Leo Frank and the Founding of the ADL, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
Posted By admin on May 22, 2011

While this major discovery occurred, Superintendent Leo Frank, and his Attorneys Luther Rosser and Herbert Haas, were present at the police station encompassed by a fleet of detectives while Leo Frank was giving his fatal State's Exhibit B to an official detective stenographer capturing the questions and answers. The record would later be stitch together with only the answers alone without the police questions and submitted as part of the crucial evidence for the trial.
Years later as the the two painful years of estoppelesque appeals unfurled, Mary Phagan's Mother Mrs. Frances Coleman in 1915 would sue the National Pencil Company for a huge sum of money at the time, $10 Grand, over the wrongful death of her daughter on April 26, 1913, this was well after the Leo Frank trial had effectively ended on August 26, 1913. The detectives hired originally by Sig Montag on behalf of Leo Frank, to "ferret out the real murderer", known as the world renowned National Pinkerton Detective Agency, sued the National Pencil Company for an unpaid detective bill of about a $1 grand or so. The National Pencil Company felt that the statement, "ferret out the real murderer" was lip service and they expected the Pinkertons to protect them, but when the Pinkertons after reviewing everything, they knew with absolute mathematical certainty it was Leo Frank who committed the murder, the NPCo felt betrayed because they didn't like the outcome and with held payment.
Both cases were won, and would surely be interesting reading as the Pinkerton case revealed a tidbit not given at the 1913 Leo Frank trial, in 1915 Harry Scott on the witness stand recalled the insecure nature all the way through of Leo Frank's eyes when he was originally being questioned about Mary Phagan.
The National Pencil Company, Destined for Greatness in the future as a possible world class International Pencil Company, Imploded Financially and Died a Tragic Fate All Because of One Man. The factory went bankrupt and the whole affair was a dark stain on the chapter of early 20th century Jewish history in Atlanta.
Leo Frank's wealthy uncle Moses Frank (Moe), who knew Leo Max Frank intimately and hired Leo (in August 1908) based on his genuine academic and German Engineering training qualifications, was the angel investor who in part made the National Pencil Company possible, and was no where to be found at the Leo Frank trial, just like Leo Frank's Father, Rudolph, but allegedly, a very contrived letter (see images) was mailed to Moses Frank on April 26, 1913, written by Leo Frank in the time range of the murder meant to show the court Leo Frank's very "calm and zen like" state of mind, and it was added as evidence at the trial. Moses Frank disappeared into the woodwork and was sure to slip off for the German Empire on a business and pleasure trip with his wife Sarah Frank, thus making it virtually mathematically impossible to subpoena Moe. The outer portion of the letter was never recovered and questions about its unusual contents emerged (Koenigsberg, The Leo Frank Case, Opened or Closed, 2011). Get ready to learn the intricate details about the most unusual Jewish-Gentile conflict flare-ups in early US history and what it revealed.

1. Leo Max Frank (the name chiseled on his tombstone within Mount Carmel Cemetery NYC),

2. Leo M. Frank (his name and signature on official legal documents),
3. Leo Frank (his name known by the public), or just simply
4. Leo or Frank (for short).

- Meet the Franks:
The closest family members of Leo Frank clan that is...
Papa: Rudolph Frank (circa 1845 to 1/15/1922), a Jew of North-Central European Ashkenazim roots was born and raised in Germany in the mid 1800's onward, until he later immigrated into the United States in the latter half of the 19th century circa 1869. Rudolph would make several career changes during his life and live in at least three vastly differing places, German Empire, Brooklyn New York, and Paris Texas. In the 1880 Census, Rudolph said he was 35 years old (Census Report, 1880). Rachel Frank in 1913 reported Rudolph was 67 and that his health had begun to fail in 1911 / 1912 from a nervous "crisis" forcing him to no longer be able to work as a traveling salesman, and given the life expectancy in this era was around 50 years, Rudolph lived a long life to his late 70's when he passed away from cancer in Brooklyn on January 15, 1922. Leo Frank using the eugenics terminology of the era described his father's absence at his 1913 trial because Rudolph had become an "Invalid" (Leo Frank Statement, Trial BOE, August, 18, 1913). Rudolph was buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery in Queens, NY at Frank-Stern family grave site #4 location: 1-E-41-1035-4 to the right of his wife Rachel "Rae" Frank.
Mama: Rachel "Ray" Jacobs Frank (1862 to 1/1/1925), an Ashkenazim Jew was born of German-Jewish parents living in NYC and she was not only raised in Brooklyn, but spent the vast majority of her life in New York, except for a 3 year stint in Texas, and several months in Georgia for certain during the Frank-Selig wedding, murder trial, some appeals and for other family affairs. She was buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery in Queens, NY at Frank-Stern family grave site #3 location: 1-E-41-1035-3.

Uncle Moe & Aunt Sarah: Moses Frank (1841-1927), Rudolph's older brother was Moses Frank, Leo's "rich" uncle who made his money in cotton oil and was the primary angel investor and visionary who made the National Pencil Company possible. According to Koenigsberg, "Moses Frank, an 1856 immigrant from Dudelsheim in Hesse-Darmstadt, naturalized as an American citizen in Atlanta, 1865 and New York, NY, 1864, according to the Ellis Island Manifest Records. Moe lived adopted Atlanta as his homebase and traveled back and forth there, on and off during his numerous travels, it was where he married his first wife Jane Wilson Kelly. Moe had even been in Atlanta the very week of April 21st 1913 with his second wife Sara (Leo Frank Case, 2010). Moses died in 1927 he is buried at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Queens, NY, at Frank-Stern family grave site #5 location: 1-E-41-1035-5.
Sara Frank, 18 or 20 years Junior to Moe (she changed her age on Ellis Island Manifest documents during different trips) was born circa 1860 and she died in 8/1/1937. Sara is buried at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Queens, NY, at Frank-Stern family grave site #6 location: 1-E-41-1035-6.
Moses Frank the Confederate Veteran
Steve Oney describes Moe as, "Confederate veteran Moses Frank" (Oney, 2003, p. 10), but despite being over cited without any reliable sources to back it up by Leo Frank partisan writers, Moses Frank never served in the Confederate Army and despite the high survival rate of enlistment documents, there are no records of any kind or any reliable evidence to support that Moses was ever in any U.S. Military, North or South, nor do any of his numerous eulogies make reference to him as a Confederate veteran (Koenigsberg, 2011). The unsubstantiated claim seems to come from Reuben Rose Arnold who on a whim in October 1913 makes a passing mention of Moses as a Confederate veteran in his emotional-appeal speech to Judge Leonard S. Roan to get Leo Frank a new trial.

When the pretentious curtain of Jewish family life and society obscuring the reality of truth is pulled away, it was all an uncomfortable dog and pony show, a charade Lucy had to feign and suffer her way through from 1913 to 1915, and after the lynching and Leo's volumous prison love letters were to be no more, nothing could prevent her from facing the repressed truth of what happened on the late evening of April 26, 1913 in privacy of their bed chamber according to State's Exhibit J.
Lucille endured a lifetime of the solemn deep pain, feeling betrayed by the husband she loved. No matter where Lucy went in Atlanta, the stigma did not fade so easily, glances, odd prolonged stares and whisperings would follow her, but would wane over the years and decades that followed. The significance of it all would come to light 42 years after the August 17, 1915, lynching of her husband when Lucy passed away in 1957 of heart failure, but she left an unmistakeably clear "message from the grave" with her written and notarized decision to be cremated and thus not buried next to her husband. And though the ultimate disposal of her ashes were not specified, the message was loud and clear, and her family being able to read between the lines did the honorable thing burying Lucille's ashes in an unmarked grave between the tombstones of her loving parents.
One can only imagine the real grief of having to bitterly relive the intricate haunting calamity of trials, conflicts and tribulations in nightmares and day dreams. The lynching was in some ways a deep sighing catharsis and relief for Lucille, a women who knew in the deepest reaches of her heart, soul and intellect the unmistakeable true guilt of her husband, after all, one can act words, uphold obligations to Jewish family and society, and make all the stoic appearances, but beneath the mask of veneer, this well born clever woman was hiding the pain of the humiliating truth, it was the burden of weariness and hurt she had to bare for the rest of her days. However, during the end of her life in 1954 the silent ballot cast by Lucille Selig Frank when she had her will officiated, it spoke volumes of coming to terms with letting go of a life time of pretend, make believe and wishful thinking, was an awaking moment of freedom and liberty that few people can fathom unless they experience it.
The self-requested cremation of Lucille Selig Frank and the empty grave plot #1 in the Frank-Stern funeral parcel are never enunciated with any honest depth and critical interpretation by the Frankites, Jewish community or Leo Frank Partisans.
For Lucille to request cremation and thus not be buried with her husband, is one of those quiet humiliations for the self-deceiving Jewish community which has perfected the art of repression, but as they just ignore its deeper meaning, pretending it never happened or is played off as just not relevant enough to mention the depths of it, the symbolism of the unmarked grave of Lucille is a monument of truth that can not be spun.
To Bury or Cremate?
Without a specific request for cremation, Lucille Selig Frank as a Jewish woman would have been faced with essentially two propositions, of either being buried next to her husband Leo Max Frank which was the traditional thing to do if she really believed he was innocent, and if she did not want to rest in peace with her only husband (as she did not remarry), then near her parents and family was the only other option. Though that empty grave plot to the immediate left of Leo Frank had waited for many decades calling out to Lucille to make one last pretentious appearance to close and cap off the loop.
How did Lucille Solve the Dilemma?
The tradition for Jewish Widows throughout the Jewish ages is burial next to their deceased husbands, but if Lucille Selig Frank was not buried next to her husband because of instructions from her will, it would have been a very loud and clear statement, given that the cemetery Grave Plot #1 (immediately left of Leo Frank) was specially reserved for Lucille Frank so she could be buried next to her husband Leo Max Frank contained who is within Grave Plot #2 (right of the empty grave plot reserved for Leo). Looking at the trial Photo of Lucille Selig Frank, sitting left flank of Leo Frank and his Mother Ray Frank to his right flank, one sees this vision on the grassy knoll where Leo Frank is buried, alas, there is no Lucille Frank for his left flank.
For an intelligent and clever woman like Lucille Selig Frank the public charade of presenting herself as the loyal, feather brained naive and incensed wife was finally far from over in the years and decades after the lynching. Lucille Frank chose the nontraditional, but appropriate option: cremation, it was the soft, gentle and subtle way, the silky velvet hand of politesse, which was meant as a nice way to save the Jewish community the humiliation of Lucy openly choosing not to be buried next to Leo Frank (because Lucille wasn't insensitive after all, she just wasn't going to spend all eternity next to her deceased husband), it many ways it was Lucille Selig Frank's own unmistakeable final verdict in the Leo Frank trial of 1913, when she passed away in 1957. The Cremation was also in some ways the ultimate vindication of State's Exhibit J, given by the Frank-Selig cook and cleaner Minola McKnight, which revealed Leo Frank had made his first murder confession to his wife, when he admitted murdering Mary Phagan in a drunken stupor to Lucille in their private bed chamber on the late evening of Saturday, April 26, 1913 (Minola McKnight, State's Exhibit J, June 3, 1913). That was the private Leo Frank murder confession on the evening of April 26, 1913, the public Leo Frank murder confession would come in the afternoon of August 18, 1913 (Leo Frank Statement, BOE, August 18, 1913).
Grave Plot #2: Leo Frank 1-E-41-1035-02 08/17/1915
Grave Plot #3: Ray Frank 1-E-41-1035-03 01/01/1925
Grave Plot #4: Rudolph Frank 1-E-41-1035-04 01/15/1922
Grave Plot #5: Moses Frank 1-E-41-1035-05 1927
Grave Plot #6: Sarah Frank 1-E-41-1035-06 08/01/1937
STERN, MARIAN 1-E-41-1035-12 04/02/1948
STERN, OTTO 1-E-41-1035-11 05/26/1963
1881: From Texas to New York City - An Arranged Marriage in the Jewish Enclave of Brooklyn
Step back to the early 1880's, not at all uncommon during Jewish history and the era, an arranged German Jewish marriage was organized between a much older gentleman (lucky old goat) and a reasonably attractive young Jewess. It was the typical selective breeding program that has been a permanent fixture over the Jewish centuries, the older intelligent gentleman obtaining a young healthy breeder and housewife. In far off Brooklyn, NY, in 1881 Rudolph Frank and Rachel Jacobs married within the Jewish enclave of Brooklyn, NY. Rudolph Frank "robbed the cradle" as they say and was 15 to 16 years Rachel Jacob's senior. After their traditional Brooklyn-Jewish marriage and honeymoon, they made the great voyage returning to Rudolph's humble abode in Cuero (Paris), Texas, for about the next 3 Years (1881 to 1884).

