ADL Will Explain on Zoom Its Federal Lawsuit against Iran, Syria, and North Korea – San Diego Jewish World

Posted By on July 6, 2024

By Fabienne Perlov

SAN DIEGO As co-counsel on behalf of more than 100 plaintiffs, the national office of ADL filed on Monday a U.S. federal lawsuit against Iran, Syria and North Korea to hold them responsible for their role in the largest antisemitic attack since the Holocaust.

San Diegans can join us to learn more about this groundbreaking case during a Fighting Hate from Home Webinar at 9 a.m., Monday July 8 at 9am PT.

They will hear from those involved in the case about why this is so important to all of the victims of 10/7 and their loved ones, and ADLs legal team will explain the challenges and goals of this lawsuit.

Here is a link enabling San Diegans to monitor the webinar.

* Fabienne Perlov is the San Diego regional director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Originally posted here:
ADL Will Explain on Zoom Its Federal Lawsuit against Iran, Syria, and North Korea - San Diego Jewish World

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