The Iranian threat and the World Zionist Congress elections – Middle East – Arutz Sheva
admin | March 10, 2020
Qassem Soleimani's funeral in Kerman, Iran Reuters Sponsored by ZOA Click here to vote Iranian funded terror must be stopped.
admin | March 10, 2020
Qassem Soleimani's funeral in Kerman, Iran Reuters Sponsored by ZOA Click here to vote Iranian funded terror must be stopped.
admin | March 10, 2020
When it comes to Trumps Deal of the Century, all of my family in the besieged Gaza Strip feel disappointed, but not surprised. Being survivors of Israeli apartheid and blockades has taught them to focus on one thing: Palestinian liberation.
admin | March 10, 2020
This week began badly for those vying for an end of the Netanyahu area, and ended on a more positive note as the disappointment with the election results was replaced by a sober view of reality. Recognizing the moment as the point of no return in terms of their own political futures, Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman and Blue & White head Benny Gantz reached an understanding - if not an actual agreement - on their strategic objectives going forward
admin | March 10, 2020
Palestine My Land, Kofia, Album Cover. (Photo: Supplied) By Louis Brehony Since the Nakba, Palestinian art and culture have walked a fine line between maintaining tradition and absorbing other modes of expression
admin | March 10, 2020
(JTA) On a typical Friday, some 200 people show up for services at Temple De Hirsch Sinai, a Reform congregation in Seattle. But last week, there was no one in the pews as Rabbi Daniel Weiner welcomed Shabbat in the synagogues smaller sanctuary. Instead, some 1,500 people watched Weiner lead the prayers on their computers.
admin | March 10, 2020
The Young Israel synagogue of New Rochelle is at the center of a new "containment area" announced by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Tuesday. New York Governor's Office hide caption The Young Israel synagogue of New Rochelle is at the center of a new "containment area" announced by New York Gov.
admin | March 10, 2020
Families of Pittsburgh synagogue victims to get $3 million from donated funds The Forward ", c, "> "].join("") } var c = "body", e = h[c]; if (!e) return setTimeout(q, 100); a.P(1); var d = "appendChild", g = "createElement", i = "src", k = h[g]("div"), l = k[d](h[g]("div")), f = h[g]("iframe"), n = "document", p; = "none"; e.insertBefore(k, e.firstChild).id = o + "-" + j; f.frameBorder = "0"; = o + "-frame-" + j; /MSIE[ ]+6/.test(navigator.userAgent) && (f[i] = "javascript:false"); f.allowTransparency = "true"; l[d](f); try { f.contentWindow[n].open() } catch (s) { a.domain = h.domain, p = "javascript:var d=" + n + ".open();d.domain='" + h.domain + "';", f[i] = p + "void(0);" } try { var r = f.contentWindow[n]; r.write(b()); r.close() } catch (t) { f[i] = p + 'd.write("' + b().replace(/"/g, String.fromCharCode(92) + '"') + '");d.close();' } a.P(2) }; a.l && q() })() }(); c[b].lv = "1"; return c[b] } var o = "lightboxjs", k = window[o] = g(o); k.require = g; k.modules = c }({}); /**/ (JTA) The three congregations housed at Pittsburghs Tree of Life synagogue will distribute more than $5.4 million donated in the aftermath of the deadly October 2018 shooting there.
admin | March 10, 2020
AMSTERDAM (JTA) The rapid spread of the coronavirus throughout Europe may be affecting Jewish communities there, but it hasnt dampened their sense of humor. On Friday, the Jewish community of Raalte in the eastern Netherlands shared a video of a French congregant showing off his invention: a kippah with elastic bands that can be moved from the top of the wearers head to cover ones mouth and nose, like the now ubiquitous face masks being worn around the world in the wake of the virus. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! the Masorti Jewish Community of Beth Shoshanna wrote on its Facebook page two days before Purim, the Jewish holiday celebrating the Jewish peoples deliverance from their enemies as well as foolishness and joviality.
admin | March 9, 2020
When the television channels presented the results of their exit polls, there was much joy at Yamina headquarters: The right won. In Ofra, residents were invited to celebrate. But Yamina only won six seats you call that victory?
admin | March 9, 2020
Joe Biden told the Israel lobby group AIPAC this week that it is dangerous for Israel to become another issue that divides Democrats and Republicans. But he warned that Israeli moves to build more settlements and annex occupied territories were threatening that divide by alienating young Americans. The former vice president and now Democratic frontrunner made a video statement to AIPAC on March 1 and advocated for the two-state solution and against steps on both sides that take us further from peace.