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Who will / should win the Ophirs? – Blog – The Film Experience

| September 16, 2022

A special guest report from Israel about the upcoming Israeli film awards - Editor Top contenders for the Israeli Oscar by Johnathan Tsuria The 2022 Ophir awards will take place at September the 18th, and the film which wins the top prize will represent Israel at the Oscars. For most Israelis, that is the only point of interest about these awards, as they are plagued by countless decisions that prevent moviegoers here from caring. The major problem is that there is zero connection between the films released so far in cinemas and the films which end up competing for the awards

Glossary Of Jewish & Judaism Terms |

| September 16, 2022

by Min Straussman In 1585, a mining expert named Joachim Gans landed on Roanoke Island in the New World. He is considered the first Jewish person to visit the Americas

Jewish cuisine as a force to connect Israelis and American Jewry –

| September 16, 2022

(September 15, 2022 / JNS) For people around the world, food is arguably the most natural entry point to gathering and to learning more about one anothers cultures. It is no coincidence, then, that food could very well be the next force that unifies the Israeli people and American Jewry

East Valley rabbi and CEO connects with his Sephardi side – Jewish News of Greater Phoenix

| September 16, 2022

As a kid in a small Jewish community in the northern Italian city of Milan, Rabbi Michael Beyo was steeped in Sephardi traditions. His father was born in Turkey, the country where his family had lived for 500 years after being expelled from Spain during the Inquisition

All those adages about being a grandparent? They’re true. J. – The Jewish News of Northern California

| September 16, 2022

My grandson Lucas can really put the terrible in the terrible twos. Like most toddlers, hes a delight, except when hes not. Hell hurl berries from his high chair like an Olympic shot putter, smear sour cream on his placemat like a tiny Jackson Pollock, and sometimes, when he doesnt get what he wants, he will scream loud and louder, high and higher, until only bats and dolphins can hear him.

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