admin | May 12, 2020
Theaters are dark during these days of self-distancing and quarantining at home, but like other forms of entertainment, the theatrical experience has shifted to cyberspace.
Category: Holocaust Denial |
Comments Off on Miss Going to Plays? LA Theatre Works Made The Classics Available As Podcasts – Jewish Journal
admin | May 12, 2020
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 20 Review by Brian Morton In 1963 Hannah Arendt coined a phrase that has been misunderstood almost as often as it has been quoted, which is often enough to have turned it into a clich. Writing about the trial in Jerusalem of Adolf Eichmann, she spoke of the banality of evil, which everyone took to mean that the perpetrators of the Holocaust were not fanged monsters or strutting demagogues in Ruritanian uniforms but mild, grey-suited men with clipboards and timetables to keep
Category: Holocaust Denial |
Comments Off on Books: Delusion, guilt and misplaced loyalty in Philippe Sands’ examination of the Nazi past – HeraldScotland
admin | May 12, 2020
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury For more than 18 years, ever since the publication of Blitz, this newspaper has faced a series of notorious attacks, mostly from the pals of jihadists, terrorists, and enemies of Christians, Jews, and Israel. In those years, we have witnessed how our newspaper was ruthlessly attacked by a conglomerate of crooks and criminals
Category: Holocaust Denial |
Comments Off on Pro-terror Kevin Barrett takes on Blitz, exposes his support towards Hitler and Nazis – Weekly Blitz