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Beinart Blathers On – Jewish Exponent

| September 8, 2022

We expect a public intellectual to take sides, frame arguments, articulate thoughtful analyses and help shape our thinking. Liberal journalist Peter Beinart is a public intellectual who fills very few of those expectations

Ukraine-related presentations at the 18th World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem – UJE – Ukrainian Jewish Encounter

| September 8, 2022

Posted In: UJE Initiatives, Outreach The 18th quadrennial World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, 8-12 August 2022, included over 1700 presentations and participants from over 40 countries. Ukrainian representation was seriously limited by Russia's war on Ukraine, which prevented many scholars from participating

Seniors matter to us . . . now more than ever –

| September 8, 2022

Since its inception more than 30 years ago, the Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF) has disbursed more than $75 million to Jewish aging programs and partnerships within our community, vastly exceeding the original endowment of $45 million. More than $60 million has gone to activities of the Jewish Association on Aging. Above that, JHF has established itself as a national leader and even global leader in improved models for skilled nursing care; training the older adult workforce; advocacy for policies that support caregivers and quality at the end of life; and medical advances in the physical and mental health of seniors

This South Carolina College Town Is Top 10 In The Nation –

| September 8, 2022

"Clemson University is an American public, coeducational, land-grant and sea-grant research university located in Clemson, South Carolina, United States:" There is something special about a college town. While I attended a school in a pretty big city (Go Wolfpack!) there is still something special about a college town. And I do feel that in the immediate area of the school I still got that feel.

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