"The Perfect Family"
Several years and more after Rudolph Frank and Rachel Jacobs married, they created the proverbial "perfect family" and had two children together, a boy and a girl, in the "perfect order", first a son named Leonard Maxwell who was born at their Texas residence in 1884, followed by a daughter Marian in Brooklyn, two years thereafter in 1886.
Leo, Rudolph and Rachel Frank, Early Family Life in Texas - 1880's and onward
Rudolph Frank, had served as the local postmaster in Cuero, Texas (Also known as Paris Texas), and before emigrating from Europe into the United States, he had formerly some training and experience as a physician back in his "ancestral homeland" of Germany, but he unfortunately never completed the course work necessary in medicine to become a fully recognized Doctor. In the United States, he certainly would have had the option of completing his studies, and plugging into the lucrative Doctor Pharmacy matrix after upgrading his training in the US, but he did not go this route and instead became a traveling salesman until he was unable to work any longer.
Brooklyn Native, Rachel (Rae or Ray) Jacobs Frank (a Jew Yorker by birth), traditional for the time, became a young home maker after her marriage to Rudolph, but the young housewife felt like a withering flower once she was physically uprooted and transplanted into the boiling-hot, primitive and rural makeshift town in Paris (Cuero), Texas, after she was replanted far far away from her parents home in throbbing Brooklyn, a once lushly sylvan and green oasis, an eternally urban-suburban hip borough of New York City. For the Jewish gene pool the mega cities of America, like NYC offered the best protection, opportunity and improvement for the Americanized Ashkenazim. It was not just Manhattan, but Brooklyn and all of NYC that often attracted the best of the aggressive, racially conscious, eugenic, agitation, revolutionary Jewish gene pools.
Summer Heat of 1883: The Conception of Leo Frank
One day during the sexual heat of a hot and dry Texas summer in July, 1883, all the biological stars were in alignment, Rudolph and Ray had finally after nearly 2 years of marriage and trying, finally conceived their first child.
It's Official: Ray Frank is Pregnant 1883
The pregnancy would eventually be affirmed for sure when during the early first trimester Rachel Ray began experiencing all those natural signs of being "prego", including morning sickness and barfing.
In time Rachel would put her hand on her new bump and in turn it would become for future Moma Ray and Papa Rudolph a glorious, momentous and celebrated moment "unknowing" what was to eventually come, is it a boy or a girl? What do we name our child or who do we name our child after? With a high infant mortality rate back in those days, it was enough to make the newly wed couple nervous, uncertain and excited about their unknown future. Rudolph would have been walking around puffed up and proud-chested, glowing and beaming, the old goat was going to become a father afterall, he was beside himself with joy and praying for a son.
Hurray! It's a Boy!
They did not know it at the time, because there were no sonograms or other gender determining sciences available, but they were to be eventually surprised at birth.
Nine months after conception, on April 17, 1884, a son was born to a relieved Rudolph. Leo Frank had entered the world in their wooden frame home in the small Texas town known as Paris. The Frank's humble little abode was located about 100 or so miles from San Antonio, Texas.
Talk of moving away for better opportunities and "greener pastures" began before Leo was born and would intensify immediately thereafter, more importantly the social infrastructure and extended family network was mostly back in mean and green urban Brooklyn, NOT in the bland, droll and drab, tumble weed fields and listless planes of wild west 19th century Texas with a population less than 2 million, the wide little semi Defacto Texas Republic had fields that seemed endless!
It is said, that as hard as it is to believe in an age where every keystroke is recorded, they didn't have birth certificates back then in Texas at least in that "neck of the woods".
It's Time to Pack Our Bags HONEY, We're Movin' (BACK) to Brooklyn! O'Thank Heavens! Rachel was tired of slumming it.
The freshly formed Frank clan would follow through with no doubts or hesitations, embarking on an arduous journey, and the three of them would soon emigrate forever from the flat, rural, provincial, yawning and wild cowboyesque Texas, to the hustling and bustling cosmopolitan North East where life was truly lucid and intense. Where one could live deeply and suck the marrow out of the bones of life, as Henry David Thoreau might have quipped about Brooklyn had be been born there.
The best gene pools in the world were created and born within the womb of Brooklyn.
1884 Summer: Rudolph, Rachel and Sweet Baby Leo Frank
A tumultuous turning point for the new Frank family began with the summer of 1884, the complicated move at the time would have taken weeks of careful planning, organizing, and packing, their voyage was unfolding at a time in U.S. history when far-reaching travel was rough and painfully slow, but fortunately patience was plentiful -- though trying at times.
The Frank family made the right choice when they decided to relocate from the slow and boring small-town of Cuero, Texas, thousands of miles away, back to the home-town of Rachel, that place of brick, rock and brownstone clad buildings, the living suburb within the periphery of NYC known as the borough of Brooklyn (Kings County). Home Sweet Home, Brooklyn had "better-everything" and it was where everyone would benefit and have more opportunities, but not unlike Texas during certain times during the year, their arrival was at the thickest and sweatiest time during the peak of humid mugginess in the sweltering New York City summer heat.
No words might describe the ecstasy of finally settling in for a bit, sliding in and marinating in a large soothing claw foot bath tub after such a long stinky trip, which had stop overs, random annoyances and delays. It was so nice to have plumbing and toilets with running water vs. the crescent moon carved and shabby phone booth style outhouses of Texas that perpetually stunk to high heaven.
Wow, Brooklyn has electricity and running water without a well, and sewers to boot, what a concept!
Cute little cone headed and round faced baby Leo Frank, who not only looked more like his mother than his father, but he also got her generic good looks too. Sweet baby Leo Frank was barely three months old at the time of this immense pilgrimage and major relocation, he was still suckling nourishing milk from his mothers bosom and it would naturally be a traumatic move for him, but possibly instilling a little bit of that restless spirit in the environmental mix with his diasphoratic DNA genetic heritage, afterall his uncle Moses was a globe trotter himself. That long dramatic journey from one side of the country to the other, would not be his first or last metaphorically speaking and it certainly left a powerful impression upon him in a very abstract way, not unlike his future travels which would be even more dramatic in 1905 and 1907/1908 with two European Trips (Ellis Island Records, 1905, 1908).
Finally, after settling into NYC, Rudolph Frank took a job as a traveling salesman and Rachel "Ray" resumed her roll as home maker. Two years later and in the chillier NY months, a baby sister had arrived, Marian Frank, was born during a chilly day in 1886 in Brooklyn.
Leo and Marian looked so cute together.
Leo looks like the male version of Rachel Rae-Ray Jacobs Frank as a child, but Franks Eastern European round plate face would narrow and square down a bit, giving him a more oval chiseled athletic handsome-fit-nerd look in his prime of 29.
Education: Public Schools, College Prep at Pratt Institute, Cornell University 1902 to 1906, Overseas Trip in 1905
Leo Frank spent his most formative years in Brooklyn, NYC, where he grew up and was educated at public schools and the prestigious college prep school, the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn, a creative and artsy-fartsy institution of higher learning which is still running strong more than 100 years after Leo attended. One can only imagine what a fascinating place Brooklyn must have been like in the decades surrounding the turn of the century as it was going through its own unique development and evolution in its lifecycle.
Leo M. Frank was a star student and matriculated into Cornell University in Ithaca, NY (Tuition of $100), from the Fall of 1902 and studied there until his college graduation ceremony in June of 1906. At Cornell, Leo Frank studied Mechanical Engineering and dabbled in numerous hobbies, sports, and numerous social affairs.
Summer of 1905
In the summer of 1905 between his Junior and Senior year at Cornell, Leo Frank went on his first (of two) overseas trip(s), visiting various countries, meeting with extended family, taking black and white photos (some of which survived) and spending time with his world traveling investor uncle Moses Frank who was 63 at the time according to the original manifest documents (Ellis Island Manifest, 1905). Ellis island passage records revealed mostly when people arrived in the United States, not when they left (Ellis Island Record Rules). Steve Oney has one trip for Leo Frank in 1906, as a Cornell graduation activity, which is wrong and not corroborated by official Records at Ellis Island or Cornell University Documents. US Passports were not universally or generally required until circa 1917/8 and beyond with the unraveling of world war I, the history of passports is mainly very gray and murky in terms of its crisp universal agreed upon use in 1980. Leo Frank did apply for a passport in the single digits of the 20th century, where he put his height at 5'8" (Leo Frank Passport Application, 190N).
Leo Frank's 10 Day Atlantic Trip ended on September 24, 1905, when he arrived at Ellis Island with his uncle, they had departed together from Hamburg, Cuxhaven, on September 14, 1905 (Ellis Island Records, 1905).
According to the Ellis Island Records, Leo Frank sailed on the 'Hamburg'. :
[The Hamburg] Built by A/G Vulcan Shipyard, Stettin, Germany, 1900. 10,532 gross tons; 521 (bp) feet long; 60 feet wide. Steam quadruple expansion engines, twin screw. Service speed 15 knots. 2,170 passengers (290 first class, 100 second class, 1,780 third class).Two masts and two funnels. Steel hull and four decks. Crew 225.
Built for Hamburg-American Line, German flag, in 1899 and named Hamburg. Hamburg-Far East, New York from 1904, Genoa-NY from 1906 service. Interned at New York at the start of World War I in August 1914. Chartered in 1914 and renamed Red Cross. US Red Cross service. Renamed Hamburg in 1917. Seized by US Government, in 1917 and renamed Powhatan. US troopship service. Known as the USS Powhatan, SP 3013. Transferred to U.S. Shipping Board, in 1919. Chartered by Baltic S.S Corp. Of America, US flag, in 1920 and renamed New Rochelle. New York-Danzig service. Chartered by U.S. Mail Steamship Company, in 1921. Also New York-Danzig service. Renamed Hudson in 1921. Also New York-Danzig service. Chartered by United States Lines, in 1921. New York-Bremerhaven service. Renamed President Fillmore in 1922. Also New York-Bremerhaven service. Transferred to Dollar Line, American flag, in 1924. Around-the-world service. Scrapped in the United States in 1928.
During Frank's college years at his Alma mater, he engaged in chess, cards, tennis, and played basketball for his class team - Leo Frank was a handsome athlete and scholar who looked a lot like the fictional character Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) during his college years and he certainly had another side to him too.
During his free time Frank engaged in Jewish fraternal activities and practiced amateur photography. The 1906 Cornell yearbook has Frank listed as a member of the Cornell Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME). Frank was also a member of the Cornell Congress and the H. Morse Stephens debate team. If Frank's participation in the multitude that is college and his ability to multi-task were any indication of his potential future, he was destined for greatness, but on the flip side our intuition and instincts tell us there's also something unusual, even freaky about Leo Frank, some of Leo Franks pictures below and above reveal a real kind of unbalanced "donnie darko" side about him.

