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How Israel’s missing constitution deepens divisions between Jews and with Arabs – The Conversation US

| June 23, 2021

Renewed fighting has erupted again between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, endangering a ceasefire instituted after an 11-day war in May. The conflict in Gaza is an early test of Israels new coalition government

Release the transcripts of Israel’s COVID cabinet meetings – Haaretz

| June 23, 2021

The Supreme Court is currently deliberating over Haaretzs petition, drafted by attorney Tal Lieblich, to release transcripts of cabinet and ministerial committee meetings on the coronavirus.

Lab-grown chicken for humans and pets in Israel – Livemint

| June 23, 2021

It looks like chicken and tastes like chicken, but diners in Israel are tucking into laboratory-grown "meat" that scientists claim is an environmentally-friendly way to feed the world's growing population. Also read | The first vegan restaurant to win a Michelin Star In a small restaurant in a nondescript building in a science park in the central Israeli town of Ness Ziona, diners munched burgers and minced meat rice rolls made with "cultured chicken" -- meat grown in the adjacent SuperMeat production site.

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