admin | April 20, 2022
The ongoing violence is Palestine needs to be seen as the result of ongoing occupation and apartheid, not isolated events. Almost a year ago, on May 20 2021, I published my first opinion piece. It was published in Junkee and titled The World Cant Ignore Palestine Anymore.
Category: Palestine |
Comments Off on The Violence In Palestine Continues To Be Ignored And Excused – Junkee
admin | April 20, 2022
A Palestinian woman at the Qalandiya military checkpoint. (Photo: Tamar Fleishman, The Palestine Chronicle) By Tamar Fleishman Every Friday, the story repeats itself at Qalandiya military checkpoint: the same characters, the same rules, the same scenario, the same ruthless domination, and the same Orwellian lingo. Only the small, personal, human details change.
Category: Palestine |
Comments Off on The Rosa Parks of Palestine: Here’s to the Human Spirit – Palestine Chronicle
admin | April 20, 2022
Thought nonbinary gender was a modern concept?
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on The Eight Genders in the Talmud | My Jewish Learning
admin | April 20, 2022
I am not a rebellious girl by nature, said Devorah Silberstein. Im doing the most traditional thing a woman can do: Im trying to be more frum
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on A Class of Their Own – Tablet Magazine
admin | April 20, 2022
By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Yes, it is true. Six Hamas terrorist were killed and 7 were foiled because of Matzah and a Teshuvas HaRashba (Volume 7 #20)
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on How Matzah and the Teshuvas HaRashba Saved Yidden from Terrorism – VINnews
admin | April 20, 2022
Imdeeply cracked from a combination of Talmud and LSD, says Natasha Lyonne, flicking a cigarette in her hand from the couch of her Los Angeles home, where shes been chatting by Zoom for over an hour. She is attempting to explain the underpinnings of her show Russian Doll, a metaphysical mindfuck she writes, produces, and stars in, whose second season recently dropped on Netflix. Based on a character Lyonne had long imagined essentially a hard-partying, alternate-reality version of herself named Nadia the series explores the nature of life and death, goodness and regret, of memory, ghosts, family, and the New York City she loves
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Do We Have the Game All Wrong?: Natasha Lyonnes Cosmic Journey Into Russian Doll Season 2 – Rolling Stone
admin | April 20, 2022
On this holy day for so many, check out this great article from Passover and Good Friday through Easter go together like a hand and a glove, says David Kraemer, librarian and professor of Talmud and rabbinics at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Theyre actually designed to go together
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on First night of Passover and Good Friday bonding. – KABC
admin | April 20, 2022
PODCAST Hallo fanateekelingen van Colorado Rapids! This week on Holding The High Line, Red is back.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Holding The High Line: Rapids Charlotte Preview – Last Word on Soccer
admin | April 20, 2022
My heart sunk when I woke up Friday morning to the news of riots on the Temple Mount. Flipping through an endless barrage of cell phone videos flooding the many WhatsApp and Telegram news groups I subscribe to, scrolling through reports on social media from those who witnessed the destruction and those who proudly posted their participation in it and speaking to the men and women on the front lines, serving in and around the Old City of Jerusalem, it was apparent to me that the situation was as bad as it could be, perhaps even worse than I could comprehend from afar
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on Ascending from slavery: Why I fight for the Temple Mount – The Times of Israel
admin | April 20, 2022
Dov Moran - inventor of the disk-on-key, Managing Partner at Grove Ventures, which invests in Israeli early stage start-ups My wife and I have been married for 40 years, and 20 years ago she became religious. We have four children, and each is a different world in terms of their closeness to religion. The eldest is the most non-religious, the second is traditional, the third is more religious, and the youngest studied for two years at a yeshiva in Netivot.
Category: Talmud |
Comments Off on "I live my life my way and my wife lives hers as a religious person. It does not have to fit in" | CTech – CTech