Employment 1906 to 1913
After college, Frank took a job in the summer of 1906 as a draftsman for the B.F. Sturtevant (Sturdivant) Company in bone chilling and frozen tundra Hyde Park, Massachusetts, 6 months later he returned to New York as the brisk chilly fall turned into a frigid NY winter.
In 1907 Frank began a new job working for the National Meter Company of Brooklyn, NY, as a testing engineer and draftsman for about 10 months. Though Leo M. Frank was Ivy League educated at the haughty Cornell University, the best school of higher education New York has to offer (no offense Columbia), he was unable to connect with any kind of steady job - though not because he lacked talent. Leo Frank was a sharp cookie.
1907, 1908 to 1913, Big Opportunities in the South, briefly in 1907, and five years during 1908 to 1913.
Leo Frank's wealthy world traveling uncle Moses Frank - Moe, had suggested to Leo M. Frank that he should consider becoming involved in a potentially lucrative opportunity and participate on some level in the management, upkeep and maintenance of a new manufacturing venture, a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia, one that Moses had just invested in with some serious shekels. After all, Leo Frank was no slouch, he had an engineering degree and it would be most useful and valuable to have a family member on the team being a potentially serious player. Moses Moe was no slouch either, he made his golden nest egg from cotton oil, and it was time to make another, because well, being on permanent vacation can slowly get very expensive and that's the honest to God truth. Moses was a vibrant old man, but thought to be blind by 1908 (Koenigsberg, LeoFrankCase.com, 2011). Moses was the high-up and undeclared patriarch of sorts for the Frank clan and extended family.
1907 October - Life Changing Event, Atlanta & European Sojourn.
In the middle of October 1907 his uncle Moe - Moses Frank and associates, invited Frank down south to the beautiful burgeoning Atlanta on the brink, it was part pleasure and a family outing, but ultimately a business meeting when all is said and done. What Moses was offering Leo was the opportunity of a lifetime, suggesting that Leo stop working for other people and making them rich, and instead come to work for a newly born family business. Tragically the genius idea of opening a pencil manufacturing plant could have been a shining star or a golden mill, but instead would always be remembered for southerners as the ultimate symbol and collapse of Jewish-Gentile relations in the South, a place located in the blackened heart of Atlanta, Georgia. Defense leader, Luther Rosser in a loud and arrogant basso voice would describe it as a vile hole in his closing argument at the end of the Leo Frank capital murder trial, August 1913.
Frank thought it over, but had that warm tingly feeling of excitement and agreed, after spending 2 weeks getting a little taste of Atlanta, he returned to NYC momentarily and then embarked on a long and bitterly cold Atlantic journey across that dangerous and unforgiving dark-wine Homeric ocean to the country or conglomeration historically known at the time as the "German Empire" -- papa Rudolph Frank's immediate ancestral home land in Europe.
In December 1907 Frank began a 9 month apprenticeship in serious, stern and gruff Germany, to study pencil manufacturing under the tutelage of Eberhard Faber.

September, 1908
After a 10 day Atlantic trip across the dark wine homeric ocean, on September 8, 1908, Leo Frank arrived in the United States on Ellis Island, from the port of departure Cherbourg, France. Leo Frank rode across the mighty Atlantic ocean on the The Kaiser Wilhelm II. Built by Vulcan-Werke, Stettin, Germany, launched in 1903 . 19,361 gross tons; 707 (bp) feet long; 72 feet wide. Steam quadruple expansion engines, twin screw. Service speed 23 knots. 1,888 passengers (775 first class, 343 second class, 770 third class).Four funnels and three masts.
Built for North German Lloyd, German flag, in 1902 (start date) and named Kaiser Wilhelm II. Bremen, Southampton, Cherbourg and New York service. Laid up U.S. authorities, in 1914. Seized by United States Navy, American flag, in 1917 and renamed USS Agamemnon. Troopship service. Transferred to U.S. Shipping Board, in 1919 and renamed Monticello. Scrapped at Baltimore in 1940.
August, 1908
In August of 1908 Leo M. Frank returned briefly to NYC to kiss and hug his mom and dad, and give noogies to his sister marian, then he practically ran out and off, he left his home in Brooklyn, New York, and permanently relocated with luggage to Atlanta, Georgia.
After briefly settling in, on the 10th day of August 1908, Frank was given a medium level entry position in the Frank family business, and he embraced it, hitting the ground running. With hard work and dedication, Leo Frank vigorously moved up the time ranks in respect, building trust and a developing a reputation for punctuality and meticulousness. In a matter of new york style energy he shown bright in the South. In time Frank became superintendent, accountant, treasurer and part owner of the National Pencil Company, located in what at the time what was considered the chest pounding heart of Atlanta, Georgia.
In Time, Rising to Superintendent, Accountant, Treasurer and Employee Payer.
When Frank became superintendent of the 37 to 41 S. Forsyth street, National Pencil Company factory, his responsibilities were for purchasing supplies and machinery, accounting, operations, paying off employees and insuring the final production quality exceeded that of competitors. Frank was also made a part time general supervisor of the pencil Lead plant on Bell Street. Frank had a lot of responsibilities, and he worked long hours and his math and science brain were put to good use and as a result his accounting and management skills grew exponentially.
The Creepy Boss with the Rattling Cash Box
Leo Frank was diligently focused on work flow minutiae and efficiency, as a result his upward mobility at the pencil factory was reflective and worthy of him, he worked for nearly five years, reaching the heights of prominence, leadership and responsibility at the apogee of his career while he was in the early age of 29 -- just before his arrest, and during this nearly half-decade (August 10th 1908 to Tuesday, April 28th 1913) of service he had developed a general reputation amongst the general public at face value as a good chap with promising potential. His rich uncle Moses, was proud of Leo and saw him as the perfect man to command the helm of the factories on the ground.
In general Leo Frank exhibited all the behaviors you would want in a leader, an early bird, punctual, hard working, obsessive compulsive, good at math and when it came to accounting, paying attention to details, and keeping meticulous books. Leo Frank monitored time cards fanatically and could account for every second of every minute and penny, this is precisely why the business was so successful. From it's beginnings in 1908, it was a powerhouse by 1913, primarily because of Leo Frank and the occasional dressing down scoldings he received from Sig Montag.
Although Leo Frank was a rockstar at running the show, he had a dark, naughty, perverted, fetishesque and kinky side, the alleged perception of his character amongst a bakers dozen or more of the pre-teen and teenage girls who had labored at the factory, was that Leo Frank was a creepy touchy-feely boss, one whose "claws" came out and Frank got just a wee little bit too close if you know what I mean, but Frank wasn't always so obvious, he was very subtle sometimes and not always so noticeable in his lecherous deviousness. Naturally given Frank's position of limelight prominence in the Jewish community, his high leadership position at the factory and his relatively new marriage, all ensured Leo Frank was reminded he had to have some semblance of stealthiness, he wasn't a dummy after all, and he knew on some level consciously and unconsciously he had to try to maintain some measure of self-control and fertiveness for his friskiness.
Population and Labor Surge
There was an over abundance of child labor available in Atlanta at the time, and no shortage of naive farmgirls who sought a better life in the "fast" urban Southern city away from the droll existence on the "slow" rural fields. The lean muscle rail thin bespectacled handsome nerd, known as Leo Frank was always making couched sexual propositions to a careful selection of his pre-teen and teenage girls working at the factory, they claimed Frank made "implied" innuendos, naughty suggestions, lecherous stares, was openly caught sometimes leering at them in the dressing room, at times winking and got a little bit too familiar at times with some of the girls. There were other allegations too besides aggressive sexual harassment (lasciviousness), that the factory was also being used as a rendezvous for in-call and out-call prostitution under the winking eye of Leo Frank. There were after work during the work week and Saturday Dionysian stress relief parties involving booty, bubbles and beer. The gloomy poorly lit basement was one of the kinky places couples were allowed to rendezvous. In general the factory could be interpreted as becoming the work hard and play hard fiefdom for Lord Leo Frank in a roundabout way, but really he was just trying to blow off some steam and it got way out of hand. Even Darley another married man was seen with a young girl at the movies on Confederate Memorial Day (Koenigsberg, 2011).
Wall to Wall, Row to Row, Column to Column
The jammed rows of fire hazard humping and pumping brothels were just around the corner from the Pencil factory and at the time bursting at the seams with child prostitutes, teenage hookers and fresh street meat. Not so ironically, the National Pencil Company factory was once a bed bug ridden sweaty hotel where grandpa dirties and horn dog men of all ages for that matter, could get their rocks off on the side and bring home STD's to their unfortunate and unsuspecting house-Frau wives at home. The bordellos were filled with poor, naive and worn out farm girls and child laborers who had been ground down in the slave pits of the malicious "meat grinding" mills and ferociously filthy factories for just pennies an hour, and many finally got turned out for dollars at a time once they realized they could make a weeks wages in a single day of turning tricks. Like all things in life and in the universal cosmos, there are circles, ups-n-downs and waves. Farming was no different, it was periodical, during drought, dry sales and down cycles the cities would be flooded with farm girls and boys looking for any work and wages available. Child Prostitution was an unfortunate part of a city surging in population, where severe poverty was rife, and the testosterone-fueled supply and demands in every possible direction where high. Though on its best day, Atlanta didn't have even a fraction of the numerical whoring available as NYC did at the time, but pound for pound, Atlanta had more.
Rattle the Money Box, How About it?
In a slap stick kinda way, Frank was also allegedly often making inappropriate sexual innuendos with the cash box in his office, sitting in his swivel chair, with his long skinny boney looking legs spread like a wishbone, slapping his knees, rattling the swollen cash box on the table, smirking, grinning, winking and saying how bout it? Though sexual harassment was no stranger to women in the history of female labor, it was often the biggest complaint in the factories, mills and industrial sweatshops of the time. The number of pre-teen and teenaged girls sexually molested and raped in these horrendous environments are uncountable. The temptation was always there on both sides and turning out girls was a game that today is called today in urban areas, "the crown and the jewels". It's a game that has existed and been played in and played out over and over all throughout history, when young naive girls were forced to come into contact and work in the testosterone surging mans world which is why wine, women, whiskey, hormones and testosterone came into play in every direction in three dimensionally. Leo Frank's Character for Lasciviousness was Bad Frank's character would be described by more than thirteen of the girls and other factory workers, who would testify against him, saying Frank was, what amounted to a lascivious (sexually aggressive) pedophile and some suggested a frequent dabbler in whoring. Though the words pedophile, whoring and whore monger did not exist at the time, these kinds of descriptions were vividly implied, because more than a bakers dozen employees and former employees of the National Pencil Company made very specific allegations and claims during the Leo Frank trial (July 28 to August 25, 26 1913), even more affidavits supporting these notions would emerge after the trial between 1913 and 1915. Indeed, after the trial, Dorsey to counter the claims of the defense that the accusations were false went ahead and secured more affidavits supporting Frank's pedophile and naughty-naughty tendencies, including one about a young girl that got knocked up by Frank and revealed a very kinky-sexually-aggressive side of Leo Frank.
Leo Frank was into Bruise Biting
Apparently Frank was into sadist teeth to flesh sexual foreplay, leaving teeth marks and bruises on a little teenage girl he had turned out. Perhaps, the young degenerates DNA has lived on after all, not through his bloated dumpy infertile wife who couldn't conceive after 3 years of manual procreation, but the sweet young naive lass he debauched at the factory. At Least Ten to One Ratio: People attesting to Leo Frank's Good Character vs. Bad Character for Lasciviousness Though there were just as many, if not more, a lot more people that came forward to say Frank was not a horny and frisky licentious boss with wood in his pants, taking advantage of his position and power - the quantity numbers game could not save Frank in this situation, because of the "quality" and closeness of those speaking out against him. Pedophile, Like accusing people of Racism: Guilty Until Proven Innocent The accusation people use today when they want to destroy, smear and defame you is to call you a racist or antisemite, or pedophile. It's a sad reality, but in a situation where a girl claims naughty overtures by the bossman, or any man for that matter, he is almost certainly and always socially considered guilty before innocent.
How Many Witnesses Corroborated Leo Frank's Naughty Tendencies?
Dorsey put the number at 19 verifiers in his closing arguments (Dorsey, August 1913) making it somewhat virtually impossible to counter that the lascivious tendencies were not true - no matter how many character witnesses Leo Frank "bussed down" from New York. The claims of some of his female employees essentially amounted to pouring a cup of hemlock on his murder trial and poisoning it. Leo Frank was not on trial for pedophilia, adultery, sexual harassment or whoring. The Leo Frank Defense Team would argue that bringing up Frank's pedophilia and whoring rampages had no place at the trial, because Frank was not on trial to determine if he was a sexual predator, however, the prosecution brought it up only after the defense made the blunder of bringing up Leo Frank's character. The rule at the time is that you couldn't challenge the honor of ones character, until the defense brought it up first and they did - big mistake. Once the defense gave the green light, Frank's lascivious and licentious character became an issue by the prosecution to show Frank's propensities and tendencies for sexual aggression and whoring as a probable segway or gateway for the theory of why he murdered Phagan and it helped the prosecution build their case. It wiped out over 100 character witnesses Leo Frank had bussed down from the North East, including teachers, and associates from the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn and the uppity Cornell University. It became odd and alien that Frank had to bus in truck loads of Northerners, because the Jury would naturally wonder why can't Frank, who lived in the south for 5 years, be unable to bring in more local support, people who are from Atlanta and the surrounding area. After all, 5 years in Atlanta is a long time and Frank's local showing was average at best.
In Lucille's July 17, 1909 picture with Leo Frank, Lucy looked her best.

