Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judaism – ReligionFacts

Posted By on October 31, 2015

Christianity Christians 2 billion Europe, North and South America, Africa Bible (Hebrew Bible + New Testament) Canon Law priests, ministers, pastors, bishops church or chapel Sunday 1st century CE ancient Palestine under Roman rule Aramaic and Greek within 60 years, churches in major cities in Palestine, Turkey, Greece and Rome; entire Roman Empire by end of 4th cent. Catholic-Orthodox (1054); Catholic-Protestant (1500s) Trinitarian monotheism Son of God, God incarnate, Word of God, Messiah, savior of the world virgin birth normal death plus spiritual suffering affirmed prophets; Jesus (as God incarnate); Bible inspired by God; some believe inerrant in original languages created good but all inherit "original sin" from Adam, causing a tendency to evil correct belief, faith, good deeds, sacraments (Protestants emphasize faith alone) eternal Heaven eternal Hell (most denominations) Islam Muslims 1.3 billion Middle East, Southeast Asia Qur'an (sacred text); Hadith (tradition) Sharia imams mosque Friday 622 CE Arabia Arabic within 12 years, entire Arabian peninsula; within 100 years, Muslim world stretched from the Atlantic to China Shia-Sunni (c. 650 CE) strict monotheim true prophet of God, whose message has been corrupted virgin birth did not die; ascended into heaven during crucifixion affirmed earlier prophets (message corrupted); Prophet Muhammad as recorded perfectly in Qur'an inspired, literal word of God; inerrant in original language born with equal ability to do good or evil correct belief, good deeds, Five Pillars Paradise Hell Judaism Jews 14 million Israel, Europe, USA Hebrew Bible (Tanakh); Talmud Halakhah rabbis synagogue or temple Saturday c. 7th century BCE ancient Palestine Hebrew little expansion; mostly confined to Palestine area throughout history Reform-Orthodox (1800s CE) strict monotheism false prophet normal birth normal death denied prophets, recorded in Hebrew Bible views vary two equal impulses, one good and one bad belief in God, good deeds views vary: either heaven or no afterlife views vary: either eternal Gehenna, reincarnation, or no afterlife

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Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judaism - ReligionFacts


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