RABBI DAVID YOSEF: Charedim Should Refrain from Public Purim Celebrations to Avoid Chillul Hashem – VINNews

Posted By on March 21, 2024

ISRAEL (VINnews) Rabbi David Yosef, a leading Sefardi Rav, says that this Purim, due to the war, people should refrain from public celebrations. He said that while people should celebrate privately, public celebrations would convey an appearance that those who are celebrating are not feeling the pain of people who are suffering, and it would thus create a chilul Hashem.

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The Arutz Sheva website quoted Rabbi Yosef saying. We are in a situation where this is adifficult war against our enemies. Every day, we receive more bitter news about fallen soldiers. The situation is not at all easy.

I think that this year it is very important that everyone celebrates Purim in their homes and fulfills the mitzvot of Purim. But when it comes to public celebrations we have to be very careful not to show joy and dance in the streets. Be very wary of this.

He added that the general public sees how the religious people celebrate and are happy on Purim as if Israels pain didnt touch them it doesnt look good. It is a desecration of Hashems name.

Rabbi Yosef pleaded with Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim to refrain from public celebration as well, to show a sense of solidarity.

He said, Therefore, I ask also that the Roshey Yeshiva, the Rabbis, and the entire public do everything possible so that Purim this year keeps a low profile. Dont celebrate in public. Everyone in their own home with their family should eat the Purim seudah, send Mishloach Manot to relatives and friends but dont show as if whats going on here has nothing to do with us. We are part of the public. We also feel the terrible pain of whats happening to our soldiers, whats happening to the hostages.

He said, We feel that Hashem is with us in our trouble. It is all of our trouble, we are part of the people who sit in Zion and therefore it is unthinkable that we would celebrate and rejoice as if nothing happened. With Hashems helpon the one hand, we can really fulfill the mitzvot of Purim and on the other hand, feel that we are part of the people of Israels great trouble.

Rav David Yosef is the head of the Yechaveh Daat, the son of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, and brother of Sefardi Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef.

Last week, VIN reported that Rav Shaul Alter, the Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva, said that people should be bsimcha on Purim, because it is not beneficial for people to refrain from celebration. However it is not clear if he meant to include public celebration, or if he was referring to private celebration, but would agree with Rav Yosef that if it is public it can be misconstrued.

In addition, Rav Alter made it clear that it was a personal decision, and that others would likely have a different opinion, and seemed to suggest that there was not a definitive correct answer.

The rest is here:

RABBI DAVID YOSEF: Charedim Should Refrain from Public Purim Celebrations to Avoid Chillul Hashem - VINNews

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