald Trumps son-in-law and adviser, Jared Kushner.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Palestinians have indeed ‘missed an opportunity’ – to surrender to Zionism – Middle East Eye
admin | February 3, 2020
In March, Peter Beinart wrote an article in The Guardian titled Debunking the myth that anti-Zionism is antisemitic. Now, he wants a seat in the World Zionist Congress. Every five years, the WZO holds elections to determine the fate of almost $1 billion dollars to be spent on projects in Israel and the Diaspora.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Rescuing the World Zionist Organization – The Commentator
admin | February 3, 2020
In 1917, Lord Arthur Balfour, Britains foreign secretary made the memorable statement that many hold responsible for the century-old conflicts between Palestinians and Zionists. The statement, which came to be known as the Balfour Declaration, was in the form of a letter from Lord Balfour addressed to Walter Rothschild, the head of the British Jewish community. In the statement, Britain publicly pledged to establish a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on President Trump Has Fulfilled Lord Balfour’s Dream – The National Interest Online
admin | February 3, 2020
Unlike some previous proposals for the creation of a Palestinian state, the recent U.S. peace plan leaves the easternmost area of the West Bank under Israeli control. This arrangement also strengthens the security of the Kingdom of Jordan, writes Efraim Inbar, which has itself long seen the Palestinian national movement as a threat: Israel and Jordan share various interests, including support for the American presence in the region, opposing pan-Arab and pan-Islamic movements and, of course, fighting the rise of radical Islam, Sunni or Shiite
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Israeli Control of the Jordan Valley Is Good for Jordan – Mosaic
admin | February 3, 2020
JANUARY 29, 2020 MOTIVATED BY the desire to think locally and write globally, Sarah Abrevaya Steins award-winning, lyrical scholarship has explored modern Jewish history in unexpected places and forms, from the turn-of-the-20th-century, boom-and-bust, global ostrich-feather market to the intimate, everyday fashion through which Mediterranean Jews contributed to the shaping of the modern world. Her commitment to research is matched by her love of teaching. She is a professor of history at UCLA, where she holds the Maurice Amado Chair in Sephardic Studies and directs the Alan D.
Category: Sephardic |
Comments Off on A Nod to Nostalgia: A Conversation Between Josh Kun and Sarah Abrevaya Stein – lareviewofbooks
admin | February 3, 2020
Photo Credit: Jewish Press / Should we try to preserve Yiddish as a living language in America or Israel? A historic language used as a means of Jewish communication for hundreds of years and saturated with divrei Torah and yiras shamayim should be preserved. In addition, much Torah was written in Yiddish and will be lost if access to the language is lost
Category: Sephardic |
Comments Off on Is It Proper? Should we try to preserve Yiddish as a living language in America or Israel? – The Jewish Press –
admin | February 3, 2020
More than 15% of respondents to a poll in Italy said the Holocaust never happened. The results are part of the annual Italy Report of the Eurispes published Thursday. The poll by the nongovernmental organisation probes Italians views on a number of subjects, including the credibility of the government, the media and history, this year including the Holocaust.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
Comments Off on Fifteen percent of Italians say Holocaust never happened, poll finds – The Australian Jewish News
admin | February 3, 2020
In Arab and Muslim lands, anti-Semitism is often expressed as both hatred of Jews and hatred of Israel, and is very frequently bolstered by Holocaust denial. Delegitimizing the Jewish state can serve as a means to reverse the humiliation, degradation, and oppression of Muslims. In Eastern Europe, right-wing, nationalist parties have taken control, often rewriting Holocaust history, and often with the support of groups that are strongly anti-Semitic and have adopted Nazi slogans and agendas.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
Comments Off on Seventy-Five Years After Auschwitz, Anti-Semitism Is on the Rise – The Atlantic
admin | February 3, 2020
The last of the Auschwitz survivors to revisit the extermination machine in Poland have left.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
Comments Off on Albert Speer, the Hitler Henchman Who Enabled the Holocaust, Bears Another Look Today – The Daily Beast
admin | February 3, 2020
I had the privilege of participating in two important recent events in connected to memory and the lessons of the Shoah.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
Comments Off on Germany, the Jews and 75 years of historical baggage – Ynetnews