admin | February 11, 2022
Most of Ethan Wereks teammates on the Chinese Olympic hockey team had never met a Jewish person before he joined the roster. But Wereks family tree was once planted in Chinese soil. Like the six athletes suiting up for Israel in this years games, Werek didnt need to be born in the country on his jersey to play for its national team
Category: Jew |
Comments Off on His great-grandparents found refuge in China. Now this Canadian Jew is starting for its hockey team. – Forward
admin | February 11, 2022
What does it say about America when members of the media and public figures have an acute allergy to speaking the unabashed truth about antisemitism? At least a certain kind of antisemitism
Category: Jew |
Comments Off on Muslims and Jews Unite to Speak Uncomfortable Truths – Algemeiner
admin | February 11, 2022
Our portion opens with, As for you, you shall command the Israelites that they take you clear oil of beaten olives for the light, lhaolot ner tamid to raise a lamp perpetually. (Exodus 27:20) Rashi understands tamid as continually, as described here, doing something every night
Category: Jew |
Comments Off on Ner Tamid in every Jewish soul – Cleveland Jewish News
admin | February 11, 2022
By Ken Cohen, FLAME In the course of a few days in January 1942 80 years ago Hitlers henchmen, including SS chieftain Reinhard Heydrich, Adolf Eichmann and other top members of the Third Reich, conferred at a villa in Wannsee, Germany to engineer the Final Solution to the Jewish problem. The notorious Wannsee Conference succeeded in creating an efficient, industrial-scale approach to the Holocaust
Category: Shoah |
Comments Off on Jews (not the Shoah, not the UN) created Israel – The Jewish Star
admin | February 11, 2022
Are you missing volumes in your Mishnah or Talmud sets and want to fill them in?
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Now Is the Time! ArtScroll’s 30%-Off Talmud and Mishnah Sale – VINnews
admin | February 11, 2022
Wed, 9 Feb 2022 18:00 - 19:00 Greenwich Mean Time (UTC0) Register here. Ancient rabbinic advice about mad dogs About this event This lecture will discuss some significant passages from the early (Mishnah/Tosefta) and late (Palestinian/Babylonian Talmud) rabbinic traditions of late antiquity that deal with so-called mad dogs (kelev shote). The texts introduce different classifications or taxonomies of this condition and elaborate on theoretical and practical knowledge about appropriate cures and remedies.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Rabbinic Rabies and Rabid Rabbis the ‘Mad Dog’ in Talmudic Texts – The Media Line
admin | February 11, 2022
The Torah begins with the world being created by words.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Opinion | In the Jewish Tradition, the Words We Choose Matter – The New York Times
admin | February 11, 2022
NINETEENTH-CENTURY RABBI Simcha Bunim of Peshischa told one of his followers to transcribe a quotation from the Talmud The world was created for me onto a slip of paper to keep in his right pocket. Whenever he felt sad or distraught, the man could pull out the words to remind himself that his life was of boundless value. When he was feeling powerful or important, he should instead read the words in his left pocket I am nothing but dust and ashes which would point out the humbleness of his true state.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Written in the Book of Life: On Kathryn Schulz’s Lost & Found – lareviewofbooks
admin | February 11, 2022
TheTorah columnis supported by a generous donation from Eve Gordon-Ramek in memory of Kenneth Gordon.TetzavehExodus 27:2030:10 The beginning of this weeks Torah portion deals almost exclusively with the vestments of the Cohen Gadol, or High Priest. We get elaborate descriptions of each article of clothing that was worn during the service in the Temple, as well as the outfits of the other Cohanim (Priests). And the parashah concludes with a description of the golden incense altar that stood just before the screen at the entrance of the Holy of Holies.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Why the Torah cares so much about these two little sheep J. – The Jewish News of Northern California
admin | February 11, 2022
We live in a world of colors, even though we know that colors are in fact an illusion. Interestingly, in Hebrew, the word for color is tzeva, which comes from the same root that means hypocrite, or false. In Parshat Tetzaveh, we read about the clothes of the high priest in the Tabernacle, or Miskhan, in detail, including their colors and the materials they were made from
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on True colors | Meirav Kravetz | The Blogs – The Times of Israel