Meet the eccentric Jews running in the recall election J. – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | August 23, 2021
Californias $276-million recall election on Sept. 14 consists of two questions.
admin | August 23, 2021
Californias $276-million recall election on Sept. 14 consists of two questions.
admin | August 23, 2021
For many years, nestled in the campus of Tel Aviv University, the Diaspora Museum made space for stories of Jews who had made their lives outside of Israel. The museum highlighted the importance of a diverse Jewish narrative while simultaneously creating a divide between Jews of Israel and Jews of the world
admin | August 23, 2021
Within a few years of taking over his fathers gallery in Dusseldorf, Max Stern, pictured here as a young man, would be forced to flee Nazi Germany. Courtesy of Max Stern Art Restitution Project It is rare for an exhibition to face such ill will before it even opens. But a show scheduled to open in Dusseldorf on 2 September, addressing the life and legacy of the Jewish art dealer Max Stern, has been shunned by the citys Jewish community, by the dealers estate and by the Canadian academics who are the worlds foremost experts on Stern
admin | August 23, 2021
(JTA) The office of Israels chief Ashkenazi rabbi wants to exhume from a Jerusalem cemetery the body of a woman said to be a Christian who pretended to be Jewish. A top representative of Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi David Lau outlined the plan in June to exhume or alternatively fence off the womans grave
admin | August 23, 2021
(New York Jewish Week via JTA) For comfort food, Kylie Unell, a philosophy student and comedy-show producer, heads to Izzys BBQ Smokehouse. The Crown Heights restaurant is not distinctly Jewish, but it is kosher BBQ that rivals the Kansas City BBQ I grew up eating, she says. Meanwhile, Rachel Figurasmith, the executive director of Repair the World NYC, heads to Lee Lees Baked Goods in Harlem, a decades-old rugelach joint operated by Alvin Lee Smalls, an octogenarian Black man originally from South Carolina whose first encounter with the buttery Jewish pastry came while working as a chef in a hospital kitchen
admin | August 23, 2021
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) has decided that graduate student Kylie Broderick will be allowed to teach the Fall course, The Conflict Over Israel/Palestine, despite her long public history of attacking Israel. Classes began on August 18.
admin | August 23, 2021
Just in time for the upcoming high holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Bay Area-based Jewish deli Wise Sons opens its first Southern California restaurant in downtown Culver City today. Over the past decade, Wise Sons has earned its reputation for honoring the classics, including hardwood-smoked pastrami, made with hormone and antibiotic-free beef and house-baked goods like bagels, bialy and buttery babka filled with Guittard chocolate. The intoxicating aroma of everything bagels and onion bialy wafts its way out onto Washington Blvd
admin | August 23, 2021
Magen David Adom has been prioritizing the task of placing defibrillators in public spaces throughout Israel this year. Already, thousands have been installed around the country, including hundreds to be added in Jerusalem synagogues before Rosh Hashanah.
admin | August 23, 2021
The alleged Iranian regime mass murderer Hamid Noury, who is currently on trial in Stockholm, Sweden for the massacre of 136 Iranians in Gohardasht prison in Karaj, invited former Iranian intelligence chief and internationally wanted terrorist Ali Fallahian, to dinner.
admin | August 23, 2021
NEW YORK In 1937, the Nazi Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda removed Marc Chagalls Purim from the walls of the Museum of Folkwang in Essen, Germany. Depicting people exchanging food and sweets, the vibrant painting was deemed degenerate and summarily sold to a Berlin art collector and Nazi party member. Now, 75 years after the end of World War II, the painting is one of 53 works of art and 80 ceremonial objects on display at New Yorks Jewish Museum.