Catching up with Cawthorn | News | – The Mountaineer
admin | September 11, 2020
Its been a campaign of ups and downs for Madison Cawthorn.
admin | September 11, 2020
Its been a campaign of ups and downs for Madison Cawthorn.
admin | September 11, 2020
The president of Palau has invited the U.S. military to build bases and ports and runways in the republic made up of hundreds of islands in the Philippine Sea
admin | September 11, 2020
Forget the Emmys, Tonys, and Grammys. This years new award is the Shuly my brother Arnes invented word -- in honor of synagogues and how they will be presenting High Holy Day services during the COVID crisis.
admin | September 11, 2020
Rabbi Steve Blane began broadcasting services in 2009, a decade ahead of the times. He has perfected the model of providing services directly to viewers just in time for the current pandemic with the need to stay home and remain socially distanced. NEW YORK (PRWEB) September 11, 2020 Rosh Hashana is the head of the Jewish calendar and the Jewish New Year.
admin | September 11, 2020
As a child, the High HolidaysRosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement)were marked with reluctant trips to our family synagogue where the tone was somber and reflective. The gloomy music was as uncomfortable as the blue blazer I reserved only for services and bar mitzvahs. When I was not trying to decipher the purpose of the holiday through incomprehensible liturgy, I was making faces at friends or wandering out to the hallway to meet other wayward Jews, usually the parents of my friends who volunteered as ushers to avoid sitting through services
admin | September 11, 2020
After taking the helm at Temple Sholom of Chicago in July, Rabbi Shoshanah Conover became the synagogue's first female senior rabbi. In fact, she is the first woman ever to hold that title in Chicago proper
admin | September 11, 2020
Rabbi Mendel Cohen was not looking to be a hero when he and his wife, Ester, established Chabad-Lubavitch of Mariupol. But as he battles COVID-19 in an Israeli hospital bed, its clear to me that he is one and has been for many years now
admin | September 11, 2020
Jews across the globe are adapting their prayer services to limit the spread of COVID-19 during the High Holy Days, which begin with Rosh Hashanah, the start of the Jewish new year, at sundown on September 18. The second High Holy Days, Yom Kippur, is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar and begins at sundown on September 27. Both holidays draw far larger crowds than other days
admin | September 11, 2020
When Passover arrived just a few weeks after the pandemic set in earlier this year, it was clear that seders with families and friends would not be happening. Five months later, as Jews across the countryprepare for the High Holidays, calculating risk has become much harder. The pandemic seems under control in parts of the country but is still raging in others; some people are staying home as much as possible while others have practice going out safely; and the costs of disruption and isolation are beginning to feel more acute
admin | September 11, 2020
Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple will hold virtual Selichot programming beginning at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 12.