admin | April 7, 2020
My mother teaches a classroom of 2-year-olds at a Jewish day school in Houston, Tex. Ever since the novel coronavirus hit and school turned virtual, shes been sending YouTube videos to her yeladim.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Feeling Jewish peoplehood in the time of corona – Forward
admin | April 7, 2020
Many people, far too many, expect to be alone on the first night of Passover this year. Moms. Dads
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on How Does a Jew Do a Seder Alone? – Is the Haggadah really meant to be read this way? Maybe –
admin | April 7, 2020
Photo Credit: Jewish Press We continue exploring the difference between shirah and zimrah. Rabbi Eliemelech of Lizhensk (to Genesis 47:28 and Exodus 19:1) writes that zimrah denotes cutting away (zomer) outer distractions that impede a persons ability to properly serve G-d. Both he and the Chasam Sofer explain that Pesukei deZimra in the morning are meant to cut down the spiritual klipot (husks) as we prepare for complete rapture with G-d
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Sing And Song (Part II) – The Jewish Press –
admin | April 7, 2020
My daughter just saw her first rainbow.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Passover in the time of the plague – Jewish Journal