Infinity Ward quietly removes OK gesture from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone –
admin | July 7, 2020
Infinity Ward has quietly removed the OK gesture from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone.
admin | July 7, 2020
Infinity Ward has quietly removed the OK gesture from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone.
admin | July 4, 2020
It was when Mark Zuckerberg said he would allow Holocaust denial on his platform that the Anti-Defamation League realized its partnership with Facebook wasnt working. The social media giant and the Jewish civil rights group had been working together for years to curb hate speech online
admin | July 4, 2020
Facebook co-founder, Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before a combined Senate Judiciary and Commerce committee hearing in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill April 10, 2018.
admin | July 4, 2020
(JNS)Is there any red line that the Anti-Defamation League wont cross in order to pursue its current agenda that prioritizes partisan politics over combating anti-Semitism? In the five years since Jonathan Greenblatt succeeded longtime ADL leader Abe Foxman at the helm of the anti-Semitism monitor, the answer to that question has always been clear
admin | July 4, 2020
San Francisco, CA Earthjustice announced that it would join the #StopHateforProfit and pause all of its advertising on Facebook and Facebooks subsidiaries beginning in July. #StopHateforProfit, a campaign launched by the Anti-Defamation League, Color of Change, Common Sense, Free Press, NAACP, and Sleeping Giants, is a call for organizations to take a firm stand against the racism and hate that Facebook allows to spread on its platforms
admin | July 4, 2020
In the weeks since protests erupted after the death of George Floyd, one mysterious word has consistently popped up in press briefings, cable news broadcasts and social media posts: antifa. President Donald Trump has tweeted several times about the left-wing movement since late May, likening it to "other wacko groups of anarchists." Attorney General William Barr said violent demonstrations appeared to have been planned by "far-left extremist groups and anarchic groups using antifa-like tactics." Meanwhile, conservative outlets like Fox News and the Washington Times have aired similar claims about antifa. Search interest in the movement spiked in early June, and unsubstantiated theories about antifa were among the most popular pieces of misinformation about the protests, according to the New York Times
admin | July 1, 2020
As brands continue to add their name to the growing list of companies boycotting Facebook, fresh research from the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) has painted a sobering picture of how marketers view the social network and its rivals. Volkswagen and Mars are the latest corporations to halt ad spend with Facebook over its handling of damaging content and misinformation
admin | July 1, 2020
Last week, we reported that Patagoniawas the latest company to join other retailers such asREI and The North Face in a boycott of Facebook and Instagram advertising for the month of July. Today, July 1, dozens of companies begin boycotting the social network after a civil rights coalition, which includes the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the NAACP, launched the #StopHateforProfit campaign and called on corporations to put a pause on advertising on Facebook, citing the company's "repeated failure to meaningfully address the vast proliferation of hate on its platforms." The campaign's primary objective is to stop online hate and racism by asking social media giants like Facebook to adopt new features that curb such behavior.
admin | July 1, 2020
The administration at High Tech High School has launched an investigation after students and parents at the Secaucus school claimed a senior used a commonly recognized anti-Semitic, white supremacist hate symbol as his yearbook quote. An online petition demanding that the Board of Education acknowledge and apologize for the incident and help distribute replacement yearbook pages has gained more than 400 signatures since it was created Monday.
admin | July 1, 2020
The Duchess and Duke of Sussex Chris Jackson / Getty Images As keen philanthropists and campaigners for social justice causes from female education to climate change the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are no doubt invested in holding powerful corporations accountable for their ethical decisions. And now it seems that Facebook has become an object of the couples efforts, following new reports that they are seeking to target firms to help a Facebook boycott. The Times reports that Prince Harry and Meghan asked the organisers of an advertising boycott against Facebook which brands they could help target.