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The post-Haredism era is underway – Ynetnews

| July 9, 2017

The revolution is already taking place. Heads are rolling, identities are being replaced, clothes are changing

How a Chinese-Jewish chef finds inspiration on a North Dakota farm – Cleveland Jewish News

| July 7, 2017

Not much could have prepared Molly Yeh for moving from New York City to Grand Forks, North Dakota a city of a little over 50,000 residents near the states eastern border with Minnesota.

Israeli Labor candidates missing their mark in primaries – Al-Monitor

| July 6, 2017

One of the two candidates who will take part in the second round of Labor Party primaries, Amir Peretz, gives a speech. Posted July 5, 2017.(photo byTwitter/fathomjournal) Author:Mazal Mualem Posted July 6, 2017 The enthusiastic response to the fact that the two candidates who will take part in the second round of Labor Party primaries on July 10are from Mizrahi originsdoes an injustice to Knesset members Amir Peretz and Avi Gabai. It ensures that the old debate over ethnic issues remains within the boundaries of an outdated political discourse and diminishes the candidates' achievements

Panama: An Oasis Of Torah Judaism In Central America – The Jewish Press –

| July 6, 2017

Photo Credit: Daniel Retter When you arrive after a five-hour flight from New York to Panama City, you cant help but admire the ultra-modern airport. Although the lines are lengthy, the personnel are all very pleasant, and after 30-45 minutes you clear immigration and customs.

Will minors’ graves be dug up in search for missing Yemenite children? – The Jerusalem Post

| July 6, 2017

Yemenite Jews 311. (photo credit:REUTERS) In light of the renewed investigation into the fate of immigrant children who went missing in the 1950s, Likud MK Nurit Koren has proposed legislation that would allow the graves of deceased minors suspected of being one of the missing kids to be dug up

Israeli Labor’s new leaders must rebrand party – Al-Monitor

| July 6, 2017

Israel's Environment Minister Amir Peretz (L) is surrounded by journalists during the 18th ordinary meeting of contracting parties to the Barcelona convention and its protocols, Istanbul, Turkey, Dec. 5, 2013.(photo byOZAN KOSE/AFP/Getty Images) Author:Mazal Mualem Posted July 5, 2017 The winds of change blowing through the Labor Party can be deceptive, even though Knesset members Amir Peretz and Avi Gabai just advanced to the second round in the party's leadership primaries.

Exit Ramp: Looking back and inward as a temple closes its doors – New Jersey Jewish News

| July 6, 2017

by Lori Silberman Brauner NJJN Staff Writer July 6, 2017 Only a few months ago, I was standing on the womens balcony of my Orthodox Sephardi synagogue, not so different than the one depicted in the popular Israeli film by the same name. And just like a scene in The Womens Balcony, the women excitedly threw candy during a bar mitzvah ceremony

Int’l delegation visits Israel to raise funds for disabled soldiers – The Jerusalem Post

| July 5, 2017

Delegation members and participants (from left): Dr. Moshe Shemma, col

Fostering diversity in the Jewish world – Canadian Jewish News (blog)

| July 5, 2017

The following is an edited excerpt of remarks given by Rabbi Lee Buckman during a graduation ceremony at the Anne and Max Tanenbaum Community Hebrew Academy of Toronto. Tonight is the last time you will be sitting together as a class of 2016.

Labor Focuses on Ousting Netanyahu as It Heads for Runoff Vote – Bloomberg

| July 5, 2017

Two politicians of Moroccan ancestry will meet in a runoff to lead Israels Labor Party, an unprecedented showdown in the European-rooted movement thats struggled to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu and reclaim its former standing as the countrys defining force. Amir Peretz, a former defense minister and labor federation head, will competeMonday against Avi Gabbay, ex-chief executive officer of Israels biggest telecommunications company, for the chance to head Labors slate in the next national election, scheduled for November 2019.

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