admin | June 19, 2020
Washington, Jun 19 (AP) Facebook has removed a campaign ad by President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence that featured an upside-down red triangle, a symbol once used by Nazis to designate political prisoners, communists and others in concentration camps.The company said in a statement Thursday that the ads violated our policy against organised hate." A Facebook executive who testified at a House Intelligence Committee hearing on Thursday said the company does not permit symbols of hateful ideology unless they're put up with context or condemnation. In a situation where we don't see either of those, we don't allow it on the platform and we remove it. That's what we saw in this case with this ad, and anywhere that that symbol is used, we would take the same action," said Nathaniel Gleicher, the company's head of security policy.The Trump campaign spent more than $10,000 on the ads, which began running on Wednesday and targeted men and women of all ages across the U.S., though primarily in Texas, California and Florida.In a statement, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said the inverted red triangle was a symbol used by antifa so it was included in an ad about antifa.
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
Comments Off on Facebook removes Trump ads with symbols once used by Nazis – THE WEEK
admin | June 19, 2020
The murder of George Floyd has sparked outrage and protests across the country, creating new attention to the challenges faced by black Americans and a resurgence of the exhortation that black lives matter. As is often and admirably the case, many American Jews have championed the call to social justice, but there has also been a nagging concern that in identifying with the larger Black Lives Matter movement, American Jews are compromising their Zionism. While the principle that black lives matter is as important as ever, the coalition of groups that comprise the Movement for Black Lives includes a statement in its platform calling Israel an apartheid state and accusing it of being complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Why Zionists Should Stand with Black Lives Matter – Jewish Week
admin | June 19, 2020
The annexation drama seems to be imploding. Less than two weeks before the target date, it appears that what will be left of the confetti thrown in the air after Donald Trumps plan was unveiled in Washington is some declarative or symbolic scrap.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on The Zionist left is dormant as West Bank annexation nears – Haaretz
admin | June 19, 2020
The first Oslo Accords were signed on August 20, 1993, and the second on October 5, 1995, just one month before prime minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated on November 4, 1995.Throughout this entire period, beginning with the signing of the first Oslo Accords and ending with the bullets that hit Rabin in the back, a public campaign against the agreement was being waged.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Olmert to ‘Post’: Netanyahu’s incitement could once again lead to murder – The Jerusalem Post
admin | June 19, 2020
WASHINGTON (JTA) It would seem that most of us agree, left and right, that Black lives matter and that policing reform is long overdue. But there are fissures and fractures under the surface, arguments over the solutions and the candidates most capable of leading us to a better day.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on The political center battles to keep its place in a time of turmoil – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
admin | June 19, 2020
Rhetorical opposition to Israels annexation plans has gained a rather futile momentum. The clearest example of this came at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva from Adalah, Al-Haw, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, the Womens Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, and Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights. These human rights organisations stated that annexation, Will normalise Israels colonial project and will amount to apartheid via the continued expansion and construction of settlements, displacement and dispossession of Palestinians, and demographic manipulation.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on As annexation looms, the PA and international community plan is more futile rhetoric – Middle East Monitor
admin | June 19, 2020
(JTA) About 15 years ago, a large synagogue in Northern California installed a set of windows in the religious school engraved with the names of some 175 prominent Jews, from biblical figures to famous actors. One of them, sandwiched between Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, was Judah Benjamin, the most prominent Jewish official in the Confederacy. Benjamin, who enslaved 140 people on a Louisiana sugar plantation, served variously as the Confederate attorney general, secretary of war and secretary of state
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on A California synagogue memorialized Judah Benjamin, the Confederacy’s most prominent Jew. Here’s how that changed. – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
admin | June 19, 2020
Like thousands of other French Jews, Dan Bocobza had for years been contemplating aliyah, or immigration to Israel, but when coronavirus hit France, he decided to make his move. "France's mismanagement of COVID-19 played a role, but above all it was feeling that suddenly the doors were closed," said Bocobza, an entrepreneur and father-of-seven. In France, a country of 65 million, the virus has claimed over 29,000 lives, with the Jewish community particularly hard hit, according to officials in local organizations.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Israel expects post-virus wave of Jewish immigration | Daily Sabah – Daily Sabah
admin | June 19, 2020
Frontispiece to the 1772 edition of the Encyclopdie by Diderot and d'Alembert.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on The Unfinished Project of Enlightenment – Boston Review