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Professor’s New Book to Examine How Women Shaped the History of Jerusalem – Fordham News

| March 29, 2022

Gribetz at the tomb of Helena of Adiabene in Jerusalem. Photo courtesy of GribetzJerusalems history is abundant with stories about powerful men, but often leaves out the voices of its women, said Fordham professor Sarit Kattan Gribetz. In her new book Jerusalem: A Feminist History, Gribetz is documenting the citys history with a focus on the women who helped bring Jerusalem to life

The best of community – Australian Jewish News

| March 29, 2022

The best Seniors Festival experiences are to be found in our very own Jewish community. Judaism teaches us to respect and revere our elders, and as a result we offer some of the best services for seniors

Smile, Everyone is Watching – The Jewish Press –

| March 29, 2022

Earlier this week, four Israelis were killed, and several others were injured, in a terrorist stabbing attack at a shopping center and gas station in Beer Sheva. Beautiful, innocent souls, guilty only of being Jewish and living in the one and only Jewish homeland, were murdered in cold blood, reminding us yet again how our brothers and sisters in Israel live daily with threats and dangers

Rabbi of Ukraine city captured by Russia warns of ‘new …

| March 29, 2022

Russia's recent capture of the Ukrainian city of Kherson has forced a new reality on the citys residents, including its sizable Jewish community, the rabbi of the occupied provincial capital said Wednesday. Russia's invasion of Ukraine entered its seventh day on Tuesday, in what looks to be the biggest assault on a European state since World War II. The story is that the Russians are here What worries us most is the wellbeing of the Jews, that everything will be fine with them, and no one will be harmed, Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Wolff told Ynet hours after Moscow's capture of the southern Ukrainian city, where nearly quarter of a million residents live.

Retired Rabbi Jon Adland part of investigation for sexual …

| March 29, 2022

CANTON Retired Temple Israel Rabbi Jon Adlandwill no longer havean active rolewith thecongregation following a report investigatingallegations of sexual misconductthat took place inthe 1970s when hewas a rabbinical student. The complaints stem from a national reportcommissioned by the Union for Reform Judaism to investigate accusations of sexual harassment, abuse and misconduct at itsworkplaces, summer camps,programming and youth programmingstretching back decades.

The politics of Rabbi Kanievsky’s funeral – Haaretz

| March 29, 2022

Even before it got underway, the Haredim (ultra-Orthodox) marketed the funeral of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky as the funeral of the million. In the end, fewer than half a million came. They also said the masses would come in honor of the minister of Torah, but along with the honor, the masses also attended a political funeral

A Rabbi and a Lawyer Talk Tension, Power and Faith That Does Justice – Georgetown University

| March 29, 2022

A Rabbis Take on Faith and Identity Julia Watts Belser grew up with a deep spiritual life but her identity as a queer, disabled woman meant she often felt profoundly out of sync with the ways most people talked about religion. I came of age in a time where it felt ubiquitous to hear religious voices on the news, in politics, being actively hostile to queer lives and to queer love, says Belser.

Toledo-area rabbi fired after being arrested in rape case – Cleveland Jewish News

| March 29, 2022

Rabbi David Kaufman of Temple Shomer Emunim in Sylvania Township accused of rape and was arrested on March 11 by Sylvania Township police. The rabbi had been employed by the temple since July 1, 2021, and previously was a Reform rabbi in Des Moines, Iowa. Following the news of his arrest, Kaufman was immediately terminated from his position at Temple Shomer Emunim in the Toledo suburb

David A. Alpert to be Appointed Lay Advisory Board Chairman of the North American Board of Rabbis (NABOR) – Yonkers Tribune.

| March 29, 2022

David A. Alpert to be Appointed Lay Advisory Board Chairman of the North American Board of Rabbis (NABOR) Appointment Slated for April 5th 2022 at 6:00PM at Temple Israel New Rochelle 1000 Pinebrook Boulevard, New Rochelle, New York during The Museum of Memorys Exhibition of The Assisi Project NEW ROCHELLE, NY March 29, 2022 Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum, President of the North American Board of Rabbis (NABOR), is delighted to announce the appointment of David A.

Chabad Rabbi Murdered in Terrorist Attack in Beersheva – Rabbi Moshe Krivitski ran a Colel Chabad soup kitchen for more than 10 years –

| March 29, 2022

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