admin | May 25, 2021
Theres a story from last week I cant get out of my head: A Palestinian family takes a taxi to their daughters home in Gaza City, five minutes away, on the last day of Ramadan, because they thought theyd be safer from the ongoing Israeli airstrikes. Theyre unpacking the car when suddenly a military drone strikes, killing the taxi driver, the father, the mother, and wounding the son, 28
Category: Jewish |
Comments Off on Young American Jews Have Reached a Tipping Point With Israel – Rolling Stone
admin | May 25, 2021
ISLAMABAD: Senators on Monday expressed concern over the situation in Palestine and asked the international community to immediately act to stop killing of innocent Palestinians. Taking part in the discussion on Israels systematic assault against Palestinian worshippers in Al Aqsa mosque during the holy month of Ramazan, PTI Senator Barrister Ali Zafar said Muslims must think in terms of unity, cooperation and planning. Leader of the Opposition in the House Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani said Pakistanis would continue their moral and diplomatic support for Palestinians who had been facing atrocities since 1948.
Category: Palestine |
Comments Off on Senators ask world to take notice of atrocities in Palestine –
admin | May 25, 2021
Q&A immediately following with award-winning filmmaker Lynn Roth. An incredible true story from the producers of "Call Me By Your Name," and based on the acclaimed, bestselling Israeli novel. The film follows the journey to freedom when a young Jewish boy and his German Shepherd dog are reunited in the Treblinka concentration camp during World War II and then attempt to escape.
Category: Jewish |
Comments Off on Heartwarming WWII Film ‘Shepherd: The Story of a Jewish Dog’ Screens at the Virtual KCET Cinema Series on May 26th – KCET
admin | May 25, 2021
As lethal violence kills ordinary people in Gaza and Israel, news outlets across the globe are constructing versions of events that will keep eyeballs on their content. After all, war is the most compelling news story of all. And given many people who care about this situation have no direct experience of it, they depend on media reports to form a view.
Category: Palestine |
Comments Off on When it comes to media reporting on Israel-Palestine, there is nowhere to hide – The Conversation AU
admin | May 25, 2021
The organs of an Arab Israeli teenager who was killed in what his family alleges was a police shooting were donated to six patients, five of whom are Jewish, Hebrew media reported Sunday. Muhammad Mahameed Kiwan died last Wednesday night from a head injury he received a week earlier during disturbances in his hometown of Umm al-Fahm. His heart went to a 37-year-old man and his lungs to a 66-year-old man, with both transplants performed at Sheba Medical Center.
Category: Jewish |
Comments Off on Organs of Arab teen allegedly shot by police save Arab and Jewish lives – The Times of Israel
admin | May 25, 2021
Two women sit on top of a truck while holding a Palestinian flag during a demonstration in Columbus, Ohio, against Israel's occupation of Palestine, May 18, 2021.
Category: Palestine |
Comments Off on I Will Not Be Silenced Because I Demand Justice for Palestine – The Nation
admin | May 25, 2021
Faten Alzinaty was heading to the community center that she manages in the Israeli city of Lod on Sunday morning when she noticed a familiar face.
Category: Jewish |
Comments Off on The Tensions Inside a Mixed Jewish-Arab City in Israel – The New Yorker
admin | May 25, 2021
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators in the worlds capitals in mid-May 2021 blamed the Israeli government for recent bloodshed in Israel and Gaza, and called on world leaders to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Bibi Netanyahu into calling a ceasefire. Protesters emphasized the perceived power imbalance between Israel and Palestine. According to this view of the asymmetry between the two sides, Israel is a major economic and military power while Hamas-led Gaza is poor, weak and has suffered many casualties.
Category: Jewish |
Comments Off on As trust between Israeli Jews and Arabs reaches new lows, Netanyahu rises again – The Conversation US
admin | May 25, 2021
Behind the Pew Research Center surveys estimate of the number of Jews are far-reaching demographic and cultural trends in American society in general and particularly in American-Jewish society. We need to confront them truthfully and acknowledge the opportunities and challenges that they present to Jewish vitality in 21-century America.The study found 7.3 million people in the US who define themselves (or, if children, defined by their parents) as Jewish. Three-quarters of them view their Jewishness through the lenses of Judaism as a religion; another quarter consider themselves Jewish by ethnicity, culture or family background.
Category: Jewish |
Comments Off on The American Jewry demographic is only growing and becoming more diverse – The Jerusalem Post
admin | May 25, 2021
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) A Jewish man was attacked Thursday in the Diamond District, as pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters clashed in Times Square. Police said a group of five to six men attacked the 29-year-old victim around 6:30 p.m.
Category: Jewish |
Comments Off on Joseph Borgen, Brutally Beaten By Group Of Suspects In Manhattans Diamond District, Speaks Out: My Whole Face Felt Like It Was On Fire For Hours – CBS…