1910 - Marriage of Mr. Leo Max Frank (1884 to 1915) Marries Miss Lucille Selig (1888-1957).
Meet the Seligs: Daughter, Lucille Cohen, Mama, Josephine Cohen, and Papa, Emil Earlier in 1910, Leo's baby sister Marian Frank, became Marian Stern after she had married Otto Stern in NYC, and Frank being older by a couple of years felt the half-joking half-serious social pressures at the time and knew he was overdue to marry. Frank was fortunately introduced to Lucille Selig after he had arrived. Once Leo Frank settled in and took permanent residence in Atlanta August of 1908, he began dating Lucy very seriously in 1909, though they had corresponded before they met in person. Lucille Selig came from a prominent and wealthy Jewish family of industrialists who two generations earlier had founded the first synagogue in Atlanta. The Selig-Franks lived in a Grand Home.
A Match Made in Heaven: Emil and Josephine
Both born on the same month and day: Lucille's father Emil Selig (Jun. 10, 1849 - Mar. 30, 1914) was a salesman for the West Disinfecting Co., a maker of soaps and supplies, before that, he was a liquor salesman. Son of Samsohn Seelig & Sara Loeb. Emil who did not leave a probated will was buried in Oakland cemetery Jewish Section, Block 279, Lot 58, Grave 3.
Mrs. Josephine Loeb-Cohen Selig (Jun. 10, 1862 - Jan. 27, 1933), was a home maker and her daughter Lucille Selig would often help out when they weren't lounging about, playing cards, socializing with their sowing-circle of cackling Jewish housewives and gossiping yentas yakity yaking.
Magnolia McKnight (Minola) was their personal cook, who also did light cleaning and laundry. Josephine and her daughter(s) lived the good life, the simple life, the pampered patrician life, by comparison to the toiling local crackers as they were called in local parlance (Oney, 2003) as some were light and flakey . Lucy's (Lucille) zaftig figure and swelling belt line showed that there was no shortage of downright good ole fashioned "house negro" cooked food made by their skinny high yellow "black mammy", Minola (Magnolia McKnight) as they affectionately called her. Josephine was buried a Oakland Cemetery, in Jewish Section, Block 279, Lot 58, Grave 2. Josephine's parents were Jonas Loeb Cohen (1823 - 1885) and Regina Abraham Cohen (1839 - 1918).
The Odd Couple "Opposites Attract": Mr. Leo Frank and Miss Lucille Selig
An Engagement and Prelude to a Marriage Destined to Fail:
The colloquial that "opposites attract" tends to apply more to short term relationships and temporary lust, than anything else. Therefore the cliche "opposites attract" is a misnomer to the highest in the bigger picture of time and space. Every learned psychologist will tell you that studies show those kinds of relationships can tend to be very problematic, unstable, divisive and often don't work out in the long run, but back then it "didn't matter" marriage was for the most part a life long venture and people learned how to "suck it up", not like today where 50%+ of people divorce over the pettiest of squabbles. It also helped that life expectancies in the early 20th century were decades shorter than what they are today. The marriage of Leo and Lucille, was sadly like too many marriages, eventually destined to fail even if they would have most definitely remained together till the end, which didn't really matter for Leo Frank as there was an infinite supply of side action on the sly.
Leo Frank was very much a total opposite of sorts compared to Lucile, and they had more serious differences than things in common. The marriage between them appears to be more political than anything else and based on some of the things that would come out about what Frank was doing on the down low, their marriage could not be described as happy by any stretch of the imagination, except on the surface for appearances, but definitely not under the Jewish Royal Marriage veneer.

Lucy was part of the active and highly assimilated Jewish community of Georgia, she was very much Southern and sassy, moreover, irregardless of being from a well-to-do and prominent Jewish family with means, she was very provincial compared to Leo. In fact as any born and raised New Yorker will tell you (which Leo Frank "essentially" was), everyone outside of NYC is provincial and bland. Despite being intelligent with a sharp and witty tongue, Lucy's highest educational level ended at the high school level, though she was well read and could still hold her own. If one were to quantify Lucy she was a strong loyal woman to the core, but she wasn't a dummy and when all was said and done, she knew what was going on behind the scenes. She should not be considered a naive feather brain Jewish house frau who thought everything between her and Leo was fine and dandy.

Hillary Clinton Will Tell You Some Women Should Not Have Short Hair
Lucille's masculine short-butch bull-dyke haircut like her swelling weight issues didn't help her either, but anyway you slice it or dice it, Leo Frank got bored with Lucy faster than a new york minute - "specially" when the factory was flooded with hard body pre-teen and teenage former-farm-girls blossoming much faster than their female peer counterparts - the teen girl laborers matured years ahead of their time and were nothing like the girls who came from middle class families who could ensure their daughters wouldn't have to give up school to work in the "meat grinding" mills. The thoughts Frank had of mounting that swelling provincial cow he married gave him the visual notion of a mosquito trying to puncture and drill into a beached walrus. And naturally the fit and skinny Leo Frank took to his past time of buffet whoring more vigorously, when he got tired of hogging, with his "big fat wife" - as he called Lucille behind her back (Jim Conley, 1913).

A simple phone call to the mischievous and twinkle in her eye Nina Formby, Leo Frank's favorite mamasan who worked down the street in the area of Atlanta that was jam packed wall to wall with young meat child brothels, could send order take out delivery directly to his office for mere dollars. Frank loved to sample and dabble in the endless experienced or fresh meat that was constantly churning, burning, humping, pumping and grinding through the "blink and look the other way" Atlanta Red Light District. Frank had some major hormone issues and mental imbalances, its not clear if it was genetic or from excessive consumption (too much substance abuse), or both, however you can tell he had these problems at times, by the numerous pictures of him looking like a psychotic serial killer with his out of orbit big buggy bulging scary creepy erie freaky eyes which seem to swallow you and even sparkle like black diamonds as Jim Conley described (BOE, James Conley, August, 1913). At times Leo's eyes appeared hyperthyroid (graves disease?), which might be more revealing about his physiology, psychology and personality than meets the eyes (no pun intended).
Barring Leo Franks Flaws
ASIDE from Franks sneaky-creepy-freaky lascivious behavior against his pre-teen and teenage girl employees, after work and Saturday drunken debauchery, swings of mentally and hormonally imbalanced states - Frank was exactly the kind of guy you wanted to run your factory, because barring his serious flaws, he was work-hard-play-hard kind of leader, early to work and late to get home (not always late to get home because of work, though it offered a good excuse). What also made Leo Frank, really valuable is that he kept obsessive-compulsive disorder detailed records and two sets of accounting books. Leo Frank monitored employee time cards religiously and fanatically down to the minute.
Leo Frank was a human calculator and time clock with superb memory after nearly 5 years of brute force calculating at the factory nearly 60 hours a week. Frank could be relied on as he was always punctual, but at a salary of $150 a month (6x James Conley), even if he dipped into in the company coffers to finance his bingeing and whoring rampages, it went un-noticed, after all Leo managed the accounting books and the light embezzlement didn't raise any suspicions or eye brows of Moses Frank or Sig Montag.
The surviving records and invoices of the National Pencil Company, show money was flowing in like it was going out of style, lots of money in and lots of pencil stock out, the numbers were growing fast and furiously at the factory bank account, sales reports showed they were sometimes churning out $2,500+ to $5,000+ a week in gross orders, not bad by 1913 standards.
Aside from a little frisky-frisky and naughty-naughty on the side during occasional evenings and Saturdays that might put Leo Frank's reputation at risk, Frank was mostly liked by his employees and he held the company together for the most part given it's zillion complicated variables that had to be managed and juggled. Franks creepy innuendos towards his employees never became an issue, because the girls that got creeped-out would move on, the ones turned out ended up at the brothels up the street, and the ones that tolerated it stayed would put up with it begrudgingly and stoically. Leo wasn't after all the girls either, he was subtle and very selective. The official trial record has numerous laborer teenage girls who became former employees because of Leo Frank's sexual harassment, and if you think about, it didn't matter as there was an infinite supply of new young meat that needed a job.
Wailing Wall
Had Frank not gone off the edge on April 26, 1913, the National Pencil Factory would probably today be remembered in glowing terms as a shimmering icon of industrious Southern Jewish history. Instead, the factory is remembered by Southerners as a vile sweatshop and bastion of pedophilia where little mill girls got tested and some of them turned out. For the Jewish community, the factory is remembered with organ pipes and violins, as a mini Jewish Holocaust, by a people bent on its own exaggerated victim hood and obsessed with perfidious narcissism against perceived "out groups", if only they had saved the western wall of the pencil factory before it got demolished, it would have become a spiritual shrine, a Southern wailing wall part 2, for Jews to bob, undulate and weave, to release all of the wallowing inner pain and suffering through prayer and sticking notes in the wall, all of it dramatized by an egomaniac people who love to celebrate their own metaphorical "sadomasochistic" instigated persecution.
A Marriage of Politics
Leo Frank engaged in a highly political matrimony, marrying into a prominent Jewish family, one who generations earlier had founded the first synagogue in Georgia. Leo and Lucille were married by Rabbi David Marx on November 30, 1910 in a borderline-gouache pink wedding ceremony at their in-laws gaudy and dated McMansion.

The wedding was held at 68 East Georgia Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia, the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Emil Selig and Mrs. Josephine Loeb-Cohen Selig. Rabbi David Marx performed the ceremony and members of Hebrew Benevolent Congregation attended before a small gathering of family and close friends. The Athens Banner described the evening as "a pretty event," noting that "the house was artistic with quantities of smilax and vases of pink carnations in all the rooms." The paper reported that "Miss Michael sang several beautiful selections of songs before the ceremony and was accompanied by Miss Regina Silverman, who also played the wedding march." ... The two young women also wore pink, with Helen Michael in "a white lingerie gown over pink silk" and Regina Silverman in "a pink chiffon cloth gown over silk, trimmed with lace and black marabou. Other out-of-town attendants at the wedding included the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Frank of Brooklyn, New York, and the best man, Mr. Milton Rice of Rochester, New York. The paper stated the couple would "spend several weeks at the Piedmont before going north for a wedding trip." After their honeymoon, Lucille and Leo settled in with their in laws the Cohen-Seligs, at 68 East Georgia Avenue, the place of their pink-overload marriage. Lucille and Leo Frank became active members of Jewish Society. Frank a highly secure, confident, active man with poise, had the highest honor bestowed upon him, he was elected B'nai B'rith president the largest Lodge in the South, over 500 members strong. It made sense that Leo Frank was elected as president of B'nai B'rith, as no average,shivering, insecure and nervous man would ever be elected to such an important position. Frank was a man who beamed with inner confidence and strength, he was the confident superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, he was married into a prominent Jewish family, he was active in Jewish Society and Philanthropy, so naturally he was a perfect leader for the powerful and influential B'nai B'rith.

