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AfriForum cannot hide behind monikers of civil rights and anti-racism – Daily Maverick

| March 12, 2020

I have been writing for a long time.

Holocaust Memorial : Ordered to leave Morocco, PixelHelper resists expulsion – Yabiladi in English

| March 12, 2020

German NGO PixelHelper, known for attempting to buildNorth Africas first Holocaust Memorialin Morocco, announced that it was ordered to seize its activities in Ait Faska and leave the country. Speaking to Yabiladi, Wednesday, the founder and president of the NGO Oliver Bienkowski said that the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent on March 4 a letter to the Ait Faska-based association demanding its departure.

Participation in the WZO Election: A Halachic Analysis – Yeshiva World News

| March 12, 2020

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman) Centuries ago, Jews were often kidnapped and money had to be raised for their ransom. The halacha was that it was permitted even on Shabbos, as indicated in the Ramah (306:14). This is permitted even if there is no actual danger to life, but there is a spiritual danger in that the child will be raised in a non-Jewish religion where there will be constant violations.

Shocking ignorance about the Holocaust illustrates the need to pass the Never Again Education Act | TheHill – The Hill

| March 12, 2020

We began this fight because sadly, Americans know far too little about the Holocaust and the consequences are touching communities across the country. Most states dont require Holocaust education, leaving students and sometimes teachers and administrators painfully unaware of what happened to the Jewish people and other minorities under the Nazi regime. Shocking levels of ignorance have put communities at risk, but Congress is well on its way to fighting back.

Unsung Women | Bruriah, the sharp-tongued scholar – Forward

| March 12, 2020

Yehuda Blum Illustration of Bruriah, the Talmudic female scholar Editors note: For Womens History Month, the Forward presents Unsung Women, a special project showcasing Jewish women from biblical times to our modern moment whose stories have rarely been told. Who she was: Bruriah Where and when: 1st-century CE Roman-occupied Judea What we know: Though the Talmud numbers thousands of pages, it names perhaps only a dozen women

Coronavirus and the Jewish problem – Arutz Sheva

| March 12, 2020

Rabbi Nachman Kahana Rabbi Nachman Kahana is an Orthodox Rabbinic Scholar, Rav of Chazon Yechezkel Synagogue Young Israel of the Old City of Jerusalem, Founder and Director of the Center for Kohanim, and Author of the 14-volume Mei Menuchot series on Tosefot, With All Your Might: The Torah of Eretz Yisrael in the Weekly Parashah, as well as weekly parasha commentary available where he blogs at In Tractate Yoma 5b, the Talmud points out a contradiction regarding the sanctified priestly garments. In parasha Tetzaveh it appears that Aharon with his eight garments and each of his sons with their respective four garments, donned their priestly garb with the last piece of apparel, the Avnet (the waistband), put on simultaneously; whereas in Parashat Tzav (Book of Vayikra) it appears that only after Aharon donned all of his garments did his sons begin putting on theirs.

Purim — Not by Chance; Divine Providence Prevails | Leonard Grunstein – The Times of Israel

| March 12, 2020

The story of Purim is a study of what appears to be a series of random acts and chance that are actually the result of divine providence. Achasverosh, a usurper to the throne of Persia[i], marries then Princess Vashti, palming off her royal provenance[ii] by making her his Queen. The Megillah begins with an account of the grand ball he threw in the third year of his reign[iii]

From kissing the mezuzah to Ashkenazi immunity: Coronavirus myths and facts – The Australian Jewish News

| March 12, 2020

As the coronavirus hits countries around the world, so has a flurry of bogus claims, spreading like wildfire on social media. Speaking to Jewish News on Wednesday, televisions top GP Dr Ellie Cannon fact-checks the most widespread advice about Covid-19

Educating the Community About Jewish Genetic Diseases – Jewish Journal

| March 12, 2020

Shari Ungerleider is a firm believer that if a person is going to undergo genetic testing, they should also receive genetic counseling.

Jewish Womens Theatre Explores Sex, Addiction & Love – Jewish Journal

| March 12, 2020

Telling a dozen stories that range from hilarious to heartbreaking and heartwarming to shocking, Sex, Addiction & Love in the 21st Century, the latest Jewish Womens Theatre (JWT) production, examines these topics in a provocative, relatable way. Chosen from more than 200 submissions by Jewish writers, the pieces include an awkward teenagers first time, a brief sensual encounter between two female friends and the confessions of an Orthodox woman who is a sex addict.

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