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Blinded by Hate | Michael Laitman | The Blogs – The Times of Israel

| July 31, 2022

There is a new weapon that Palestinians use against Israelis: blinding lasers. Every night, residents of a certain Palestinian village direct strong lasers into the eyes of Israeli drivers in order to blind them and hopefully cause them to make an accident. So far, there has been no response on the part of the Israeli army, other than stating that the army is working in a number of ways to uproot the phenomenon.

Making sense of the sedra: Matot-Masei – Jewish News

| July 31, 2022

The modern penal system is under immense strain.

Belief in Conspiracy Theories Is Probably Not Getting Worse Over Time – Office for Science and Society

| July 31, 2022

A question I am often asked by journalists is if more people believe in conspiracy theories now than before. Sometimes, the question is not even asked; the answer is simply inferred.

The Hundred Year War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 – Palestine Chronicle

| July 31, 2022

The Hundred Year War on Palestine A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017, by Rashid Khalidi. (Book Cover) By Jim Miles (The Hundred Year War on Palestine A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017. Rashid Khalidi.

History Of Palestine And Israel Conflict And Where They Stand Now – Postoast

| July 31, 2022

The history of the Middle East has always been captivating especially if the talk is about Palestine and Israel conflict and their history. We all are in some way or the other aware of the disputation and wrangling that goes between both nations from time to time. Today the situation has worsened so much so that it has taken a shape of yet another war.

We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I: A Palestinian Memoir by Raja Shehadeh – The Irish Times

| July 31, 2022

We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I, A Palestinian Memoir Author: Raja Shehadeh ISBN-13: 978-1788169974 Publisher: Profile Books Guideline Price: 14.99 The Palestinian lawyer, author and human rights activist Raja Shehadeh resembles his late father, Aziz.

Two Palestinian Christians, and a visit with one of the most interesting of Latter-day Saint historians – Patheos

| July 31, 2022

Were just back from attending a performance, with friends, of Singing in the Rain at the Hale Centre Theatre in Sandy, Utah. It was extremely well done.

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