In a shuttered factory on Confederate Memorial Day, Saturday, April 26, 1913, Leo Frank was wrapping up some last minute paperwork before intending to do some light afternoon whoring and then call it a day to go to see a baseball game with his brother in law. However, things took a wrong turn. Thirteen year old Mary Phagan came in to the factory to receive her pittance of pay, $1.20 from a previously shortened week that ended the Monday before on April 21st 1913. Phagan was one of Leo Frank's child laborers at the factory, she was cute, with lovely blue eyes and very well developed for her age, she had been laid off the previous Monday because supplies of brass ran out. The brass was processed, formed into bands around the ends of pencils and used to hold erasers to the pencils, and when the brass had intermittently ran out, some of the 4 girls in the metal room had to be temporarily laid off. Phagan worked in the metal room's tipping department, inserting erasers into the metal bands of the erasers, and because metal had run out, she was laid off until the supplies which acted as a "dependency" were replenished.
Dorsey Called it a Species of Coercion
Frank allegedly lured Mary Phagan just down the hall from his second floor office into the metal room, which was where Phagan had toiled endlessly for the last year at her workstation. It was theorized based on the testimony of Jim Conley and circumstantial evidence, that Frank convinced Phagan to follow him to the metal room on the false pretense of seeing if the brass metal supplies had arrived or not, and thus determining whether or not Phagan would have her job back on the following Monday morning. Once alone inside the metal room with Phagan, Frank quietly closed the door shut and securely locked it, and according to Hugh M. Dorsey in his closing remarks, Leo Frank, using Phagan's laid-off, half-unemployed status and potential job prospects on Monday, April 28, 1913, as a species of coercion and manipulation (Dorsey, August 1913), Frank bluntly demanded sex from Mary Phagan, that is, if she wanted her job back, but when Phagan resisted him and tried to escape, Leo Frank grabbed her, bludgeoned her by pounding her in the face with his angry fist, he lifted her up and slammed her (Conley, 1913) against the handle of the lathe, where her hair broke off and was spotted by an employee Barret et al, Monday morning, August 28th 1913, and affirmed by numerous other employees who knew Phagan after they too saw it. Frank then allegedly dragged Phagan into the bathroom of the metal room while she was unconscious, lifted her skirt up, ripped or cut open her underwear and raped her 13 year old virgin vagina, rupturing her hymen and leaving her tornup underwear bloodied according to the physical evidence retrieved from Phagan by the Undertaker and presented at the trial (BOE, 1913). Frank then allegedly grabbed a nearby cord used to tie the boxes of pencils and garroted Phagans tender throat until she suffocated and died of brain damage.
A follow-up clean-up job ensued, once Leo regained his composure.
Mary Phagan's strangulation became a national scandal once its discovery hit the media's press machines and it became a cause celeb for the Jewish community which feared being disgraced because a high profile member of their tribal community might have committed such a disgraceful act and heinous crime against one of the host populations children.
According to Leo Frank's own statements and behaviors which some say collectively amounted to virtual admissions on: April 27 together with April 28 (See State's Exhibit B in the Brief of Evidence 1913), April 30, and August 18th (see the unconscious bathroom segway confession), the beating, pedophile-rape and child-murder of Mary Phagan, occurred between "12:05 to 12:10, maybe 12:07" or possibly "12:10 and 12:15", and with the absolute time range basically being 12:03 to 12:15. Though we will never know for sure, until the invention of a time machine or an identical simulation or our universe comes out near the end of this century, can't wait to see the previews.
To be fair, Frank might not have had premeditated murder in his heart when his ulterior motives inspired tricking Phagan to go back with him into the metal room to see if the supplies had come in, but in his overpowering attempt to turn her out, he knew unconsciously he had no choice but to permanently silence Phagan, because if Phagan had reported that he violently forced himself on her, rape or not (rape-escape), the consequences would have been severe. White people back then did not tolerate the shit that goes on today, it was well known in those days when white people weren't deracinated from their racial consciousness, their was the risk of mob vigilante justice, which at times included castration with rusty tools without anesthesia, followed by lynching for rapists or attempted rapists, and even if Frank did not hypothetically end in that fate because of his influence and access to other peoples wealth, he knew either way his career, reputation, the factory and marriage would have been permanently ruined if it was found out. Mary Phagan's last breath was around 12:05 +/-.
After Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan.
Based on interpretations and recollections of Jim Conley (Connolly) Statements:

The contrived murder notes evolved the Mary Phagan cold case into one of the most shocking and embarrassingly botched attempts in U.S. history, by a person trying to third-party frame and railroad the violently heinous rape and murder on an innocent Negro (Negro is the term they used back then to describe Afro Americans), Leo Frank's graveyard shift employee, an African American named Newt Lee, who was setup to be the fall guy and scapegoat for Phagan's murder (according to Jim Conley). Later at the trial, Newt Lee, who had been working at the factory as the nightwatchman for 3 weeks, would have some very interesting sworn testimony to provide about Leo M. Frank's unusual behavior on that infamous day of April 26 1913. It was testimony that even Leo Frank would not fully counter or explain away during his August 18, 1913 trial testimony. Newt Lee also told the police that the factory was being used by couples to have evening trysts.
Down payment of a Half Pack of Cigarettes, Two Paper Dollars and Two Silver Quarters, $200 promised
Frank allegedly offered a $200 payment, took it away when Conley was resistant and then offered it again, but as a potential post-payment if Jim Conley or Connolly would go downstairs stuff the dead little girl into the giant cellar oven and burn the evidence, but Connolly was leery and hesitant, saying he would only do it if Frank helped. For some reason Frank wanted Connolly to do it by himself and would not help him. Frank told Conley that if he didn't get caught and if Connolly would do the job, he would pay him the money during the week.
Frank gave Connolly a small down payment of cash and smokes,telling him to light up, but Jim Conley later left the factory with the $2.50 and a half-pack of cigarettes, that Frank had given him as a small down payment on the $200 bribe offering, without doing the final dirty work.
Frank sternly, firmly and directly ordered Jim Conley to come back later and finish the clean up job, including specific hints that Jim Conley must finish the makeshift crematorium work of burning Phagans body if he wanted to get the $200 at a later time. Jim Conley didn't accept or reject the job, but got spooked, left the factory after Leo Frank left and went drinking across the street before going Home and falling asleep - not waking up until mid day Sunday. Had Jim Conley done what Leo Frank had told him to do, this article might not exist today. Based on different accounts, Frank left the factory to go home for a late lunch between 1:10 and 1:20, arriving at his home at about 1:30, he was nauseous and lost his appetite, stayed for about 10 minutes, didn't eat anything and then left to go back into town. Frank silently prayed to himself, hoping that Jim Conley was doing the erasure of evidence deed.
Jim Conley never came back, can you blame him?
Frank Had the Worst Case of Butterflies in his Stomach
Leo Frank returned to the factory after his late low calorie "lunch" of allegedly eating nothing and his stomach was twisting in knots. Frank waited around desperately for Jim Conley to return promptly, on the promise of $200 in Greenbacks, that is if Jim would incinerate the body, but when Jim Conley never came back that late afternoon, Frank was Freaking out and became nauseously terrified and more nervous, agitated, frenetic and excited then ever, and in a last pitched act of desperation, Frank snatched the contrived murder notes he had dictated to Jim Conley he had him scrawl up earlier, and scattered them next to Phagan's body in the gloom of the basement. It is not clear, why Frank did not attempt to stuff the bloody body of Phagan into the oven himself and attempt to destroy the evidence. Although Phagan was a low chunky girl at 4'11" she easily weighed 115 to 120lbs, almost as much as Leo Frank at 5'8" and 135lbs and the dirt floor basement was absolutely filthy, covered wall to wall in black charred soot and cinders. Frank being a bit of a premadonna was smart and cautiously would have avoided getting unnecessarily dirty and stain himself up with filth and possibly blood in a way he could not explain away when he went home to his big fat wife (as he described his own wife).
Had skinny Leo Frank tried to stuff that heavy little girl in the oven, A sarcastic moment... Lucille might say: Honey, why does your handsome suit have some blood and soot stains all over it? Frank might reply: Oh, I don't know pumpkin, just a busy day on the job at the quiet office on this State holiday violently raping little girls and then strangling them off for good measure so they can't snitch.
Fortunately Frank was wearing a brown suit at work, brown is the best color in the world for hiding stains, but the premadonna wanted to be as far from the body as possible. Frank then went back upstairs to possibly resume a poorly and partly consummated clean up job in the metal room that his step-and-fetch-it Jim Conley had not done a very good job, but possibly being a little bit of a premadonna it is unlikely he would have made much effort, for the same reasons he had not wanted to touch the nasty twisted and disheveled body in the basement that his actions in the metal room had earlier created.
If You're Gonna Murder Someone, At Least Do a Good Clean Up Job
Since they didn't have CSI at the time, Frank didn't know any better, his training was in engineering, not forensic murder cover-up. In the second floor metal room there appeared to be a really badly executed clean up job, which included smearing and rubbing haskolene into the blood stains left by Mary Phagans head when she was accidentally dropped on the floor during her removal process. The haskolene smearing appeared to be a cover up attempt to hide the murder evidence as best as possible, but the blood clearly showed through the bungled erasure attempt.
It was a major blunder, and Frank should have just had his Step-and-fetch-it Jim Conley use good old fashioned hot water, soap and a scrub brush. It was likely that Frank had the Janitor do the half-assed clean up job and that Jim did a half-heartedly poor job or was just simply unable to hide the soaked in blood stains on the metal room floor, so they were smeared with haskolene.
Together they botched the clean up job big time.
Even worse, no one thought to remove the hair left on the lathe after Leo slammed Mary's head into it. Employees discovered the hair in the morning of Monday, April 28th 1913, and later Mr. Coleman, Mary Phagan's step father would identify the hair as being Mary's. That was another major blunder of Frank, he had the negro lackey sweep the floor and clean the bathroom, but he forgot about the hair that got on the lathe.
4pm: The Night Watch ("Night Witch") Arrives

