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Ziv Kipper, Murdered in Egypt, Had a ‘Big Jewish Heart’ –

| May 11, 2024

After welcoming the visiting rabbis, Kipper put on tefillin and spoke to them for hours about his life and how he lives in Egypt as a Jew. Credit: Mendel Goldman by Mordechai Lightstone When news broke of Israeli-Canadian Ziv Kippers murder in Alexandria, Egypt, on May 7, a widely shared photo showed him smiling widely, wearingtefillin,with twoChabadrabbinical students at his side

Rabbinic couple who turned around a shul are stepping down after 40 years – The Jewish Chronicle

| May 11, 2024

One of the communitys longest-serving rabbinic couples, Rabbi Shlomo and Rebbetzin Dr Lynndy Levin, are to step down from the helm ofSouth Hampstead Synagogueat the end of the year after 40 years of service to the United Synagogue congregation. The couple, who are originally from South Africa, turned around a synagogue which the United Synagogue had considered closing before their arrival

Rabbi Sasso, Cheltenham grad and first woman to be ordained in Reconstructionist Judaism, to hold weekend … – Glenside Local

| May 11, 2024

Rabbis Dennis and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, married in Philadelphia in 1970 and the first rabbinical in Judaisms 4,000 year history, are visiting Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel (KI) in Elkins Park on May 17 and 18, according to the Jewish Exponent. Eisenberg Sasso is a 1965 graduate of Cheltenham High School and grew up attending the synagogue. She became the first female rabbi in the Reconstructionist movement and met Dennis at the Philadelphia school (now in Wyncote) before serving Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis for 36 years together

Parody rabbi X account tricked UN Rapporteur Albanese on invite to speak on ‘morality of infada’ – The Jerusalem Post

| May 11, 2024

A known parody X account by the name of "Rabbi Linda Goldstein," who is described in her bio as the "Chief Rabbi of Gaza," invited Francesca Albanese, to speak on the "morality of intifada" at Columbia University at Goldstein's invitation - with a "small "honorarium available." Albanese serves in the role of the UNs Special Rapporteur on the Palestinian territories.

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon: Influencing the fate of millions with muscular dystrophy – The Jerusalem Post

| May 11, 2024

One Saturday night while Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon was teaching a group of seminary students at his house in Alon Shvut, there was a knock at the door. Tentatively, he opened it and was greeted with dozens of faces looking at him expectantly. He apologized and said that he was busy teaching a class, but they pleaded that theirs was a case of pikuach nefesh saving a Jewish life

UN Official Duped By Fake Rabbi’s Invite To Speak On ‘Morality Of Intifada’ At Anti-Israel Protest – The Daily Wire

| May 11, 2024

A United Nations official was duped by an invitation and honorarium offer from the satirical Chief Rabbi of Gaza to speak to anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University about the Morality of Intifada.

American envoy to Israel tells rabbi that war in Gaza is ‘very unpopular’ in the US – The Times of Israel

| May 11, 2024

In rare public comments, US Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew is filmed explaining to a prominent ultra-Orthodox rabbi in Bnei Brak the difficult position in which President Joe Biden finds himself as he tries to defend Israel in the war against Hamas. Its not easy because its a very hard war and its not a very popular war in the United States very unpopular, Lew is heard telling Hillel Hirsch

Cousin of Rabbi Meir Kahane Arrested After Driving Into Pro-Palestinian Protest in NYC – Democracy Now!

| May 11, 2024

If you think Democracy Now!s reporting is a critical line of defense against war, climate catastrophe and authoritarianism, please make your donation of $10 or more right now. Today, a generous donor will DOUBLE your donation, which means itll go 2x as far to support our independent journalism. Democracy Now! is funded by you, and thats why were counting on your donation to keep us going strong.

A Message for Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut from WUPJ President Rabbi Sergio Bergman World Union for … – World Union for Progressive Judaism

| May 11, 2024

Theodore Herzl proposed his hypothesis that establishing a Jewish national home would liberate us from the threat of antisemitism.His awakening to this vision followed the Dreyfus affair. However, in the contemporary context, after October 7th, a new vision is imperative. Merely having a Jewish State cannot fully address the ontological problem that persists the universal gratuitousness of hating Jews

First Rabbinical Couple in Jewish History Visiting KI This Month – Jewish Exponent

| May 11, 2024

Rabbis Dennis and Sandy Sasso (Courtesy of the Sasso family) Judaism is almost 4,000 years old. In that long history, there was never a rabbinical couple until 1970

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