admin | July 5, 2020
Former Shin Bet security service chief Carmi Gillon doesnt mince words when describing the destruction he believes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is wreaking in Israel. But theres a positive surprise, even though he thinks Netanyahu is the reason for all the awful things happening here, in every sphere. The fact that Bibi Netanyahu is a coward and doesnt make critical decisions in every situation, Hamas, Iran is sometimes for the good; for example, his ability to absorb damage from Gaza, says Gillon, who headed the Shin Bet in 1995 and 1996.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on ‘The Palestinians got screwed. They are now a non-issue around the world’ – Haaretz
admin | July 4, 2020
The Talmud in Tractate Sotah, asinterpreted by Rashi, makes a startling statement: It was stated, one who readScripture and studied Mishnah, but did not serve Torah sages, he didnot spend time amongst the scholars in order to decipher the reasoning behindthe commandments.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Is it Permissible to Study Mishneh Torah as a Stand-Alone Work? – Mishneh Torah In-Depth, Article 1 – Introduction to Mishneh Torah –
admin | July 4, 2020
A year before Noam Sienna, 30, earned his Ph.D. in Jewish history at the University of Minnesota last month, he had already published a groundbreaking book. A Rainbow Thread: An Anthology of Queer Jewish Texts from the First Century to 1969 collects primary sources by and about queer Jews dating back much further than most people would have thought possible.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on A treasure trove of LGBTQ texts from two millennia of Jewish history – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | July 4, 2020
words Alexa Wang Like other cultures and faiths, Jewish people have developed a rich religious and cultural heritage before four thousand years ago. All the cultures have their own significant symbols and Judaism has too, such as a tallit, tefillin, kippah, seder plate, kiddush cup, Shabbat candles, etc.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Why the Menorah Is the Most Enduring of All Jewish Symbols – Flux Magazine
admin | July 4, 2020
By Rabbi Binny Freedman Next week we commemorate the breaching of the Old City walls of Jerusalem by the Roman Tenth Legion on the 17th day of Tammuz in 70 CE, heralding the beginning of the end of the Jewish Second Commonwealth and the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash. As we gaze upon the ruins of those walls, we will fast, and some of us will cry, remembering how 2,000 years ago, peaceful streets were filled with the triumphant cheers of Roman legionnaires bent on our destruction. But there is another wall in Jerusalem that is worth thinking about, and that wall pre-dates the Roman destruction by almost 1,000 years.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on The broad wall, 17 Tammuz and a time to play – The Jewish Star
admin | July 4, 2020
When I was growing up on Long Island, our house had a living room with orange-fabric couches (it was the 70s after all) and an upright piano flanked by two dark brown wood cabinets. On one side was a bar where my dad would have a Gin & Tonic (with a Stella Doro breadstick) every night when he got home from his orthodontic practice in Queens.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on I speak for the tribe who followed Carl Reiner – Forward
admin | July 4, 2020
As the star of Unorthodox, a show which examines a communitys relationship with its traumatic past, Shira Haas has a valuable perspective on the recent global movement to reexamine cultural history and memorialisation via statues. The only way to deal with it is to really change things or at least talk about it, says 25-year-old Haas, whose compelling performance as Esty, a young Jewish woman who escapes New York and her oppressive Orthodox neighbourhood for Berlin, has cast her into international awards contention
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Emmys spotlight: Why ‘Unorthodox’ star Shira Haas believes in the power of change – Screen International
admin | July 4, 2020
Francis War, photo: Penguin Books Your mother and her parents were sent to Terezn. I must say I learned a lot about Terezn from reading Francis War, for instance that the adults would sometimes adopt children who were unaccompanied.
Category: Jewish Heritage Month |
Comments Off on Helen Epstein: One real skill and one fake one helped my mother survive the Holocaust – Radio Prague
admin | July 4, 2020
It was when Mark Zuckerberg said he would allow Holocaust denial on his platform that the Anti-Defamation League realized its partnership with Facebook wasnt working. The social media giant and the Jewish civil rights group had been working together for years to curb hate speech online
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
Comments Off on How the ADL went from working with Facebook to boycotting it – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | July 4, 2020
Facebook co-founder, Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before a combined Senate Judiciary and Commerce committee hearing in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill April 10, 2018.
Category: Anti-Defamation League |
Comments Off on Facebook is working to persuade advertisers to abandon their boycott. So far, they aren’t impressed. –