New Shluchim Center in Jerusalem in Memory of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky – COLlive

Posted By on June 15, 2024

The opening event for the new center of Chabad of Rechavia, was celebrated just in time for Shavuos. It was dedicated by Shliach Rabbi Yisroel Goldberg in memory of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OBM. Full Story

The opening event for the new center of Chabad of Rechavia, was celebrated just in time for Shavuos.

Hundreds attended the multitude of activities this Shavuos.

In attendance were Chief Rabbi of the Kotel Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva University, and Minister of Religious Affairs Rabbi Michoel Malkieli.

The highlight of the Chanukas HaBayis was when the Shliach Rabbi Yisroel Goldberg announced emotionally that he was dedicating a home for Shluchim from around the globe, that come to Yerushalayim, in loving memory of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OBM.

Now Shluchim that come to central Jerusalem can have a home locally, within the new center of Chabad of Rechavia, to have lecture and Farbrengens, for their groups of friends.

This is in deep appreciation to Rabbi Kotlarsky for his ongoing close relationship with Chabad of Rechavia, Rabbi Goldberg said.

Video: Invitation to all Shluchim.

Read more here:

New Shluchim Center in Jerusalem in Memory of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky - COLlive

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