admin | May 27, 2020
With no official government policy on the potential extension sovereignty over parts of the West Bank, diplomats have been left without the tools to stand up for Israel amid growing international criticism.Alternate Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz inadvertently highlighted the challenging situation in his remarks at a Blue and White faction meeting on Wednesday.These days, there are significant diplomatic opportunities on the agenda that can improve and even change the face of the entire region, including, of course the peace plan proposed by the US government, Gantz said.Gantz added that, in the coming weeks, he and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi will review professional assessments on the matter, to bring the best results that will protect Israeli security and our national and international interests.We will act wisely and responsibly. That is the only way we can bring historic achievements that will strengthen Israels security for generations, he stated.But while Gantz and Ashkenazi take their time, international pushback against annexation from across the world from Beijing to Brussels has not waited for them to make a decision, and the matter is on the international political agenda.In some cases, like in the Czech Republic, its even on the domestic political agenda.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Mixed messages on West Bank sovereignty leaves diplomats flailing – The Jerusalem Post
admin | May 27, 2020
You came up racing against some guys who became well known racers. Who were your biggest rivals as a junior?It has to be Goey (Anthony Gobert), but in saying that there were many other guys I dont want to disrespect who didnt necessarily go onto seniors. Guys like Josh Donald, Jason Andrews, Cameron Taylor, Paul Grant and Craig Andrews.
Category: Ashkenazi |
admin | May 27, 2020
Israeli scientists at the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) have found that a combination of two existing antiviral drugs for Gauchers disease appears to inhibit the growth of SARS CoV-2, the virus that leads to COVID-19 and may work against other virus infections, including a common flu strain. The IIBR is a governmental research center specializing in biology, chemistry and environmental sciences that falls under the jurisdiction of the Prime Ministers Office. During the pandemic, announcements have been issued by the Defense Ministry.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Israeli Lab: Drugs For Gaucher Disease May Work Against Coronavirus, Other Viral Infections | Health News – NoCamels – Israeli Innovation News
admin | May 27, 2020
I dont know if you followed the debate last week about and among Jews of color, but hoo boy. What started out as a dry bit of academic demography turned into an explosive debate over Jewish identity and exclusion.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on But Who’s Counting? A Debate Over Jews of Color Goes Viral – Jewish Week
admin | May 27, 2020
photovs / iStock via Getty Images Plus By Saul AxelRod The COVID-19 virus has resulted in mortal hardships for countless people throughout the world. Not tragic, but also difficult, has been the delay or elimination of milestone celebrations, such as weddings, graduations and award ceremonies.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Opinion | Gavri’s Bar Mitzvah in the time of COVID-19 – Jewish Exponent
admin | May 27, 2020
"This is complete nonsense, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told his countrys Tass news agency in response to rumors of a Russian proposal for an American-Palestinian peace summit. They come up with all sorts of phantasmagoria.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Moscow on the Jordan: Why Russia is eyeing the Palestinian arena – Haaretz
admin | May 27, 2020
By: Rabbi Jonathan Feldman, PhD Shavuot could be considered the holiday of the book. Unlike Rosh Hashanah which has the shofar, Chanukah which has the menorah and Sukkot which has the four species and the sukkah, Shavuot has no concrete symbol
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Shavuot: The Holiday for the People of the Book – The Jewish Voice
admin | May 27, 2020
The Torah reading for Shavuot includes the Ten Commandments, following the opinion of one of the Tannaim (early Sages). This is, no doubt, the result of the rabbinic belief that the Torah was given on Mt. Sinai on Shavuot (Shabbat 86b).Even so, its very surprising that we read the Ten Commandments in public only on Shavuot and as part of the weekly portions of Yitro (Exodus 20) and Vaethanan (Deuteronomy 5).
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Whatever happened to the Ten Commandments? – The Jerusalem Post
admin | May 27, 2020
To the Sons and Daughters of Our People of Israel, Everywhere. It was with these words that the RebbeRabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of righteous memorybegan his public letters, which were transcribed and published before major Jewish holidays each year. These letters, known as michtavim klaliim (general letters), would set the tone for the upcoming holiday
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on A New Collection of the Rebbe’s Public Letters Published in Time for Shavuot – Universal and deeply personal, ‘michtavim klaliim’ set the tone for the…
admin | May 27, 2020
Last week, President Donald Trump called for churches, synagogues and mosques to reopen. In a press conference, the president said, In America we need more prayer, not less.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on The rush to return to our sanctuaries is misplaced – Jewish Journal