admin | May 17, 2020
When the coronavirus pandemic first descended on the United States in March, the Orthodox rabbis of Dallas shuttered their synagogues together in a remarkable show of unity. In April, as the governor of Texas began reopening the state, the rabbis banded together again, telling their congregants that they all would keep their synagogues closed. But now, as the nations lockdown enters its third month, their compact has frayed
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Orthodox rabbis are increasingly split over safety of communal prayer – The Jerusalem Post
admin | May 17, 2020
New York City authorities have moved a step closer to shuttering the Orthodox synagogue that held a chaotically crowded funeral in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Williamsburg last month by issuing it with a cease-and-desist order on Friday.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on N.Y.C. shul at center of de Blasio controversy faces shutdown if it holds another gathering – Haaretz
admin | May 17, 2020
Important decisions loom front and center for houses of worship in Greater Cincinnati.The risks of reopening doors are getting a lot of scrutiny by those who hold the keys.Whether it's a church, mosque or synagogue, they all pray they'll strike the right balance.Henry Hand, the executive director of the Islamic mosque in West Chester, said as of right now, there is no firm reopening date set yet."We are working on a plan step-by-step to ensure safety," Hand said.Asked if he would have a date to announce by the end of the month, Hand thought it would more likely be in June.Crossroads Church said moving forward, they don't have plans to reopen buildings in Ohio or Kentucky for weekend services for quite some time.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Churches prepare for reopening with new guidelines, restrictions – WLWT Cincinnati
admin | May 17, 2020
Gabe Silverman is sheltering at home with his family and this is the first Zoom mitzvah for Temple Shir Tikva, a congregation west of Boston. The Silvermans hide caption Gabe Silverman is sheltering at home with his family and this is the first Zoom mitzvah for Temple Shir Tikva, a congregation west of Boston. As Gabe Silverman chants his Torah portion, he's intensely focused on every word.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on For Some, Zoom Bar And Bat Mitzvahs Highlight ‘Most Meaningful And Memorable Moments’ – NPR
admin | May 17, 2020
He was also previewing a set of formal guidelines that the organization he helps lead, the Orthodox Union, would release just a day later. The issuance of this guidance does NOT imply that any reopening should be done at this point, the guide says in bold on its first page.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Wait to resume services, then proceed carefully, Orthodox Jews are told – The Jerusalem Post
admin | May 17, 2020
Dear Dawn: My son Joeys bar mitzvah was scheduled for June of this year and now it cant happen as planned. Our synagogue is closed. Some of my sons peers are having a Zoom bar mitzvah on their scheduled date and planning to have a chance to read their Torah portion to the congregation at a later date
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on My son’s bar mitzvah has to be postponed due to Covid-19 – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | May 17, 2020
Since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, fear of the virus transmission has engulfed the world and stormed into places of worship.
Category: Synagogue |
Comments Off on Worshipping in the age of coronavirus – Fri, May 15 2020 – Jakarta Post
admin | May 17, 2020
Browse > Home / News / Back to shulbut read the rules. May 17, 2020 by Henry Benjamin Read on for article Shuls in NSW will reopen on Shavout with attendance restricted to ten worshippers and two officials comprising a singe minyan.
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Comments Off on Back to shulbut read the rules. – J-Wire Jewish Australian News Service