"What Time is It?"
Newt Lee made a strong resistant hesitation to leaving the factory, because he was exhausted, he had to come into work an hour earlier at 4pm instead of 5pm on Saturday April 26 1913 by Frank's request made on Friday April 25 1913. Frank said he wanted to go to the baseball game, which he canceled after he murdered Phagan. When Newt Lee asked Frank if he could please sleep in the packing room for an hour or two, but Frank flatly refused, wouldn't let him stay and was insistent that Newt Lee leave the factory and go out and have a good time - finally Leo Frank practically forced Newt Lee out of the factory. Newt Lee left and came back at a few minutes before 6pm , Frank was still in a panicked and nervous state, asking him in a frantic state what time it was, this was coming from the man who spent the last 5 years in front of a large faced time clock and meticulously recorded everything.
At 6PM, Frank told Newt, "Don't punch yet!", saying that he needed to change the time sheet. Newt watched Frank butterfinger and fumble with the changing of the time sheet in the time clock, his hands were bumbling and fumbling with it even after 5 years of changing the time sheets, it took him twice as long as usual. Normally Leo Frank could change the time sheet with his eyes closed, at that time his hands were jim jammin like jitterbugs in a frying pan.
It was something Leo Frank could normally do with his eyes closed, blind folded and one hand tied behind his back, but today for some strange reason he was struggling with it. Newt went downstairs after he punched to smoke a fag, on a crate in the doorway downstairs. Frank frantically gathered his stuff, put on his hat and goat, then left the building briskly. As Frank exploded out of the door, he became terrified with horror when on the way out he ran into a former employee and bookkeeper named Gantt, and fell backward scared trying to practically crawl backward into the building, but it was too late - he had been spotted by Gantt and Newt Lee who was smoking finishing off his fag looked at Frank perplexedly.
Frank knew that Gantt had known Mary and the Phagan family quite well. Frank was deeply relieved when he discovered that the former employee was there because he wanted to collect his shoes he left there in the factory previously and was not looking for the missing Mary Phagan who at this time had spent nearly 6 hours slow-rotting in the basement. As the former employee Gantt, had requested to go into the factory to get his shoes, Frank lied in a non-challant manner to the former employee saying he had seen the Negro Jim Conley sweep them out of the factory, Frank was trying to get rid of Gantt without seeming overly concerned, However, Gantt outmaneuvered Frank by saying they were a different color, and Frank who was in no position to get into a heated debate, quickly acquiesced, Frank wanted to "get the hell out dodge" as soon as possible and as far from the building as possible, as he knew Phagan's lifeless body was slumped on a saw dust pile in the basement would be discovered by the "Night Witch" during his rounds.
Gantt convinced Frank to let him go in to the factory and Frank obliged with the caveat that Newt Lee must accompany him during the whole time. Gantt, found his shoes (both of them black and tan) in the packing room, which meant Leo Frank lied and Gantt left the building with Newt Lee closely following and monitoring. Newt Lee, then locked the front door and began his security rounds.
When Frank got home at 6:30pm, he did something he had never done before with Newt Lee, he immediately called the factory but no one picked up the phone. 7PM Then Frank called again at 7:00pm and Newt Lee finally picked up, Frank in a brisk frazzled voice asked if everything was Alright at the factory and when Newt Lee said Yes, Frank curtly said goodbye and slammed the phone. Frank had never called the factory on a Saturday or any other day for that matter before, to check up on things, according to Newt Lee who worked there for 3 weeks.
Frank also never asked about Gantt.
At the trial, Leo Frank said he called to see what the status was concerning Gantt, but Newt Lee said Frank did not ask about Gantt. Frank might have been calling the factory twice to see if Newt Lee discovered the body of Phagan, because Newt Lee was supposed to check every square inch of the factory during his rounds, but once the factory was locked up, Newt might have not gone all the way back into the rear of the basement or at all until the early morning of April 27th 1913 during his visit to the negro toilet to drop the Cosby's off at the pool, but that was still about 8 hours away. Ironically, Leo Frank in his August 18 1913 trial testimony would make subtle complaints against Newt Lee for not finding the body sooner, henceforth throwing even more suspicion on his own two never before made phone calls to the factory at 6:30 and 7:00 PM on April 26th 1913. That evening Frank chain smoked cigarettes and guzzled booze like it was going out of style, he drank the liquor cabinet dry, he was attempting to medicate himself and his copious binging would ensure he would be badly hung over the next day and may have contributed to his inability to hide his guilt-revealing body language or it could have made him appear guilty because he was so worn out, pale, nervous and had a trembling hoarse voice, he would fire off questions at the police before they could answer the questions and fumbled with his shirt and tie.
April 27th 1913
At approximately 3:15 AM in the morning, the Negro Nightwatch named Newt Lee, during his lantern beholden factory rounds, went down to the cellar to use the negro latrine in the rear of the basement, the Cosby's were knocking, and they were asking if they could use the pool in the back yard, when he finished his business, without wiping he pulled up his draws and pants, and buttoned up, he spotted and discovered the mangled twisted body of a little girl in the gloom of the rear of basement, about 150 feet back. When he approached the dead body, he noticed that her dress was pulled up and her underwear was torn and pulled down, soaked in blood and urine, and a cord was dug snug and deep into the tender flesh of her neck. Newt Lee got the hell out of dodge as quickly as he possibly could and called Leo Frank for nearly 10 minutes straight, but alas there was no answer, Leo was drunk as a skunk and passed out stone cold, finally giving up on ringing Frank, Newt Lee called the police station at 3:28AM and one of the biggest Jewish scandals of the early 20th century was about to unfold. Newt loped to the ladder at the beginning of front area of the basement and shimmied back up, he ran up the stairs, briskly going to the office to call Leo M. Frank. After nearly 10 minutes of trying to reach Leo M. Frank, Newt gave up and decided to call the police.
A Phone Call at Half Passed Three in the Morning, the Investigation Begins
The Police and Detectives were on the scene within minutes in their model T fords, they were left with the engines on, they were let in by Newt Lee who waited by the front door for them to arrive, and they went down the hatchway, descended the diagonal ladder with lanterns and flash lights, beginning their investigation. They noticed drag marks from the front of the elevator and lead all the way to the cinder / saw dust pile in front of the furnace. They found had to pull down a stocking to confirm the girl was White, because she had been dragged in the dirty floor. They found the contrived murder notes. Later that same morning and day, observing, and questioning countless associated and affiliated people, they immediately contacted an apprehensive Leo M. Frank at the crack of dawn because he was a senior level manager of the factory who had been at the virtually empty and shuttered factory that day. Frank resisted going with the police when they arrived because he wanted some Coffee and breakfast before going out with them, and Frank was very nervous, pale, trembling, fumbling with himself and was hung over badly with a hoarse voice. He fired questions at the police so quickly they didn't have a chance to answer.
Frank Incriminated Himself
When Frank gave a number of incriminating statements, was betrayed by his body language and made several foolish mistakes and blunders that totally gave himself away, the intuitive police and detectives became very suspicious, with the result of Frank becoming prime suspect number one. After questioning Leo Frank and numerous other people, everything seemed to conclusively point in the direction of Leo M. Frank. Two days later, Leo Frank was arrested and detained on the morning of Tuesday, April 29 1913 at 11AM and later, he was indicted and finally his conviction on April 25 1913, which was affirmed by the Trial Judge the day after the verdict on August 26, 1913. It was this highly publicized event at the end of the trial that became one of the pre climaxes of the Leo M. Frank case, followed by a lynching 2 years later and in all, would define how Leo M. Frank would forever be remembered. The undertaker had also arrived afterward and they took the body out of the basement, up the ladder and to the mortuary to be placed on a cooling table. The dead child, was later identified by Grace Hicks the morning of April 27th 1913 as thirteen year old Mary Anne Phagan. Grace Hicks worked in the metal department on the second floor with Mary Phagan for about a year and was very familiar with her. Grace Hicks testified some very interesting details about the metal room, including the positioning of the dressing room and the layout of the bathrooms there and where Mary Phagan's work station was in relation to them.
Police and Detective Investigation - April 27th 1913 Sunday
After police and detectives questioned Leo M. Frank, countless dozens of factory employees and arrested some affiliated people, all the evidence began pointing in one direction. Tuesday April 29 1913 Fifty Six hours after the body of Mary Phagan was discovered, the police and detectives had developed a very strong legitimate suspicion against Frank, their intuition was based the evidence and testimony they had gathered. Leo M. Frank was arrested on Tuesday, April 29th 1913 at 11AM, it was the last day of his freedom.
Coroners Inquest Jury, Wednesday, April 30 1913.
The official murder investigation wasted no time.
The coroner's inquest began shortly after nine o'clock on Wednesday, the 30th day of April. The empaneled Jury hearing the testimony consisted of 7 men in total, 6 inquest Jurymen and the Coroner: 1. H. Ashford, 2. Glenn Dewberry, 3. J. Hood, 4. C. Langford, 5. John Miller 6. C. Sheats 7. Judge of the Inquest Jury, Coroner, Paul Donehoo.
Leo was very specific that he did not use the 2nd floor bathroom ALL DAY when he spoke at the Inquest. Not that he didn't remember, etc., but that he DID NOT USE it. It certainly seems as if he was distancing himself (verbally and mentally) from that area.
The Perjury of Lemmie A Quinn
Concerning Leo M. Frank's alibi, Frank said he had forgotten for the first week of the murder investigation to bring forward Lemmie A Quinn, foreman of the metal room, a key witness. However at the Coroners Inquest, Lemmie Quinn, came forward to provide contrived testify that sounded totally suspicious and did not pass the common sense test.

Quinn said, he had come back to the pencil factory and specifically into Leo M. Frank's office at 12:20 to 12:25 for the purpose of talking about baseball with Mr. Herbert Schiff, but Mr. Schiff was not supposed to be at the factory at all that day, because it was a State holiday, and everyone was given the day off. Schiff also prided himself at the trial in never missing a day of work in 5 years.
The testimony of Quinn was meant to shrink the plausible time Leo M. Frank could have to strangle Mary Phagan by 15 minutes from 12:02 to 12:35, to 12:02 to 12:19. Quinns contrived testimony also added eye witness testimony strength to Leo Frank's alibi that he never left his office from noon to 12:35. Lemmie Quinns perjury, shrunk Leo M. Frank's unaccounted, but it still left wide open and unaccounted for, the time frame Mary Phagan had come to Leo M. Frank's office, which was between 12:05 and 12:10, maybe 12:07.
Conclusion of the Coroners' Inquest and Jury
Coroner Paul Donehoo and his Inquest Jury of six men empaneled, questioned over 100 employees and dozens of other various associated people. The week long inquest and testimony provided under oath, left very strong suspicion on Leo M. Frank when Thursday, May 8th 1913, the Mary Phagan Inquest drew to a close.
Coroner's and Inquest Juries Verdict 7 to 0
The Coroner and his Inquest Jury of six men together voted unanimously 7 to 0 recommending Leo M. Frank be bound over for murder and investigated further by a Grand Jury of 23 men which included 5 Jews. Newt Lee was ordered to be held as a material witness as expected.
Deputy Plennie Minor delivered the unanimous verdict of the Coroner's Inquest Jury to Leo M. Frank who was being held in the infamous Tower. Frank was sitting perusing a local newspaper at the time. When Deputy Plennie Minor approached Leo M. Frank and told him about the unanimous verdict of the Inquest Jury, which had ordered that Frank be held for murder and for a more thorough investigation by the Grand Jury! Newt Lee slumped his head dejectedly when the bad news was delivered, however, Leo Frank insolently replied that it was no more than he had expected and continued crackling away and folding at the big sheets of his newspaper. More than two hundred witnesses, factory workers and affiliates had been subpoenaed providing testimony at the Inquest. Leaving a very strong impression when the weight of the evidence was considered against Leo Frank. What stood out the most from all the inquest testimony is that Leo Frank said specified he never went to the bathroom that day and he held onto that position until he made a startling revelation at the trial.
Grand Jury: A Decisive Moment, to Try or Not to Try.
On May 24th 1913, the day the Grand Jury of twenty three men were to vote after a long, grueling and exhaustive review of testimony and evidence concerning Leo M. Frank, they would be short some members. Two Grand Jurors where not present on the day of the vote, one member, a Jewish member went to New York City and M. Beutell, a Gentile, had an important event he was unable to miss, and as these two men were out of town, they were not permitted to vote by absentee ballets, it therefore reduced the Grand Jury from 23 to 21 voting men. The importance of this reduction was that only a majority of 11 instead of the former 12 votes were necessary to indict Leo Frank in this nail biting moment for the police and prosecution that had tirelessly spent a month building their case. Even though Leo Frank was a businessman partly responsible for creating more than a hundred jobs for the community, they were not sympathetic, because primarily the evidence was solid and overwhelmingly strong against him. With twenty-one men remaining, some close observers may have wondered if the vote was straddling the fence in either direction, and questioned whether the majority of 11 out of 21 would come forward and vote for an indictment or not.
A Close Call?
In a result that set another powerful tone for the future of the case, just as the Coroner's Inquest Jury vote had done, the Grand Jury voted unanimously 21 to 0 in favor of indicting Leo M. Frank for the murder of little Mary Phagan. With four Jews voting unanimously with seventeen other Gentile men to Indict Frank, it puts serious doubts about the veracity of the Jewish Communities historical and contemporary race-baiting hatred claims over the last 100 years that Leo Frank went to trial because he was Jewish; an innocent Jew railroaded and framed collectively by European-Americans who are innately anti-Jewish and the whole Leo Frank affair was a widespread anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic conspiracy. Countering the Jewish position, Southerners are wondering why Frank supporters must resort to making false, bigoted and racist blood-libel smears against them for the last 100 years, when the evidence against Frank is solid, and every level of the U.S. legal system sided with the Jury that they were not mob terrorized and Leo Frank had a fair trial.
The indictment read... In the name and behalf of the citizens of Georgia, charge and accuse Leo M. Frank, of the [Fulton] County and State [of Georgia] aforesaid, with the offense of Murder, for that the said Leo M. Frank in the County aforesaid on the 26th day of April in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and thirteen, with force and arms did unlawfully and with malice aforethought kill and murder one Mary Phagan by then and there choking her, the said Mary Phagan, with a cord place around her neck contrary to the laws of said State, the good order, peace and dignity thereof. The Frankites, like Steve Oney and Dinnerstein, would claim the outlandish claim the entire Leo Frank case can be reduced to the word of Jim Conley vs. Leo Frank. Though the indictment had absolutely nothing to do with Jim Conley, and after powerful and compelling evidence (without Jim Conley) was presented to the Grand Juryman, the following 21 Grand Jurymen of which four were Jews unanimously signed the bill of indict against Leo Frank (Bill of Indictment, 1913, Atlanta Publishing Company, The Frank Case, 1913; and Mary Phagan Kean, 1987).
The 21 Members of the Grand Jury Unanimously Voting to Indict Leo Frank are:
1. J.H. Beck, Foreman,
2. A.D. Adair, Sr.,
3. F.P.H. Akers,
4. B.F. Bell,
5. J.G. Bell,
6. Col. Benjamin,
7. Wm. E. Besser,
8. C.M. Brown,
9. C.A. Cowles,
10. Walker Danson,
11. G. A. Gershon,
12. S.C. Glass,
13. A.L. Guthman,
14. Chas. Heinz,
15. H.G. Hubbard,
16. R. R. Nash,
17. W.L. Percy,
18. R. A. Redding,
19. R.F. Sams,
20. John D. Wing,
21. Albert Boylston
After the twenty one Jurymen unanimously signed the murder indictment of Leo M. Frank, would be put on trial before a cohort of 13 men, a Judge and a petite Jury of 12 men to decide his fate.
Trial of Leo M. Frank

