admin | March 3, 2020
Crisco is Kosher, home economist Marion Harris Neil wrote more than 100 years ago in The Story of Crisco, a recipe book published by Procter & Gamble. Rabbi Moses S. Margolies of New York, the paragraph continued, said that the Hebrew Race had been waiting 4,000 years for Crisco
Category: Ashkenazi |
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admin | March 3, 2020
Michelle Malkin is catching grief from conservatives over comments made at the American First Political Action Conference [AFPAC] last week in which she defended questions about the number of Holocaust victims from World War II. Malkin is nothing if not a provocateur, and as such, her primary rhetorical goal often seems less about informing her audience, but instead provoking people into anger and animus, either in concert with her opinion or, in many cases, in disagreement with what shes said. As her influence has waned of late, her inflammatory rhetoric has only burned brighter and has included endorsing anti-Semitic trolls.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Conservatives Blast Michelle Malkins Anti-Semitic Questions: Once Admired Her. This is Disgusting. – Mediaite
admin | March 3, 2020
Purim foods often symbolize the virtue of Esther, the downfall of Haman, the surprises of the Megillah and the sweetness of overcoming evil. This Purim (sunset March 9 to nightfall March 10), try two new recipes that draw on these traditions. Candied Carrot Hamantaschen are shaped like the evil viziers hat (or pocket) and celebrate the Jewish victory
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Purim recipes: Sweet carrot hamantaschen and tortellini with chickpeas – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | March 3, 2020
For two millennia, Cairo was home to a thriving Jewish community. For centuries, the citys Jewish neighborhood, or Harat al-Yahud, buzzed with thousands of people who belonged to one of the many synagogues in the area, including the famous Maimonides Synagogue, which was named after the renowned rabbi and physician when he moved to the city from Cordoba in the second half of the 12th century.It was probably not far from there that a little over a century before Maimonidess arrival, in the year 4788, or 1028 according to the Gregorian calendar, the scribe Zechariah Ben Anan completed a masterpiece that had required him years of work: a copy of the Ketuvim, or Writings, the third part of the Tanach.Almost a thousand years later, the superb manuscript might embody an unprecedented opportunity for the future of the Jewish heritage in Egypt, as Prof. Yoram Meital, a historian from the Department of Middle Eastern Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, told The Jerusalem Post.Meital came across the manuscript wrapped in inexpensive white paper in 2017 during a study visit at the Moshe Deri Synagogue in Cairo.
Category: Ashkenazi |
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admin | March 3, 2020
From Calgary Flames games to all-you-can-eat wings, theres plenty to check out around Calgary during this first full week of March! What:Learn all about Dungeons & Dragons on the first Monday of the month at The Ship & Anchor.These nights are specifically designed for anyone who has no experience with the world of tabletop role-playing games such as D&D, Pathfinder, or any of the others out there. The evening will begin with a first-come-first-served selection of a character to play, followed by a quick Q&A, then diving right into the adventure.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on 20 things to do in Calgary this week: March 2 to 5 | Listed – Daily Hive
admin | March 3, 2020
Joe's Pub - a program and venue of The Public Theater - brings the world to New York City this spring and summer.
Category: Jewish American Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Music From All Over The Globe is Heading to Joe’s Pub This Spring & Summer – Broadway World
admin | March 2, 2020
JEWISH 20th-century history is so often presented as one long justification for the project of Jewish national renewal, a narrative which today dominates mainstream Jewish community life and deeply influences political attitudes towards Israel by Western countries. So it is curious to see Tom Stoppards new play Leopoldstadt, which chronicles three generations of mid-European Jewish history, leaving zionism offstage. Stoppard discovered his own Jewish heritage late in life.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on OPINION Zionism conspicuous by its absence – Morning Star Online
admin | March 2, 2020
Last October a well-known Holocaust denier, Nick Kollerstrom, managed to bring around the same table, quite a diverse bunch of people. There were Right-wing antisemites, such as the Holocaust denier Alison Chabloz and the conspiracy theorist Ian Fantom. And there were also Far Left anti-Zionists such as Miko Peled, a scion of a prestigious Zionist family who has recently become an advocate for civil rights for the Palestinians, which, in his case, means calling for the end of the State of Israel and attending the 2017 Labour Party conference to advocate (at a fringe event) freedom of speech for Holocaust deniers.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on The Fascists are back (not where they used to be) – The Times of Israel
admin | March 2, 2020
I used to joke that J Street was hated by the pro-Israel establishment not because the dovish lobby group criticized Israel, but because it criticized AIPAC. For many supporters of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, the powerful pro-Israel lobby is integral to their Jewish and political identities. Groups that wanted to take sides in the various internal debates roiling Israel could have at it
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Bernie’s AIPAC Snub Throws Liberal Zionists Under the Bus – The Times of Israel
admin | March 2, 2020
Photo Credit: Screenshot {Originally posted to the JNS website} The annual parade in Aalst, Belgium, last Sunday turned into a carnival of monstrous Jew-hatred. Participants portrayed Jews as insects topped with fur shtreimel hats and peyot (sidelocks). Others were dressed in Nazi uniforms, among other vicious Jewish caricatures, libels and insults.
Category: Zionism |
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