admin | May 10, 2020
SIR Robert AH Cohen, a British Jew and broadcast journalist, asks some important questions of those who support Zionism, such as Rowe, Adam and Davis, whose letters offer only propaganda and never serious reflection or concern for casualties to the Israeli -Palestinian conflict on both sides. In spite of its many new allies, Zionism is under enormous pressure from within as more Jews, in Israel and elsewhere, come to question the wisdom of maintaining a Zionist state that consecrates discrimination and fuels violence.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Propaganda never serious reflection – Southern Star Newspaper
admin | May 10, 2020
A version of this talk was delivered on February 28, 2020 at the symposium, Becoming Allies: Muslim-Jewish Solidarity in the Face of Islamophobia and Antisemitism, at Queens University, Kingston, Ontario. The author thanks Ariel Salzmann for organizing the symposium and Mir Yarfitz, Michaelle Browers, and Jennifer Greiman for their helpful feedback.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on The New Kherem, or ‘Barry Trachtenberg Does Not Represent Us!’: On speaking for and against Jewish self-interests – Mondoweiss
admin | May 10, 2020
Photograph Source: Delegates to the San Remo conference in Italy, 25 April 1920 Public Domain One hundred years ago, representatives from a few powerful countries convened at San Remo, a sleepy town on the Italian Riviera.
Category: Zionism |
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admin | May 10, 2020
WASHINGTON (JTA) Elan Carr, the State Departments anti-Semitism monitor,wants to get people in other countries to love their Jews more as a means of countering anti-Semitism. In a press call Monday to mark Jewish American Heritage Month, Carr outlined steps the United States was taking worldwide to advocate for defending Jews as violent anti-Semitism spikes, including security measures, prosecuting hate crimes and condemning anti-Semitic speech. In addition to all of those important defense measures, we are determined also to work with our allies in developing and driving Philo-Semitic narratives for their country, in the hope that we can reach the day when every society dedicates itself, as the United States has, to embrace and to treasure its Jewish community, he said.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
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admin | May 10, 2020
Imagine you can open your eyes to see only the good in every person, the positive in every circumstance, and the opportunity in every challenge. The Lubavitcher Rebbe This year, as we count 49 days between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot, the global pandemic makes us feel vulnerable and uncertain about our future
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
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admin | May 10, 2020
By Rabbi Haim Jachter | May 07, 2020 Rav Ovadia on Electric Shavers Many of Shaarei Orahs male congregants are concerned about Rav Ovadia Yosefs ruling (Yabia Omer 9 Yoreh Deah 10:15) regarding electric razors.
Category: Sephardic |
Comments Off on Sephardic Jews and Electric Shavers – Jewish Link of New Jersey
admin | May 10, 2020
MAY 9, 2020 THE LEVY FAMILYS roots connect them to a place and a community that no longer exists. The place was the port city of Ottoman Salonica, present-day Thessaloniki, Greece, one of the few cities in modern Europe ever to claim a Jewish majority.
Category: Sephardic |
Comments Off on The Things We Love – lareviewofbooks
admin | May 10, 2020
The Jewish community recently held a blood drive, urging people who recovered from the deadly novel coronavirus to donate. Oholei Torah in Crown Heights and Flatbushs Sephardic Community Center were two of the sites that stretched from the tristate area to as far away as Detroit. The Crown Heights community, which has many residents who have contracted and recovered from the coronavirus, now has enormous potential to save lives by donating plasma! an article in the Crown Heights-based Collive said, calling on residents to join its Plasma Save A Life Initiative.
Category: Sephardic |
Comments Off on Will Blood Plasma From Recovered Patients Help in the Treatment of COVID-19? – Brooklyn Reader