Unknowingly at the time, the Leo Frank trial would become one of those rare cases in U.S. history that would enthrall and capture the imagination and tribal emotions of the masses for more than a century after the whole ordeal. Put before a freshly created Jury after a long Jury selection process, Leo Frank was showing signs of being physically sunken, mentally worn out and emotionally weathered. Leo Frank sat in the middle of the court room, not obscured by a table, but fully exposed in full view, ghostly flushed and emaciated - a shrunken and empty shell of the former man. Leo Frank looked like a dead ringer of Pee Wee Herman (Paul Rubin) strung out on heroin. The resemblance is uncanny.
Leo Frank's perturbly cocked head with a gentle sideways lean exuded a very subtle but plea for mercy, pity and sympathy. His bulging impenetrable eyes where encircled with that mentally ill purple color. Throughout the entire trial, Leo Frank's crossed arms and legs exuded at times lonely, insecure, arrogant and insubordinate body language which gives one the nearly imperceptible psychological feeling of wanting to ask: what are you hiding?
More Particularly, Leo Frank's crossed arms in a very specific pattern could easily be interpreted as the reflection of an overtly defensive body language you might expect of a little skinny teenage boy with a guilty conscious who painfully waits in the tension of anticipation just moments before being sternly scolded by an incensed mother for doing something unacceptable. Though psychology was in its infancy at the time (1913), today more than a century later, contemporary psychologists suggest most people unconsciously interpret crossed arms as different mental degrees reflecting defensive, "conflicted" and closed behavior. It gave the imperceptible perception that Leo Frank was trying to hide something.
Moreover, Leo Frank's testicle crushing tightly locked crisscrossed legs gave off the most imperceptible haughty, and shielded tone. There was something unnerving about Leo Frank's demeanor and appearance at the trial, even though his crew were decked out in fine threads, something about Leo Frank seemed entirely out of place, giving one the feeling of an unsettling notion that something is just not right about this guy. His bulging eyes out of orbit staring in different directions exaggerated by his eye glasses, the recovering drug addict red-indigo hues around his eyes, his sunken face and protruding simian jaw, his rail thin body, his crossed arms that resembled a little boy who knows he did something wrong, the infinitely tight crossed legs that seem to crush a mans genitalia into oblivion, all of it wrapped in an expensive suit, gave off a very weird vibe about this guy.
Frank's body language also seemed out of sync with everyone else in the Courtroom and most certainly the Jury placed directly in front of him, and as such, Leo Frank's demeanor whether intentional or unconscious was setting a disadvantageous posture, working against him from the starting block of his trial.

The Conviction
The Leo M. Frank conviction, along with what was perceived as defamatory portrayal of Jews in the media, became the impetus and directly inspired the founding of the ADL in the fall of 1913.
Appeals - Majority and Unanimous Decisions during the Appeals Process Affirm the Murder Conviction Given by the Trial Jury
After the murder trial ended on August 26th 1913, Leo M. Frank commenced two embarrassing years (1913 to 1915) of estoppel, reflecting a snap shot the Leo Frank Defense League movement. The appellate process commenced after the trial was filled with numerous half-serious half-baked legal appeals made to the Georgia Superior Court, Georgia Supreme Court, United States District Court and United States Supreme Court, every court carefully and meticulously studied and reviewed the murder trial testimony and evidence, every single court affirmed the trial was fair and the Jury was not mob terrorized, with only 4 dissenting judges out of more than a dozen affirming Judges.
See: Primary Sources Section.
Two Years of Half-Baked Court Appeals
Leo Frank then began a very expensive two year circus of embarrassing, poorly concocted and frivolous appeals. Franks lawyers and defense teams used every method of criminal activity on behalf of Leo Frank to create evidence to support him. They bribed and threatened witnesses, put forward and spun together embarrassingly cheesy frivolous court appeals through every possible legal channel, all the way up and down the Georgia State Superior Court, Georgia State Supreme Court, the District Court of the United States and the United States Supreme Court, multiple times ad nauseum.
Oct 1913
Starting with a Request for a New Trial: on 31 October 1913 - Judge Roan denied the motion for a new trial. More specifically, immediately following the Leo M. Frank murder trial conviction on August 26, 1913, on August 27, 1913, Leo Frank’s defense team requested a new trial.
The presiding judge Leonard S. Roan denied the appeal.
Another motion for a new trial was denied by the Georgia Supreme Court in February 1914 after much review.
More specifically on 17 February 1914 - the Supreme Court of Georgia affirmed the verdict of the lower court by a vote of 4 to 2.
25 February - the Supreme Court of Georgia, unanimously overruled a motion for rehearing.
7 March 1914 - Frank was sentenced by Judge Leonard S. Roan, for the second time to death by hanging on April 17th, Leo M. Frank's birthday.
No Doubting Judge Sentences One to Die on their Birthday
Leo Frank partisans are forever claiming Judge Leonard Strickland Roan doubted Leo Frank's conviction. Judge Leonard S. Roan, finally sentenced Leo M. Frank to be hanged on his birthday April 17th 1913, putting infinite doubt in the suggestion of the Jewish and Frank defense's statements, backed up with their forged documents, that Judge Leonard Roan had doubted the verdict.
No real scholar who is incapable of self-deception could ever take it seriously that Judge Roan doubted Leo Frank's guilt (which is always claimed by Leo Frank partisans), because No genuine seriously doubting Judge would ever do something so profoundly cruel as to sentence someone they thought might be innocent to be hanged on their birthday, unless they, openly or secretly, fully believed the individual was absolutely guilty.
Hanging Someone on their Birthday
One's birthday only happens once every 365 days (barring leap year) and as an execution date, it is only reserved for individuals who are absolutely and without question guilty of the most heinous crimes.
16 April 1914 - at the eleventh hour, an extraordinary motion for a new trial was filed and death sentence on Leo M. Frank's 30th birthday was stayed.
22 April 1914 - Judge B. H Hill, former chief justice of the Court of Appeals, who had succeeded to the Judgeship of Fulton Superior Court, denied the extraordinary motion for a new trial.
25 April 1914 - The day before the anniversary of Mary Phagan's death, Frank's sanity was examined and he was declared sane.
Motion to set the Verdict aside as a Nullity
Beginning in June 1914, Frank’s defense appealed to the Fulton County Superior Court to set aside the guilty verdict. Fulton County Superior Court denied the appeal, as did the Georgia Supreme Court (December 1914).
14 November 1914 - the Georgia Supreme Court again denied a new trial.
18 November 1914, the Georgia Supreme Court refused a writ of error.
23 November 1914 - Mr. Justice Lamar, of the Supreme Court of the United States refused a writ of error.
25 November 1914 - Mr. Justice Holmes of the United States Supreme Court, also refused a writ.
7 December 1914, the full bench of the United States Supreme Court refused a writ of error.
9 December 1914, Frank was re-sentenced to death to hang on January 22, 1915.
21 December 1914 - United States District Judge W. T. Newman of Georgia, refused a writ of habeas Corpus.
28 December 1914 - Mr. Justice Lamar granted an appeal and certificate of reasonable doubt to the United States Supreme Court.
15 April 1915 - the Supreme Court of the United States 4 to 2, with Mr. Justices Holmes and Hughes dissenting, dismissed the appeal.
Ultimately Leo M. Frank had fully exhausted completely every possible court appeals process.
Georgia Prison Commission
As five courts upheld the original decision of the jury in Leo Frank’s case, Frank then applied for clemency with the Georgia Prison Commission to commute his sentence from death to life in prison.
9 June 1915 - the State Prison Commission submitted a "divided" 2 to 1 report to Governor Slaton, Commissioners Davison and Rainey voting against commutation and Paterson voted for commutation.
This application was denied.
During the two Year Appeals Process, The National Letter Writing Campaign and Emotional Appeals Process Was in Full Force
With every possible court appeal fully exhausted, Leo M. Frank's last hope was utilizing the full extent of his 2 year old flush bankroll of his legal defense fund which was made possible by advertising magnate A.D. Lasker and newspaper mogul Adolph Oct the owner of the New York Times.
With a swollen treasury of hundreds of thousands of dollars, the culmination of a vast 2 year political bribery and manipulation machine reaching its crescendo, it had penetrated every major city across the United States and even some major cities throughout Europe.
The Governor of Georgia had been flooded with more than 10,000 letters in support of Leo M. Frank from people who never read the official trial record in the case which included all the facts, testimony and evidence against Leo Frank. See Brief of Evidence in Primary Sources.
Criminal Governor
Lastly, with absolutely no more court appeal options left for Leo Frank and the Prison Commission denying his request for clemency, there was only one last option, a commutation by the corrupt Governor of Georgia, John M. Slaton. Frank applied to Governor John M. Slaton for Executive Clemency.
Last Hope: 31 May 1915
Because Frank's plea for commutation of sentence to life imprisonment was heard before the State Prison Commission and denied, Frank had one last hope with the Governor of the State of Georgia, John Marshall Slaton who was in office from June 28, 1913 to June 26, 1915.
Slaton would save the life of Leo Frank at the eleventh hour, as Frank was on Death Row registered to be lynched on June 22nd 1915 by Sheriff Mangum. Well before the dramatic soap opera of the eleventh hour on the infamous day of June 21st 1915, the treacherous and criminal Governor of Georgia, John M. Slaton, was made a senior law partner in the very firm representing and defending Leo M. Frank at his July 28th 1913 to August 26th murder trial. The firm was called: Rosser, Brandon, Slaton & Phillips.
John Marshall Slaton, Clemency, Commuted Leo M. Frank's death sentence to life in prison.June 21st 1915, The 11th Hour.
On June 21 1915, one day before Leo M. Frank was to be hanged to death, John M. Slaton, when at the exit as an outgoing Governor of Georgia, in an absolutely gross conflict of interest, commuted the death sentence of Leo M. Frank to life in prison. The clemency was based on a half-baked hokey commutation order that insulted the intelligence of the elite of Georgia, Southerners, Legal Scholars, Judges, Lawyers and the people of the United States of America, when the commutation was compared against the dry leaves of the 1913 Brief of Evidence. John M. Slaton, Governor of the State of Georgia Betrays the People A commutation hearing was held in Atlanta on June 12-16, 1915. Representing Leo Frank were William M. Howard of Augusta, Manning J. Yeomans of Dawson, Harry A. Alexander and Leonard Haas of Atlanta speaking for the defense. On June 21, 1915, just six days before Nathaniel Edwin Harris, the newly elected governor, was to take office, and one day before Frank was scheduled to hang (June 22 1915), Slaton commuted Frank's death sentence to life in prison. There was public outrage, primarily because John M. Slaton, was a law partner and business associate in the law firm hired by Leo Frank, making Leo Frank Slaton's client and because Slaton in a gross conflict of interest had betrayed the constitution and his oath of office. The Southern population reached ascended to boiling crescendo of rage and were indignantly furious to a fevered pitch at the insolence of the clemency decision made on behalf of Leo M. Frank, especially after every level of the United States Legal System had meticulously reviewed the trial and upheld the evidence supporting the conviction, stating Leo Frank had a fair trial. More than a dozen judges had by affirmed the legitimacy of the murder conviction and they certainly didn't miss the fact Leo Frank had made a near confession on August 18 1913, when he told the Jury he made an unconscious bathroom visit inside the metal room during the time Phagan was murdered there.
John M. Slaton, feigned moral and emotional consternation, saying: "I can endure misconstruction, abuse and condemnation," Slaton said, "but I cannot stand the constant companionship of an accusing conscience which would remind me that I, as governor of Georgia, failed to do what I thought to be right.... [F]eeling as I do about this case, I would be a murderer if I allowed this man to hang. It may mean that I must live in obscurity the rest of my days, but I would rather be plowing in a field for the rest of my life than to feel that I had that blood on my hands."[1] Slaton's commutation disregarded volumes of trial evidence and testimony against Frank, but Slaton also chose to not disturb the Jury's verdict and in a sly and underhanded sort of way affirmed the murder conviction. Slaton, also suggested, that the Jewish Communities charge of race hatred as being the reason Frank was convicted was unfair, as it was certainly not true, because numerous other legal tribunals reviewed the evidence and testimony, and felt it was strong enough to convict Leo M. Frank. None of the appeals courts could be falsely accused of being mob terrorized or antisemitic, as the Jewish community put such false accusations and slander against the murder trial Jury. In order to protect Leo Frank, he was transferred from Fulton Tower in Atlanta to the prison farm outside Milledgeville.
July 17 1915 - Leo Frank Gets Shanked

The Burial of Leo Frank
Last Name, First Name Location Date of Death
FRANK, LEO 1-E-41-1035-2 8/17/1915 Section: 1 Block: E Map: Path: 41 Lot: 1035 Line: Society: Grave: 2 Cemetery Gates Close at 4:00 P.M.

