admin | April 22, 2020
Forverts Archive If anyone has ever had trouble understanding the Jewish mindset in the 21st Century, consider this: ours is in some ways a post-apocalyptic world. The headline was first printed in the Yiddish Forverts on Oct. 9, 1944
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on The last Jews of Dvinsk, and losing the memory of a forgotten civilization – Jewish Journal
admin | April 22, 2020
While Israel on Sunday allowed prayers groups of up to 19 people to congregate in open spaces, many in the ultra-Orthodox community are choosing not to take unnecessary risks, given the outbreak of the coronavirus in many Haredi communities. Prominent leader Rabbi Gershon Edelstein of Bnei Brak says it might be better to avoid public gatherings, including prayer groups, given the difficulty in adhering to the health regulations.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Despite eased virus restrictions, the rabbis are playing it safe – Ynetnews
admin | April 22, 2020
The epoch of coronavirus is a time of quarantined batch-baking and sourdough starter.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on ABC’s ‘The Baker and the Beauty’ is a half-baked remake – Forward
admin | April 19, 2020
Its the ninth question on the census, and for many Jewish respondents, its a surprising and sometimes unwelcome invitation to consider who exactly they are. For the first time, the U.S
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Census dilemma are you white, and if so, what are your ‘origins’? – Washington Jewish Week
admin | April 19, 2020
Some two thousand people are taking part in the "Black Flag" demonstration in Tel Aviv on Sunday evening, protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu andanti-democratic measures to contain the coronavirus outbreak. The protest included speeches by prominent lawmakers from the center-left bloc, including former co-leaders of Benny Gantz's Kahol Lavan
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Two thousand Israelis brave coronavirus fears to protest assault on democracy – Haaretz
admin | April 19, 2020
SIR The letter by Maerton Davis entitled Seems more concerned about Palestinians than pandemic (April 11th) was full of inaccuracies as well of course as personal insults which are his forte. Strangely, Davis never then went on to talk about the pandemic threat himself. The UN has warned that Gaza as one of the most densely populated areas in the world and under Israeli occupation has a health system which was overstretched even before the disease emerged.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Using Covid-19 to undermine Gazan administration – Southern Star Newspaper
admin | April 17, 2020
The journalists at BuzzFeed News are proud to bring you trustworthy and relevant reporting about the coronavirus.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on What To Expect When You’re Expecting A Baby At The Epicenter Of A Plague – BuzzFeed News
admin | April 17, 2020
NEW YORK (JTA) Every Passover, we strive to experience Egypt in our own lives. Locating the suffering of our Egypt wasnt hard this year: It seems like most days my husband and I share the names of new people we personally know who have passed away from COVID-19 and families devastated by the challenging conditions in which their loved ones passed away. We have been mourning the absence of community, the simplest and deepest of joys.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Passover demands we remember the Exodus. That means taking care of our most vulnerable. – JTA News
admin | April 6, 2020
WASHINGTON Nearly 140 US Jewish leaders unveiled an open letter Monday to Blue and White party leader Benny Gantz and his deputy, MK Gabi Ashkenazi, urging them to remain steadfast in their opposition to West Bank annexation under a unity government. The missive warns against allowing the coronavirus pandemic to enable Israel to annex West Bank settlements, at a time when the country needs to unify in the face of a public health emergency.
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Nearly 140 US Jewish leaders urge Gantz, Ashkenazi to block annexation – The Times of Israel
admin | April 6, 2020
(JTA) There are about 250,000 Jews in the United Kingdom. They account for only 0.3% of its population. But the coronavirus has killed 44 known Jewish victims so far about 2.5% of the total U.K
Category: Ashkenazi |
Comments Off on Jews are vastly overrepresented in coronavirus deaths in the UK. Here are some theories why. – JTA News