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The Five Minute Read – Lowell Sun

| February 28, 2022

Lala Books monthly event pairs book talk with cocktails LOWELL Lala Books has crafted a monthly gathering that brings readers together to chat about a good book while enjoying a cocktail. The Boozy Bookclub meets at Warp & Weft, at 197 Market St., in Downtown Lowell on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6 p.m

Kissing Children In The Synagogue – The Jewish Press –

| February 28, 2022

As a general rule, it is forbidden to kiss another person in the synagogue, especially ones children. The reason for this is that we must remember that our love for G-d must even exceed the love that we have for our children.1 Similarly, it is explained that if it were permitted to kiss ones children in the synagogue, the function of the synagogue as a place where we focus exclusively on G-d would be compromised.2 Although there is an opinion that the ban against kissing children in the synagogue only applies to ones little children,3 most authorities rule that it applies to ones children whether theyre little or grown-up adults.4 A number of authorities are of the opinion that the prohibition against kissing in the synagogue only applies to ones children and not to other people.

40% Of Americans Might Be Eligible For Dual Citizenship (And A Second Passport): Here’s What You Need To Know – Forbes

| February 28, 2022

For many years, U.S. citizenship and an Americanpassportwere the gold standard around the world. The pandemic and the recent election changed all that, resulting in a surge in demand for Americans seeking second passports and wanting to buy citizenshipespecially in Europe.

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