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For the 3500 teens at the annual BBYO convention, the world needs their help – Heritage Florida Jewish News

| March 7, 2020

(JNS) DALLAS-Seventeen-year-old Swedish climate-change activist Greta Thunberg was not at BBYO's International Convention here last week, but when her name was mentioned, throngs of teenagers applauded and screamed as if she was. That's because climate-change activism was as much of a theme of the four-day conference as the official one "Tomorrow Happens Here." Avi Garbow, environmental advocate for the sportswear line Patagonia who received the annual STAND UP Award on behalf of the company, said Greta may be a rock star to them, but there are more just like her.

Library of Congress in Washington to House English-Translated Talmud – Algemeiner

| March 7, 2020

Rabbi Menachem Even-Israel, the son of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz, presents the first volume of the Steinsaltz Talmud to Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.). Photo: The Aleph Society.

On Not Observing Purim This Year – Jewish Journal

| March 7, 2020

Sorry, Rabbis of the Talmud, I didnt dress up in a costume Like I was supposed to, Didnt get so drunk I couldnt differentiateblessandcurse Like you said we should, Didnt hear anyone chant How Esther saved our people From the evil Haman.

I’m a rabbi with the coronavirus whose congregation is quarantined. It’s bringing out the best in us. – JTA News

| March 7, 2020

This letter has been reposted with the permission of Rabbi Reuven Fink. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (JTA) As so many of us are now contemplating going into a Shabbos of seclusion, I want to share a few thoughts with you.

Why Harry S. Truman Recognized the State of Israel – Aish

| March 7, 2020

Like Eddie Jacobson, God is calling on each of us, saying there is something only we can do. Our Sages asked a strange question in the Talmud: Where do we find a hint in the Torah to the Book of Esther? The Talmud (Chullin 39b) answers with the words, vanochi haster astir panai, I will hide my face on that day.

Bernie Sanders and the Question of Antisemitism | Jewish & Israel News – Algemeiner

| March 7, 2020

IfNotNow members posing with 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen.

The Mafia And Loyalty Oaths – The Jewish Press –

| March 7, 2020

Photo Credit: unsplsah I recently watched a documentary on the Gambino crime family. Mafia members in this group operated by ironclad rules accompanied by a blood oath that necessitated swearing allegiance to La Cosa Nostra This thing of ours.

For anyone who prays, wants to pray, or wants to want to pray – The Jewish Standard

| March 7, 2020

If you pick up Prepare My Prayer: Recipes to Awaken the Soul, dont expect to read about cooking. The recipes referred to in the subtitle are not recipes for dishes to eat.

Chabad edition offers mystical insights into Book of Esther – The Jewish News of Northern California

| March 7, 2020

For the Jew who takes Purim text study as seriously as Purim drinking, theres a new commentary on the Book of Esther (aka the Megillah) from Rabbi Yossi Marcus of North Peninsula Chabad thats worth checking out.

Where has the Yiddish gone? – The Jerusalem Post

| March 7, 2020

A few weeks ago, two monumental events took place to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The first was at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, and the second was at the Auschwitz Camp Memorial in Poland

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