Lucy Selig died on April 23, 1957 (1888-1957). Even then, in 1957, Frankites have suggested: her family was unsure of burying her in Atlanta, and it wasn't for another number of years that nephews buried her ashes between her parents' graves in Oakland Cemetery, but without a marker.
Lucille died 42 years after Leo M. Frank was lynched, what was equivalent to a life time as the life expectancy in the early 20th century was around 50 years and she was very clear about her own ultimate verdict in the Leo Frank Case, her wishes were unmistakeable in her will and she stated that she wanted to be cremated (Will of Lucille Selig Frank, 1954) and thus NOT buried next to or with her deceased husband Leo M. Frank. It was anticlimactic, sad and a heart breaking final verdict coming from the woman who stood by her husband loyally throughout the whole ugly drama, even though her cook Minola Magnolia McKnight had tipped her hand revealing Lucille knew approximately what really happened. The official records State's Exhibit J indicates Lucy Selig knew the real score about Leo Frank. In truth what could Lucille really do?.. other than the only option she really had, cognitive dissonance and double think, her honor, the honor of her family and the Jewish community was on the line. Lucille did what any good loyal wife would do in this situation, stand by her husband , right or wrong, guilty or innocent.
Infallible Wives and Mothers
We can not hold the same black and white, right or wrong lens to loyal mothers and wives who stand by their sons and husbands invincibly like Lucille S. Frank did, and we do not live in a black and white world, but one of subtle shades and variations of gray. The moral lens of what is right and wrong, can not be applied to mothers and wives who loyally stand by their children and husbands, even if deep down they know of their guilt. Lucille did what she had to do, which was a hard decision and she should not be negatively judged for fiercely standing faithfully by her husband loyally all the way to the end, even though cosmetically she had to put on the veneer of pretenses and appearances, pretending publicly her husband Leo Frank was "not guilty" of the murder. On some level it was probably difficult for Lucy Selig to trick herself into not believing the dozen or more employees who came forward and suggested Frank was a sexual predator, pedophile and whore monger (in essence), some suggesting he was regularly whoring on the Sabbath and trying to turn out girls at the factory. Lucille was provincial, but she was not naive, she knew what her husband was doing since he stopped having sex with her except for the obligatory one time a month during ovulation he would perform manual procreation with her trying to conceive, Leo the Second. Three years of trying and no results. Though Steve Oney, quotes a woman 70 years later who suggested Lucille was prego and miscarried, but none of the voluminous letters written between Lucille and Leo hint at any pregnancy or miscarriage, condolences, or mentions, not even subtle or couched appear in them (Koenigsberg, 2010).

The alleged persistent theme of the Leo M. Frank Case according to Frankites was Jew York City vs. Georgia. Detective William Burns the keystone cop style sleuth employed by the Leo M. Frank team, who was originally dismissed for being too obvious in his bribing, threatening and criminal activity, received a telegram from Marietta Georgia after the lynching of Leo M. Frank. The Telegram sarcastically told him to come down quickly and investigate the lynching, signed H.H. Looney Chief of Police. William Burns had been driven out of Georgia with threats of lynching when it was discovered he was hired by the money bags supporting the Leo Frank defense to try to bribe any witnesses he could and turn the Mary Phagan murder investigation into a carnival side show by publishing grandiose announcements in the local newspapers.

Alonzo "Lonnie" Mann - 1982 / 1983 March 7, 1982, A questionable and suspicious chapter was unfurled for the public. The Nashville Tennessean published a special breaking news report about a story in which Alonzo Mann, Leo Franks former office boy in 1913, said he saw janitor Jim Conley carrying Mary Phagans body to the basement of the National Pencil Company in Atlanta, where Mr. Frank was the superintendent. Mr. Mann asserted that Conley killed Mary and Frank was innocent. 1982, About 70 years after the murder of Mary Phagan and Lynching of Leo M. Frank, Alonzo Mann the former office boy of Leo M. Frank came forward in an other doctored up media expose pushing the Jewish Defense position at the behest of the Jewish Community. Now nearly 83 years old, the senile and ailing Alonzo Mann with a mountain of medical bills came forward to say he had seen Conley carrying Mary Phagans body on the first floor. Alonzo Mann produced an affidavit seven decades after the Leo M. Frank drama, thus giving the Frankites more odious support for their position, but however, because of the Frank Defense's history of obtaining suspicious and questionable affidavit through criminal means and bribing to defend Leo M. Frank the affidavit was not taken seriously by anyone familiar with the case. Especially since, Alonzo Mann testified he left at around noon and in his old age had a mountain of unpaid medical bills. Moreover, Alonzo Mann brought absolutely nothing new to the Leo M. Frank Case or Trial and his new testimony sounds fake, because Jim (James) Conley had admitted to being an accomplice and that he participated in bringing the dead body of Mary Phagan to the basement at Leo M. Frank's request. In a statement that makes absolutely no sense and does not pass the scrutiny of common sense, Alonzo Mann said, that the Negro Jim Conley threatened his life if he told anyone about seeing him with the dead body of Mary Phagan and when Alonzo Mann told his family and parents, they allegedly told him to keep quiet about it. Despite Alonzo Mann alleged "taking a lie detector test" and signing an affidavit, the Alonzo Mann's story lacks the common sense test, truth and veracity, because at the time "Negroes" were second class citizens, and no White Family or Parents would tell their White Children to be quiet about a negro allegedly murdering a White Girl. Even today in modern times, no White Family would ever tell a White boy to be quiet about a Negro murdering a White Girl. It doesn't make sense and comes off like total bullshit, to be blunt. However, Alonzo Mann's testimony tends to affirm Jim Conley was called in to work on a holiday to sit in his usual place under the stairwell and watch for Leo Frank, because there would be no other reason for James Conley to sit on the first floor all day for no reason unless he was asked to do so. Consider this, does it make sense that James "Jim" Conley who had been paid $6.00 the day before (Friday Evening) would rather hang out in a saloon swilling 5 cent beers, than waste his day sitting on a box on the first floor of the factory not getting paid? Alonzo Mann's testimony 70 years later tends to confirm Leo Frank lied about not knowing Jim Conley was in the building that day.
Alonzo Mann State's Adds More Evidence that Leo Frank Lied on the Witness Stand
What is more interesting is that Alonzo Mann's 1980's revelation, is that he said he saw Jim Conley numerous times in the morning and early afternoon on April 26, 1913, sitting on a box under the stairs on the first floor. Because Mann says it was from the morning till noon, this eye witness account may further prove that Leo Frank lied on the stand on August 18, 1913, about Frank not knowing Jim Conley was sitting on a box under the stairs on the first floor, acting as a watchdog and look out for him. Leo Frank said he had come and gone from the factory in the morning, and would have seen and known about his roustabout lackey waiting there for him, (Read the August 18, 1913, murder trial testimony of Leo Frank)
Alonzo Mann: Dead Man's Affidavit
However, the ADL of B'nai B'rith, American Jewish Committee, Atlanta Jewish Federation and numerous other Jewish organizations used the affidavit after Alonzo Mann died to push for a Posthumous Pardon and Exonerate Leo M. Frank for the murder of little Mary Ann Phagan. First Pardon Failed Attorneys for three Jewish organizations petitioned the State (Georgia) Board of Pardons and Paroles to pardon Leo Frank, but the petition was denied on December 22, 1983.
Pardon Achieved:
Posthumous Pardon without Exoneration - March 11 1986 Pyrrhic Victory for the Jewish Community After successful pressure from the ADL of B'nai B'rith, and other Jewish Organizations, they get the Georgia Board of Paroles to pardon Leo M. Frank, but they would not exonerate him of the Crime.
Jewish Power and Political Correctness Prevailed
On March 11, 1986, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles granted Frank a pardon, citing the state's failure to protect him or prosecute his killers, though they stopped short of exonerating Leo M. Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan. Leo Frank's murder conviction is still today black letter law and binding legal precedent. The Judge and Jury have the last word, as do the vigilante lynchers who were never prosecuted.
Spun Pardon and Pyrrhic Victory
The Jewish Community saw the Pardon at face value as vindication of Leo Frank, but it was really a Pyrrhic victory. First, because in order to pardon someone of a crime, the person has to be guilty, you can't pardon someone unless you acknowledge they are guilty. Therefore the guilt of the individual has to be affirmed and in Leo Frank's case it was indisputable binding settled law. So the Prison Board in the 1980's basically acknowledged the veracity and truth that Leo M. Frank was guilty, but they refused to exonerate him of his guilt, though they forgave him of the Murder of Mary Phagan, because the state failed to protect Leo M. Frank and because his lynching prevented him from further appeals - there is only one problem with that... Further appeals at any level of the United States Court System?
The prison board has a clear and full understanding of the law, and yet they made a bald face lie. They were patently in error concerning the lynching of Leo Frank preventing him from any further appeals within the appellate court system, because Leo M. Frank had fully and totally exhausted all of his court appeal options at every level of the State, District and Federal Appellate Courts, with the Supreme Court unanimously overruling any further review of the case, thus closing the door forever at all levels of the appellate court system. When there were no more options left in the court system, the prison board at the time refused a recommendation of clemency and even the bribed Governor John M. Slaton, refused to pardon Leo Frank and actually stated in his commutation letter he was NOT disturbing the guilty verdict given to Leo Frank by the Jury. Not a single legal body in the last 100 years has overturned the guilty verdict of Leo Frank, but attempts to spin the truth have endlessly been made by members of the Jewish hate religion.

The board affirmed Leo M. Frank's guilt and quelled the powerful and wealthy Jewish Community, that has for 100 years has been vociferously screeching Leo M. Frank was a "noble and innocent Jew, Framed, railroaded and scapegoated in a vast Anti-Jewish conspiracy", because in order to Pardon someone they have to have first committed a crime, you have to basically first acknowledge openly or in an unspoken manner, that the individual is guilty of a crime, before they can be pardoned.

See:State's Exhibit A Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term 1913. Brief of Evidence 1913: Brief of Evidence, 1913 (Click Here) .
American State Trials Volume X (1918) By John D. Lawson
Oney, Steve (2003), And the Dead Shall Rise (An interesting source, despite his status as a Frankite Virtuoso)
Koenigsberg, Allen (2011) The Leo Frank Case and Leo Frank Yahoo.com discussion forum, see: http://www.LeoFrankCase.com Mount Carmel Cemetery NY, where the lynched body of Leo Frank is interred http://www.mountcarmelcemetery.com/

FRANK, LEO 1-E-41-1035-2 NONE 08/17/1915
FRANK, RAY 1-E-41-1035-3 NONE 01/01/1925
FRANK, RUDOLPH 1-E-41-1035-4 None 01/15/1922
FRANK, Moses 1-E-41-1035-5 1841 to 1927
FRANK, SARAH 1-E-41-1035-6 None 08/01/1937
STERN, MARIAN 1-E-41-1035-12 None 04/02/1948
STERN, OTTO 1-E-41-1035-11 None 05/26/1963
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