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A jeweler’s winding path back to Judaism, and the family business J. – The Jewish News of Northern California

| February 11, 2022

Though he grew up in an Orthodox home, after decades of living a secular life, Andrew Litwin revisited Judaism and dove into it. The 63-year-old San Rafael resident began studying virtually with a rabbi about 10 years ago and grew especially interested in Jewish teachings and the infinite meanings of Hebrew letters, he said

Neural Control Market Size And Growth | MIT, Hebrew university, Haier, Neurotechnology Sox Sphere – Sox Sphere

| February 11, 2022

New Jersey, United States,-This Neural Control Market analysis highlights company profiles, product specifications, capacities and key market shares for each industry. The three main areas discussed here are the product type, the competition section, and the end-use section.

From Hebrew School to the UN, NY Times Touches Up Attacks on Israel’s Legitimacy – Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America

| February 11, 2022

The New York Times has a sordid history of whitewashing animus to Israels very existence as criticism of Israel. Every country is subject to criticism, and criticism of governments is a healthy phenomena, a vital hallmark of democracy.

Quentin Tarantino and Israeli Wife Daniella Pick Are Having Another Baby! Kveller –

| February 11, 2022

Daniele Venturelli/WireImage Abba (thats dad in Hebrew) Quentin Tarantino and his Israeli wife Daniella Pick are expanding their family! According to sources close to the family, Pick is pregnant with the couples second child. Pick gave birth to their first child, a son named Leo, who was named after Picks maternal grandfather Ari Shem-Or (Ari means lion in Hebrew) back in February of 2020 which means little Leo is about to turn two. The award-winning director and his singer and model wife currently live in Israel together, taking the occasional trip into L.A

Opinion: Bible in the schools? Why not the Hebrew Bible and Quran also? – Chattanooga Times Free Press

| February 11, 2022

Surely everyone can agree that no one in 2022 should be thinking about let alone saying out loud ways to torture our fellow human beings, our neighbors, our students. Everyone it seems except the local teacher of eighth-grade students at East Hamilton Middle School who is said by the mother of a student to have taught middle-schoolers a lesson on "how to torture a Jew" in an elective Bible-as-literature class. "[The teacher] wrote an English transliteration of the Hebrew name of G-d on the whiteboard

When I use a word . . . . St Bartholomewonomastics and reputation – The BMJ

| February 11, 2022

A management suggestion that the Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, which is part of the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), should be renamed the QMUL Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has not met with universal approval. The international reputation of Barts, founded nearly 900 years ago, is a major consideration in this plan

The Mail – The New Yorker

| February 11, 2022

Fahrenheit Five Joshua Yaffa paints a vivid, dire picture of the role that rising temperatures are playing in thawing permafrost, a process that then accelerates climate change (The Great Thaw, January 17th). It is impossible to deny the United States outsized contribution to the climate crisis, or the need for urgent action.

Everything That Has Breath The Edgefield Advertiser – Edgefieldadvertiser

| February 11, 2022

All writers in Op Ed are here to inform and acknowledge issues of importance to our communities, however these writings represent the views and opinions of the authors and not necessarily of The Advertiser.

To be in or not to be in Israel – Plus61 J Media

| February 11, 2022

With her son on Shnat, SHARON BERGER reflects on her mixed feelings about Israel: the dynamism and sense of connection, but her estrangement from its political currents MY SON IS in Israel for the year, and I am jealous.

For Dignity and Adornment | Hebrew College Wendy Linden – Patheos

| February 11, 2022

Parshat Tetzaveh(Exodus 27:20-30:10)By Frankie Sandmel | February 7, 2022 In the past few weeks weve seen God as an architect designing the mishkan, a trip leader guiding Israel through the desert, and a performance artist delivering the commandments amidst pomp and circumstance at Sinai. This week we meet God, the fashion designer: Make holy clothing for your brother Aaron, for dignity and adornment. (Exodus 28:2) Gods instructions about what Aaron should wear to serve in the temple are elaborate and detaileda blue coat, an elaborately embroidered sash, linen pants, and a whole host of magic jewlery

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