admin | September 4, 2020
B., a Bratslav Hasid from Jerusalem, went on an atypical shopping trip with his friend. They entered one of the large fashion chains and left outfitted with jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps, completely secular outfits.
Category: Hasidic |
Comments Off on All roads lead to Uman: Bratslav Hasidim will risk their lives to visit rebbe’s grave – Haaretz
admin | September 4, 2020
By Jhon Snchez In 2010, one block away from the L train in Brooklyn, I always found my favorite falafel place. The owner was a Palestinian man, nicknamed Yuyo
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Comments Off on Yuyo and the Hasidic – Peacebuilding Fund for Palestinians and Israelis – PRESSENZA International News Agency
admin | September 4, 2020
SOUTH NYACKPoliceareseeking the public's help to capture two masked bigots who interrupted a government meeting to spewracist, anti-Semitic comments and terrorist threats. The police released videos of theintrusions on the village website, warning, "The videos and photographs contain vulgar and offensive content." "The suspects stated multiple times 'I am going to bomb your village tonight and ISIS is coming to your village'," South Nyack-Grand View Daniel Wilson said in a news release. After displaying a Nazi swastika flag during an initial appearance, one hacker showed a rainbow flag, stating, "This is what I do to LGBTs," as a person is beheaded in the background, Wilson said.
Category: Hasidic |
Comments Off on South Nyack police looking for racist, anti-Semitic intruders of government Zoom meeting – The Journal News
admin | September 4, 2020
(RNS) In the biblical account, the walls of Jericho came tumbling down after Joshua commanded seven priests to blow their rams horns or shofars. This year, it will take a lot more than seven priests for the plaintive wail of the shofar to penetrate the walls of Jews sheltering in place for the Jewish High Holy Days. The coronavirus has left nearly all synagogues across the country shuttered
Category: Hasidic |
Comments Off on Shofar lessons are becoming a pre-holiday necessity in the age of coronavirus – Religion News Service
admin | September 4, 2020
Jerusalem research gives a new impetus for Ashkenazi Jewish women worldwide to get screened for breast cancer risk, say doctors behind a new study.
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Comments Off on Study gives life-saving impetus for Ashkenazi women to screen for breast cancer – The Times of Israel
admin | September 4, 2020
Im in 4th grade and we are doing a project in geography class. We have a week to hand in a folder of research and pictures on any chosen country. I go to the local travel agent with my mom and pick up a copy of the Exotic India brochure.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Learning to reclaim my Jewish-Indian heritage as an adult – The Jerusalem Post
admin | September 4, 2020
I. The two words: Zei gezunt 1
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Zei Gezunt Responding to a Sneeze in these Difficult Times – The Times of Israel
admin | September 4, 2020
If you knew that your cars make and model tends to developbrake problems after 50,000 miles, youd probably want to take it in and get themchecked, right? Likewise, women of a certain age should be getting checked forovarian cancer, says NicholasC. Lambrou, M.D., chief of gynecologic oncology at Miami Cancer Institute.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Five Things Every Woman Should Know About Ovarian Cancer – Baptist Health South Florida
admin | September 4, 2020
The heated discourse about the social, political and moral crisis that is shaking up the country has been turned by the imperial family on Balfour Street into a direct and bitter confrontation between what is known as the First Israel and what is known as the Second Israel.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Ehud Olmert to ‘Post’: Israel’s divisions have reached near-violent level – The Jerusalem Post
admin | September 4, 2020
The decision to suspend annexation almost automatically resurrected the pre-1967 line in the West Bank, excluding in Jerusalem.This transition last month was swift and sudden, because the two concepts are opposite sides of the same conceptional coin.One either operates within a conversation about the application of sovereignty or within a dialogue about a two-state solution at the pre-1967 lines.That is because the West Banks Area C, where over 700,000 Israelis and Palestinians live, cannot be frozen in time.The going wisdom of US President Donald Trumps regional peace plan as it has now unfolded, is to hold the West Bank in some suspended reality, to be handed out by priority to whichever side is most compliant with the process.Ideally, settlers and the Israeli Right should simply wait until the process is done, knowing that sovereignty awaits them like some golden cup prize at the end of the race.The problem has little to do with the issue of political trust that would result in this prize being theirs. Every day in what is otherwise known as the battle for Area C Palestinians and Israelis engage in activities in the West Bank that either help strengthen an inevitable annexation or assist in ensuring a two-state solution at the pre-1967 line.These activities occur within a framework of Israeli government policies that either promote annexation or oppose it. Time has slowly erased the gray area, where politicians could talk the talk, without also walking the walk.But that hasnt stopped anyone from trying.The United Arab Emirates said it had stopped annexation as a prerequisite for their deal with Israel.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Halting West Bank annexation resurrects the 67 line: 10 things to know – The Jerusalem Post