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‘I am exhausted by Israel’ hear Sylvain Cypel on the risk to Jews of supporting the ‘thug nation’ – Mondoweiss

| February 11, 2022

Im excited by the publication of Sylvain Cypels book The State of Israel Vs. the Jews (Other Press) because it bluntly states a heresy: Israel is endangering American Jews. By insisting on blindfold-ed western Jewish support for an ethnonationalist segregationist state that borrows the worst of white supremacist ideas, Israel is destroying Jewish traditions and putting American Jews at risk, Cypel says.

Bhutan Earns First Oscar Nomination for Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom, Up for Best International Feature Film This Year – Tricycle

| February 11, 2022

Nothing is permanent, so everything is precious. Heres a selection of some happeningsfleeting or otherwisein the Buddhist world this week

Basketball Player Who Converted to Judaism with a Conservative Rabbi Denied Israeli Citizenship – Jewish Exponent

| February 11, 2022

Jared Armstrong, center, appealed the Israeli Interior Ministrys denial of his application for Israeli citizenship but his appeal was denied Wednesday. (Courtesy Armstrong via By Shira Hanau Jared Armstrong traveled to Israel on Birthright last year. He also spent months studying with an American Conservative rabbi in order to formally convert to Judaism, a step he wanted to take so he could move to Israel to playfor the Hapoel Haifa basketball team

Mushroom rabbi grows ceremonial psilocybin for Denver congregation but is that legal? – The Denver Post

| February 11, 2022

On a picturesque autumn evening in early November, the sunset belied a briskness to the Denver breeze. But inside a nondescript brick building downtown, anticipation was heating up the air.

How a rabbi suspended for sexual misconduct can stay in the pulpit – Forward

| February 11, 2022

Rabbi Jeremy Gerber earned the dubious distinction last fall of becoming the first synagogue leader to have his suspension from the Conservative movements Rabbinical Assembly announced publicly, part of the groups effort to hold members more accountable for misconduct.

A Muslim Dating App Powered Their Connection – The New York Times

| February 11, 2022

When Jafreen Momtaj Uddin and Shakil Sarfaroz Rabbi matched on Salams, a Muslim dating app, in June 2021, they immediately began a two-hour online conversation that Ms.

D’var Torah by Rabbi Josef Davidson: We are all holy in the eyes of the Divine – St. Louis Jewish Light

| February 11, 2022

RABBI JOSEF DAVIDSONFebruary 10, 2022 In Tetzaveh, this weeks Torah portion, we learn that the High Priest was to wear a headdress to which a gold frontlet inscribed with Holy to the Eternal was attached by a blue cord. One might ask: Why was this gold frontlet attached to the headdress such that it hung on the High Priests forehead? What purpose did this serve?

In the Netherlands, Chief Rabbi denounces anti-Zionist group group demands that local universities identify any staff members who have ties to Israel…

| February 11, 2022

An anti-Zionist group in the Netherlands is pressuring the countrys universities to reveal whether their staff members have ties to Israel. The move by The Rights Forum, under a Freedom of Information act, reeks of antisemitism and is reminiscent of the Mayors who surrendered information about Jews to German occupiers during WWII, denounced Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands, Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs

Suddenly, the soldier noticed the woman’s kippah | Naamah Kelman | The Blogs – The Times of Israel

| February 11, 2022

Trees are essential for living. Our tradition celebrates them on Tu Bishvat

The Happy Merchant | Anti-Defamation League

| February 11, 2022

The Happy Merchant is an anti-Semitic meme depicting a drawing of a Jewish man with heavily stereotyped facial features who is greedily rubbing his hands together. The meme is by far the most popular anti-Semitic meme among white supremacists, who have created a nearly endless series of images and variants featuring the Happy Merchant. The meme originated with pen-and-ink artwork by a racist cartoonist who used the pseudonym A.

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