Jewish Culture and History –

Posted By on October 13, 2015

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The museum's Web site contains several sections, including a virtual exhibition; a section on Diaspora communities; links to related sites; visual documentation; events; music; genealogy and family names; news; and education. Beth Hatefutsoth is "truly, in every sense of the word, a museum of the Jewish people."

Jewish Studies On-line is "a volunteer organization of professionals in Jewish Studies who collectively administer a series of Internet-based services in academic Jewish Studies, including an electronic discussion group (H-JUDAIC), an industry newsletter (Jewish Studies Judaica eJournal), and a Web-based library of pre-print articles and teaching summaries."

According to The Encyclopedia of Judaism the Pirk De-Rabbi Eliezer ("Chapters of Rabbi Eliezer") is a "Midrash composed in the early decades of the ninth century by an unknown author and ascribed by him to R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, a tanna of the late first/early second century CE. Scholars are divided as to whether it was written in Erets Israel or Babylonia. The work enjoyed considerable popularity in Jewish circles and went through more than two dozen editions, including a Latin translation in the 17th century.

Noteworth are the many similarities as well as the divergences between it and the Pseudepigrapha . . . . All the sages mentioned in the work are from Erets Israel, and the Jerusalem Talmud is frequently quoted.

The book is composite in nature and consists of three originally distinct sections: one describes the occasions when God descended to earth; another gives a detailed account of early rabbinic mysticism as well as the calculation of the calendar; the third is a partial Midrash on the Amidah. The first two chapters present a biographical account of the putative author of the book, R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus. Several chapters appear to be intended as homilies for special Sabbaths. . . . A distinct polemical note emerges in its attitude to certain teachings in the Pseudepigrapha, apparently accepted by some Jewish sects in the author's time. . . ."

(Wigoder, Geoffrey; Editor in Chief. The Encyclopedia of Judaism. [New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989], p.555)

For others, the name Kishinev has sinister connotations, recalling grim photos of piles of bodies -- Jewish victims of the terrible pogroms which were perpetrated there at the turn of the century.

Today, these tragic scenes have happily given way to scenes of joy -- scenes of a vibrant, spirited Jewish life. After decades of war, destruction and oppression, the Jewish community of Kishinev is experiencing a renaissance, unprecedented in modern times. Jewish life in Kishinev and its neighboring towns is once again alive and well....

The Web site contains many images of Zabludow and Bialystok, maps, rare images of the famous Zabludow wooden synagogue, and a history of the events which occurred in Zabludow during the Holocaust. The site also features some Holocaust-related documents from Zabludow.

These elected officers and the CJC staff serve as representatives on the following issues:

Individuals interested in on-line and electronic Hebrew texts may also want to visit the Shamash Tanach Directory, which provides extensive resources, including commentaries on the Divrei Torah and Hebrew texts of the Tanakh, Talmud Bavli, and Talmud Yerushalmi.

Information at the site, which is in English and German, includes general information about the institute and the institute's research projects; a list of the institute's publications; and, information about the free quarterly Dialog newsletter (and back issues, in German only), the Nachum Tim Gidal Gidal picture archive, the Cohen Library, and contacting the institute. The site also provides links to sites pertaining to Judaism and German-Jewish history.

Founded in 1986, the Steinhem Institute is named after the Jewish physician, author, and theologian Salomon Ludwig Steinheim (1789-1866).

For more information about the Catskills Institute, you may contact Dr. Phil Brown of the Department of Sociology at Brown University or Dr. Shalom Goldman of the Asian Studies Department at Dartmouth University.

Jerusalem: Western Wall

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