UK General Election: The winner is the Herzlian party Zionist terror networks and Israel flag wavers – Redress Information & Analysis

Posted By on December 18, 2019

By Ian Fantom

The Herzlian party has campaigned vigorously in the British General Election, reaching virtually every household in the country. Four days before polling day the Simon Wiesenthal Centre was widely reported in the British mass media as attacking Jeremy Corbyn for alleged anti-Semitism. Jeremy Corbyn is the biggest global threat to Jews, warns Simon Wiesenthal Centre the worlds leading Nazi-hunting organisation as Boris Johnson urges voters to save Britain from a nightmare' wrote the Mail on Sunday, adding bullet points:

Earlier the UKs Chief Rabbi weighed in with a strong attack on Corbyn, also denouncing him for anti-Semitism. Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis had written an article in the Times headed What will become of Jews in Britain if Labour forms the next government?. It began thus::

Elections should be a celebration of democracy. However, just weeks before we go to the polls, the overwhelming majority of British Jews are gripped by anxiety. During the past few years, on my travels through the UK and further afield, one concern has been expressed to me more than any other. Of course, the threats of the far right and violent jihadism never go away, but the question I am now most frequently asked is: What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government? This anxiety is justified. Raising concerns about anti-Jewish racism in the context of a general election ranks among the most painful moments I have experienced

Anti-Jewish racism? It was a Jew who first pointed out to me that Jews are not a race, and that that terminology comes from the Nazis. Actually, its older than the Nazis, but the point was still valid.

The Evening Standard reported on this under the heading: Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis warns Jeremy Corbyns handling of anti-Semitism makes him unfit for high office, and quoted from the article: Jewish community has watched with incredulity as supporters of the Labour leadership have hounded parliamentarians, members and even staff out of the party for challenging anti-Jewish racism. Oh really? Not the other way round? This became the lead story in that evenings BBC flagship news analysis television programme. It interviewed the pro-Zionist Jewish Labour Movement, but not its rival group, Jewish Voice for Labour, which supports Jeremy Corbyn. and this was written up on the BBC News website:

Ephraim Mirvis

The Chief Rabbi of Britain and the Empire is a title that bears some formal recognition by the Crown, even though his rabbinical authority is recognised by only slightly more than half of British Jews, states Wikipedia. I checked the numbers out with the reference provided, which was a report by the the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Institute for Jewish Policy Research titled Synagogue membership in the United Kingdom in 2010. I concluded that was a gross exaggeration.

The Chief Rabbi is the rabbi of the United Synagogue, which states: The US has a Zionist commitment to strengthening its members bond with the land and state of Israel; a central feature in our beliefs and prayers, and so this confirms that the United Synagogue is a political organisation.

Theres been a lot of criticism of the Chief Rabbi in the alternative media. This was summed up quite well by Stuart Littlewood, writing in Redress Information & Analysis, in an article headed UK Chief Rabbis pious bid to sabotage Corbyn. But what of his own record on fighting racism?. He also reported that when the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, tweeted his approval a leading campaigner against racism immediately resigned from a Church of England advisory body in protest. Gus John wrote to the Church of Englands national adviser on minority ethnic issues: Those who occupy houses clad with stained glass should perhaps be a trifle more careful when they join others in throwing stones, the article reports.

Ephraim Mirvis with Boris Johnson

Since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party there has been a relentless campaign from within the party to unseat him. The head of the Herzlian partys headquarters in London was filmed by an undercover team from AlJazeera talking to his supporters at a Labour Party conference. Ambassador Mark Regev told them: Weve got to say in the language, I think, of social democracy, these people are mysogenistic, they are homophobic, they are racist, they are anti-Semitic, they are reactionary. I think thats what we need to say. Its an important message.

The documentary series showed how the Herzlians had been organising to undermine Jeremy Corbyn as the Labour Party leader, as well as a government minister who had been critical of Israel over Palestine. Britains then foreign minister was Boris Johnson, who told the House of Commons that the Israeli ambassador had apologised, and so the matter was over.

Shortly after the polling stations had closed on 12 December, one commentator said there had been two reasons for the exit polls to show a swing towards the Conservatives. One was over the issue of Brexit, and the other was that Jeremy Corbyn was toxic. This was a measure of the success of the Herzlian partys influence in the UKs parliamentary General Election. Word had gone around that Jeremy Corbyn was anti-Semitic or at least that he was allowing anti-Semitism to thrive in his party.

Theodor Herzl

Yet there has indeed been anti-Semitism in the parliamentary Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn has not had a free hand in his leadership, but has been obliged to follow the decisions of his National Executive Committee. As a result he had become a spokesman rather than a leader. His opponents within the Labour Party were Herzlians, supporters of the Zionist aspirations which Theodor Herzl advocated. In his diaries, Herzl wrote of rich Jews and poor Jews, and advocated the expulsion of poor Jews from Russia and Germany, so that they would be channelled into Palestine, ready for the creation of a Jewish state. His complete diaries clearly show this, but they werent published until 1960, and even then the publications were difficult to get hold of. Recently they have appeared on the internet, and the case that Herzl was anti-Semitic was made out in the Unz Review in UKs Labour anti-Semitism split: Just what the doctor prescribed. Herzl described his ideas as a military campaign, and it seems that the Herzlians are following that philosophy to this day.

At the last count, the Parliamentary Labour Party included 80 members of the Herzlian partys Labour Friends of Israel, and the Parliamentary Conservative Party included 80 per cent members of the Herzlian partys Conservative Friends of Israel. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is believed to be a member of the Conservative Friends of Israel, though he did on one occasion manage to criticise Israels treatment of the Palestinians without being targeted, as another Conservative minister was, and as Jeremy Corbyn has been since he was elected leader of the Labour Party. That may be because he also lavished praise on Israel. I suspect that the Herzlian party would have preferred Michael Gove, who had previously blocked Boris Johnson in becoming prime minister, but they were more dedicated to blocking Jeremy Corbyn, who had been a vociferous long-term critic of Israel.

Leading adherents of the Herzlian party must be aware of the policies of their founder, Theodor Herzl, and that his policies were extreme in their anti-Semitism. Thus, the anti-Semites in the Labour Party are the adherents of the Herzlian party, who simply project their own racism onto their critics.

The battleground has been in the Labour Party because in the party as a whole the Herzlians are outnumbered, and they were losing their hold on the Parliamentary Party. In the Conservative Party they hold a firm grip.

With their campaigning against Jeremy Corbyn they succeeded in making his name toxic, thus helping to ensure a victory for the Conservative Party. The Herzlian party are thus the winners in Thursdays [12 December] General Election, and will oversee British politics for the foreseeable future.

Ian Fantom is an information scientist with MSc in Physics. Organises monthly meetings for Keep Talking in London and Keep Talking email discussion groups in English and Esperanto. Popularised Esperanto in the 1970s.

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UK General Election: The winner is the Herzlian party Zionist terror networks and Israel flag wavers - Redress Information & Analysis

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