richards | February 12, 2015
Goga Ashkenazi, left, with her Vionnet colleague Michle Cimenti. Photo: Alex Majoli The first female oligarch of fashion. Goga Ashkenazi has a friend coming through Milan in a day, so she decides to have some people overa small dinner for 12, she figures, though, by the morning of, its turned into a big dinner for 100 with a band and a DJ
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richards | February 11, 2015
Ashkenazi Trop vs. Temani Trop: Keriyath Shema, Authentic Pronunciation Visit us at
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richards | February 11, 2015
Im looking at abstracts on Ashkenazi genetics from ASHG 2013 and SMBE 2014 by the same group, with Shai Carmi as the lead author. They did 128 whole genomes, 50x deep.
Category: Ashkenazi |
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richards | February 11, 2015
We have my favorite politician from the States, Dr.David Duke speaking on how the Jews are genetically Israelite because they have always had their racist views of not mixing with gentiles, due to the interracial marriage that occurred between Jews in the past with Europeans.
Category: Ashkenazi |
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richards | February 11, 2015
Editors note: Pending an FDA decision, 23andMe no longer offers new customers access to health reports referred to in this post. Customers who purchased prior to November 22, 2013 will still be able to see their health reports, but those who purchased after that time will not
Category: Ashkenazi |
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richards | February 11, 2015
Tel Aviv (dpa) - Israels attorney-general will indict a former chief rabbi, Yona Metzger, for accepting bribes and other alleged financial crimes, local media reported Tuesday. Metzger was arrested in November 2013 after police said he pocketed more than 7 million shekels (1.8 million dollars) in bribes
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Former Israeli chief rabbi to be indicted for bribery
richards | February 10, 2015
Just relax and take it easy BY MARK ASHKENAZI just relax and take it easy MUSIC AND VIDEO PRODUCT BY MARK ASHKENAZI. By: mark Ashkenazi
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richards | February 6, 2015
ashkenazi que cocina bishul akum, para sefaradi se puede permitir? By: Rab Mijael Perets
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richards | February 6, 2015
Gabriel "Gabi" Ashkenazi (Hebrew: ; born February 25, 1954),[1] was the Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces from 2007 to 2011. Ashkenazi was born and grew up in Hagor, a moshav, or cooperative agricultural community in the Sharon region of central Israel, of which his parents were among the founders.
Category: Ashkenazi |
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richards | February 6, 2015
Jewish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries Part 3: Jewish Genetic Diseases and Disease Protections Last Update: November 19, 2014 Studies on Jewish genetic diseases (with special attention on studies that help to confirm Jewish origins, relationships, and migrations) Laurie J. Ozelius, Geetha Senthil, R
Category: Ashkenazi |
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