admin | October 22, 2021
Judaism loves looking back: Every holiday centers around a significant historical event. Our prayers speak to generational wisdom and promise; memory is a visceral part of Judaism. So why, in this weeks Torah portion, Vayeira, is someone punished for looking back?
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on The perils of looking back in anger | The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle –
admin | October 22, 2021
Next week, thousands around the world will gather in person or online to mark the first anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Dr. Lord Jonathan Sacks (1948-2020).
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on Realizing the legacy of Jonathan Sacks – opinion – The Jerusalem Post
admin | October 22, 2021
Following the rise of footage depicting the oppressive tactics Israeli settlers use on Palestinians, the phrase Free Palestine started to dominate my social media timeline.
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on We need to keep talking about Palestine – Whitman Pioneer
admin | October 22, 2021
Forget the check book or credit card. Next time you make a donation to your favorite Jewish charity, consider doing it with Bitcoin. As cryptocurrencies and blockchain become more and more integrated into mainstream commerce, Jewish nonprofits are now accepting donations made with digital currency.
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on Why these Jewish charities are now accepting Bitcoin J. – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | October 22, 2021
Its more than a free home-cooked meal or a passing cultural experience. For many college students, Shabbat with their Chabad rabbi and rebbetzin is a source of connection and a gateway to other events and classes offered on campus
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on A Place At The Table – Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters –
admin | October 22, 2021
Hanukkah is a festival marked in Judaism which marks the time when people who practised the faith rose up against their Greek-Syrian persecutors, which happened thousands of years ago. The story behind the eight-day event begins with the son of Antiochus III, the Syrian king, known as Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who didnt want the Jews following their religion. To make them stop practising their faith, he sent his soldiers to Jerusalem, where they killed thousands of people
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on When is Hanukkah? Date when the Jewish festival starts and what happens – Birmingham Live
admin | October 22, 2021
Growing up, Reena Zuckerman, class of 23, loved to read from the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. She did it the first time at her bat mitzvah and continues still today.
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on In the News: Students’ Minyan Looks at Increase in Participation Detroit Jewish News – The Jewish News
admin | October 22, 2021
The state of the national discourse has become so ugly, hostile and tribal it may be eroding one of the great human traitsthe power to imagine. Its hard to think creatively when youre always fighting or virtue signaling. Self-righteousness, snark and smugnessthree of the more popular tones of the dayare ideally suited to snuff out the innocent tendency to dream and imagine.
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on Are We Losing Our Imagination? – Jewish Journal
admin | October 22, 2021
As the House of Lords prepares to debate the new Bill to legalise assisted suicide there may be speculation about what the Jewish position might be on this contentious question, or indeed if a fixed position exists at all. Assisted suicide and euthanasia, often referred to as assisted dying, are issues about which people feel strongly on both sides of this debate, informed sometimes by personal experience as well as by strongly-held moral convictions. Sometimes it is difficult to predict where people might stand on the Assisted Dying Bill of Baroness Meacher as religious affiliation is not always a sure guide.
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on We must resist the de-consecration of life through assisted suicide – Jewish News
admin | October 22, 2021
What will Jewish life be post-pandemic? Jews will run back to the synagogue.
Category: Judaism |
Comments Off on Essay: Why ‘Zoom Judaism’ will Fade, and Synagogues will Thrive Detroit Jewish News – The Jewish News