JUF News | Return of the Rabbi – Jewish United Fund
admin | August 13, 2021
When Rabbi Jessica Wainer was growing up,she always wanted to be a doctor.
admin | August 13, 2021
When Rabbi Jessica Wainer was growing up,she always wanted to be a doctor.
admin | August 13, 2021
Teenagers and young adults are inspired when they feel they are part of something larger than themselves, when they feel they are not just consumers but are attaching themselves to a larger mission for the Jewish future, Rabbi Gideon Black of Englewood said. Rabbi Black, 38, is the new chief executive officer of the New York region of NCSY, the flagship youth movement of the Orthodox Union, the umbrella organization for North American Orthodox Jewry.
admin | August 13, 2021
The numbers of ways educators were able to do their jobs and serve their students during the COVID-19 pandemic is probably equal to the number of educators that exist.
admin | August 13, 2021
Raviv Ullman might have been your middle school crush when he starred in Disneys Phil of the Future.
admin | August 13, 2021
Sitting down with Meir Goldberg, 39, was a leap back in time for me. I remember him when he was a teenager, and it was fun to catch up with him after all these years.
admin | August 13, 2021
This weeks Altercation is (mainly) authored by the extremely prolific Shaul Magid, professor of Jewish studies at Dartmouth College, Kogod senior research fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, and rabbi of the Fire Island Synagogue in Seaview, New York. It draws on the research and arguments of his new book, Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical, though its contents are original to Altercation. When people today hear the name Meir Kahane, most think about the militant and racist rabbi turned Israeli politician who founded a political party in Israel, was elected to the Knesset in 1984, and was removed in 1987 under the Racism Law legislated just for him, which made his party illegal.
admin | August 13, 2021
An Israeli girl found a 1,500-year-old bronze coin at the site of an ancient Jewish village near the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel on Tuesday, the Nature and Parks Authority said. The Yitzchaki family from the West Bank settlement of Har Bracha visited the Korazim archaeological park and played a scavenger hunt game involving the unique building style of the Talmud-era village, the parks authority said. During the game, the girl found the ancient coin on the ground
admin | August 13, 2021
My father is still alive I can hear his voice in his books and videos. Thats precisely how he wanted to be remembered not by eulogies or speeches, but by regular people learning from his works, says his eldest son and CEO of the Steinsaltz Center in Jerusalem, Rabbi Menachem Meni Even-Israel
admin | August 13, 2021
As we approach the end of 5781, I find myself both hopeful and concerned about the challenges that lay ahead for We The People of the United States, for People Israel and all of us who inhabit Planet Earth.
admin | August 13, 2021
In a time of selfies and self-esteem, humility is a forgotten virtue. The Jewish traditions emphasis on humility runs counter to our zeitgeist, which places each individual at the very center of the universe. It is challenging for us today to make sense of Maimonides suggestion that the proper way is not merely that man be humble, but that one should be of a very diminutive spirit, and their spirit extremely lowly.