admin | August 3, 2021
Steven Frank holds the plain aluminium cooking pot with reverence, undoing the side clips that fasten the lid. Battered, utilitarian, unremarkable, you wouldnt look at it twice in a junk shop. Yet its story and its survival are matters of wonder.
Category: Holocaust |
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admin | August 3, 2021
JERUSALEM - Israel has become the first country to distribute a third dose of COVID vaccine, offering the extra jab to anyone over 60. Israeli health experts say the effectiveness of the current vaccine declines with time and the third shot will serve as a booster. The move comes as virus rates in Israel are on the increase.
Category: Holocaust |
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admin | August 3, 2021
Continued from the House of Rothschild article.
Category: Zionism |
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admin | August 3, 2021
Foremost among all these groups was Hadassah. The goals and objectives of Hadassah were akin to those that animated the other groups, and an analysis of the methods and style that Hadassah women employed to achieve their organizational aims reveals the distinctive role that womens organizations came to play in the unfolding and development of American Zionism. Hadassah had its origins in study circles organized by Emma Leon Gottheil, the wife of Richard Gottheil, an ardent Zionist and Columbia University professor of Semitics
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Zionism in the United States | Jewish Women’s Archive
admin | August 3, 2021
I. THERE IS A traditional Jewish liturgical phrase that a father intones when a child ascends to the Torah for the first time: Baruch she-petarani mi-onsho shel zeh. Blessed be God who has released me from the sin of this one (referring to the child)
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on I’d Be the Loser and Murdered: On Joshua Cohen’s The Netanyahus – lareviewofbooks
admin | August 3, 2021
(JTA) Over the last year, Jewish college students took it upon themselves to combat antisemitism at their schools. Now, two major Jewish organizations are working together to play a stronger role in fighting antisemitism on campus. Some of the student activists documented incidences of antisemitism at colleges nationwide, often submitted anonymously, while others have taken a confrontational tone on social media
Category: Zionism |
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admin | August 3, 2021
The World Zionists Organizations Department for the Encouragement of Aliyah held an event honoring the authorities encouraging immigration to Israel. The event was coordinated in collaboration with the Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption and took place today, Wednesday, the 19th of Av 5781, July 28 2021, for the second year in a row.Against the backdrop of dealing with global influences on immigration to Israel and the anticipation of increasing immigration in the coming years, the World Zionist Organization held an event awarding medals of excellence and appreciation to local and regional authorities in Israel that encourage immigration."In 2021, we are witnessing a huge demand for the opening of immigration files," said The chairman of the World Zionist Organization and the acting chairman of the Jewish Agency Yaakov Hagoel.
Category: Zionism |
Comments Off on Event recognizes, honors the departments that encourage aliyah – The Jerusalem Post
admin | August 3, 2021
Levent Kenez/Stockholm A retired colonel and writer for the Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM), an organization affiliated with private military contractor SADAT, has claimed that the world is ruled by the Jews and that there will surely come a day in the future when trees and stones will speak and say, O Muslim! Come and kill the Jew hiding behind me, an apocalyptic prediction often voiced by radicals. Accusing Jews of being a tribe that has caused strife throughout history, retired colonel Nejat zden wrote, The world is a Jewish prison that has come under the dominance of Jewish Nazism-Political Zionism, whether openly or secretly, in an article full of anti-Semitic arguments that was published on ASSAMs website on July 16, 2021.
Category: Zionism |
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