admin | June 12, 2020
Palestinians also suffer the 'knee-on-neck' hold by Israeli police. (Photo: File) By Benay Blend In the wake of the police killing of George Floyd there have been massive protests in major American cities.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Defund the Police, Dismantle the Zionist Regime: Two Necessary Sides Of the Coin – Palestine Chronicle
admin | June 12, 2020
Browse > Home / News / Department of Communication representative added to discussion of commitment to International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance June 12, 2020 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article A representative from Australias Department of Communications will be included in discussions about Australias commitment to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) after concerns were raised in Senate Estimates about an article published by the ABC. The Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) has welcomed this move. The inclusion of a communications expert will strengthen Australias commitment to fighting antisemitism and Holocaust denial, Dr Colin Rubenstein, AIJACs executive director, said
Category: Zionism |
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admin | June 12, 2020
US President Donald Trump. Photo: Reuters / Jonathan Ernst. The leading pro-Israel organization in the US praised President Donald Trump on Thursday for issuing an executive order that authorized American sanctions against International Criminal Court (ICC) employees involved in probes of the US military in Afghanistan and the Israeli military in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Trump Praised for Executive Order Countering ‘Mockery of Justice’ Probes by ICC Into US and Israeli Militaries – Algemeiner
admin | June 12, 2020
All of last week and into this one, Americans grieved and demonstrated and were beaten in the streets by police as we protested George Floyds murder. It is an emotional time, with the wins of the Black Lives Matter movement making change seem, finally, possible. Yet existing communal tensions remained.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Opinion | You don’t have to choose between Black Lives Matter and Israel – Forward
admin | June 12, 2020
Israel has occupied Palestinian land for over 50 years and Europe has barely mustered more than a few terse statements in opposition. As Israels looming annexation could result in greater humanitarian problems for Palestinians living under occupation, speculation has also grown over risks to Israels diplomatic standing. Yet Europe, succumbing to US and Israeli pressure, and its own divisions on the continent, may be left powerless in opposing Israels plans.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Could Europe revise its relations with Israel over annexation plans? – TRT World
admin | June 12, 2020
At Night I Dream of Peace is the collection of diaries a young Jewish girl, Carry Ulreich, wrote during World War II in the occupied Netherlands. Ulreich, who moved to Israel after the war, became Carmela Mass and died in her nineties last year, has a fascinating story to tell: When the transports to the camps began during the war, she and her family (her parents, her older sister and her sisters fianc, who organized the hiding place) found refuge with a Catholic family, the Zijlmanses.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on What if Anne Frank had survived the war and moved to Israel? – Haaretz
admin | June 12, 2020
America is experiencing another episodic paroxysm; this time triggered by the tragic death of George Floyd, at the hands and knees of a policeman. Most everyone is united in genuine outrage at this dreadful act committed by someone charged with protecting everyone.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on The Sacred Policing Function May Not Be Profaned – The Times of Israel
admin | June 10, 2020
Jewish protesters are putting their own spin on the signs they carry to Black Lives Matters rallies across the country. In Brooklyn, home to the largest Jewish community in the United States, signs have included religious and secular tropes, generally sharing a common theme invoking Jewish identity
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Tikkun olam to the Talmud, Jews double down on identity at protests – Forward
admin | June 10, 2020
Yesterday I was invited to a webinar called How to make sure you are not raising the next Amy Cooper. It is one of countless calls in the past few days about how to not be or not raise a racist. These lessons are essential.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Turn to the Talmud for instructions on anti-racism – Forward
admin | June 10, 2020
By Rabbi David Etengoff Remember what the L-rd, your G-d, did to Miriam on the way, when you went out of Egypt (Devarim 24:9) is one of the Six Remembrances that many people recite at the end of Tefilat Shacharit. It is a brief reminder of a famous narrative in our parasha, Behaalotecha, that recounts the incident of Miriam and Aharon having spoken lashon harah against their beloved brother, Moshe Rabbeinu. It must be noted that while both Miriam and Aharon slandered Moshe, Miriam began this action
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Dangers of ‘lashon harah,’ even without malice – The Jewish Star