Victims and villains: the Holocaust, Churchill and Dresden – TheArticle
admin | April 24, 2020
This is a year of anniversaries. They mark a succession of momentous events 75 years ago which only those of advanced age will remember.
admin | April 24, 2020
This is a year of anniversaries. They mark a succession of momentous events 75 years ago which only those of advanced age will remember.
admin | April 24, 2020
Obviously the concept of days has become a bit of a joke as our perception of time starts to align with those melted clocks on Salvador Dal paintings. But don't mind me, you're not here for an existential crisis. You're here to find out what movies are on TV.
admin | April 24, 2020
This essay was originally published on April 9 2020 in The Arrow: A Journal of Wakeful Society, Culture & Politics. The toilet paper aisle at my local grocery store was the first to go barren. Similar scenes of scatalogical scarcity are now the norm across North America and many other parts of the world as consumers prepare for months of physical distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19.
admin | April 24, 2020
NEW YORK (JTA) For a short period of time, New York state officials enacted controversial guidelines that again tested the inherent tension that the COVD-19 pandemic is causing between our countrys most deeply cherished values respect for multiculturalism and religious freedom on the one side and the states responsibility to promote the common good on the other. On April 17, at the recommendation of the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, the Regional Emergency Services Council of New York issued guidelines stating that EMS personnel should not attempt to revive a person if they find him or her in cardiac arrest.
admin | April 24, 2020
The Coronavirus outbreak has been deemed unprecedented, but how unprecedented is it? Its hard to ignore the parallel between Covid-19 and the times in which the Jewish calendar finds itself now. The 49 days between Passover and Shavuot is the period that was set aside to commemorate the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva, who died owing to a deadly plague.
admin | April 24, 2020
Our hearts go out to the members of the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel and worldwide. Haredim are found in disproportionate numbers among the sick and the dead of the coronavirus pandemic.
admin | April 24, 2020
No one knows when the final redemption will come, but the only way to be ready is to yearn for that period of peace, harmony, and universal God-consciousness. The Covid-19 global crisis is a dark tunnel, and humanity is on a train passing through it.
admin | April 24, 2020
For in Your sight a thousand years are like yesterday that has passed, like a watch of the night. Psalms 90:4 Evangelical Christians from around the world sing and recite prayers for Israels safety
admin | April 24, 2020
By Rabbi Dr.