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Zeal of the Convert – Randy Rosenthal – The American Scholar

| September 2, 2022

Simona Cerrato/Flickr The Prophet of the Andes: An Unlikely Journey to the Promised Land by Graciela Mochkofsky (trans. from the Spanish by Lisa Dillman); Knopf, 288 pp., $30 Most people think that scripture is a noun, but its actually a verb. That is, scripture is an event, a relational activity

The Case A Year of Sabbatical – Community Magazine

| September 2, 2022

Danny,already in his mid-40s,decidedto move to Jerusalem,Israel andenroll inayeshiva.Having never receivedan extensive Jewish education,he was overwhelmed by thelarge number ofTorahlawsthathe wasentirelyunaware of.He was particularlyintriguedbytheagricultural laws of the Sabbatical year(shemitah),which apply this year (5782),and dedicated most of his energy tostudying these laws.Then,heembarked on thestudy of thefinancialaspectof the Sabbatical year, namely, thecancellationof all debts with the conclusion ofshemitah, with the onset of thenew yearon Rosh Hashanah.Thecancellationcan beavertedby signing a special form called aProzbol. Danny panicked,as he had recalled collecting a loan of $50,000 after the last Sabbatical year some seven years ago.The loan was collected from his friend Stanley, and Danny was not in a financial position to return the sum.As he was then unaware of the laws ofshemitah, he had not prepared aProzbolform to allow collecting the debt. Danny and theyeshivas rabbinical staffconsulted with our Bet Din to determine whetherhe needs to return the money toStanley

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