USAID Diaspora Invest Gathers BiH Business Community in Berlin – Sarajevo Times

Posted By on July 19, 2024

More than 100 entrepreneurs from the Bosnia and Herzegovina diaspora community in Germany gathered in Berlin this week to network, strategize, and explore new opportunities to invest in their homeland. Organized with the support of the U.S. government, the event is part of the USAID Diaspora Invest projects efforts to strengthen business cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and its diaspora.

The event brought together distinguished members of the BiH diaspora in Germany and USAID Diaspora Invest partners for a robust discussion on the impressive results of investments in BiH companies, opportunities to connect with and invest in local BiH companies, and a presentation on USAID Diaspora Invest activities, including the projects partnership with 30 municipalities across Bosnia and Herzegovina to promote diaspora engagement. The event was also attended by BiH Ambassador to Germany Damir Arnaut who welcomed the initiative to deepen ties between the diaspora and the homeland.

Events outside Bosnia and Herzegovina present opportunities for new diaspora investments and showcase the progress made in engaging diaspora at the local level. The potential and strength of our diaspora are finally yielding concrete results, encouraging others to consider investing in their homeland, said Armin Alijagi from the association Naa perspektiva, a partner in organizing the event. It is time to write a new chapter on Bosnia and Herzegovina, one that showcases our countrys image as a prime business destination, Alijagi concluded.

Home to one of the largest BiH diaspora communities in the world, Germany has seen first-hand the economic benefit of Bosnian and Herzegovinian ingenuity and entrepreneurship. Now, USAID Diaspora Invest is harnessing the diasporas successes, knowledge, and skills gained abroad to advance economic development in BiH. To date, Diaspora Invest has supported 66 new companies founded in BiH by diaspora investors from Germany. These firms have invested over 40 million KM in Bosnia and Herzegovina, creating over 850 jobs across the country.

During a panel discussion, diaspora members Amar Begovi, Elvir Beirovi, Amela Malja, and Amra Ktschau-Krili, discussed various aspects of maintaining business and social ties between the diaspora in Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Systematic networking is of strategic importance in creating conditions for diasporas sustainable return. The diaspora plays a significant role in creating an environment where people will recognize our country as an attractive location for work, life, and investment, said Amar Begovi, one of the founders of Circuit Business Consulting, a company connecting the Western Balkans and the German market with a focus on the automotive industry.

Our goal is to establish connections between Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina through close cooperation with renowned Bosnian companies which enjoy an excellent international reputation in the furniture and interior design sectors. This cooperation enriches the culture of both countries and serves as a source of new ideas and innovative solutions. We enjoy working with those who respect and meet the German market demands. This includes quality standards, sustainability, innovative design, functionality, and regulatory compliance, explains Amela Malja from the Berlin-based Unique Factory.

The event also featured the work of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation, a partner of the gathering in Berlin, showcasing the positive results of the diasporas social engagement in BiH.

It was a great pleasure for my volunteer colleagues and myself to represent the BH Futures Foundation at this event and were grateful to USAID for organizing this. As representatives of the BH Futures Foundation, it is very important for us to continue establishing connections with our diaspora because we believe that we have a common vision of creating a better environment for everyone in our Bosnian society. We look forward to future events and initiatives, said Dalila Arapovi, one of the event participants.

Photo: archive

See the article here:

USAID Diaspora Invest Gathers BiH Business Community in Berlin - Sarajevo Times

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