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Bnai Brith –

| November 3, 2015

ARE ADL/B'NAI B'RITH MASONIC, NOT JEWISH? By Rev. Ted Pike 22 Dec 05 Bnai Brith International, and its civil liberties enforcement arm, ADL, is a worldwide Jewish organization operated entirely by Jews in more than 50 nations.

B’nai B’rith – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

| October 28, 2015

B'nai B'rith International (English pronunciation: , from Hebrew: b'n brit, "Children of the Covenant"),[1] is the oldest Jewish service organization in the world. B'nai B'rith states that it is committed to the security and continuity of the Jewish people and the State of Israel and combating antisemitism and bigotry

B – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

| October 6, 2015

B or b (pronounced , bee)[1][2] is the 2nd letter in the ISO basic Latin alphabet. In English, it represents the voiced bilabial stop, although it sometimes represents other bilabial sounds when used in other languages.

2015 Senior Housing Conference – B’nai B’rith International

| September 18, 2015

Conference Registration Sponsored By The Bnai Brith Senior Housing Committee Marvin Siflinger, Chair Seth Riklin, Vice Chair Conference on Senior Housing Participants Registration Fee:$250 Fee includes kosher style breakfast and lunch on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, tour and reception Monday afternoon, and all conference materials. Register today! *Registration Deadline: Nov. 1, 2015* Sunday, Nov.

bienvenue Sur Le Site Du B’nai B’rith Europe

| September 14, 2015

Vendredi, 10 Juillet 2015 Confrence prsente par le Professeur Ch.

Makow – B’nai B’rith/ADL Does Not Represent Jews Jews …

| August 19, 2015

While claiming to represent "the interests of the worldwide Jewish Community" the B'nai B'rith is in fact a Masonic Order that represents British Freemasonry, and shifts blame for its Luciferian "world government" agenda onto Jews in general.

B’nai B’rith Wikipdia

| August 14, 2015

Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. LOrdre indpendant du B'nai B'rith ( , de l'hbreu: Les fils de l'Alliance) est la plus vieille organisation juive toujours en activit dans le monde.

Bnai Brith Wikipedia

| August 9, 2015

Bnai Brith (Hebrisch ; deutsch Shne des Bundes), auch Bnai Brith oder im deutschsprachigen Raum (bis zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus) Unabhngiger Orden Bne Briss (U.O.B.B.) oder Bnei Bri genannt, ist eine jdische Organisation, die im Jahre 1843 in New York als geheime Loge von zwlf jdischen Einwanderern aus Deutschland gegrndet wurde und sich laut Selbstdarstellung der Frderung von Toleranz, Humanitt und Wohlfahrt widmet. Ein weiteres Ziel von Bnai Brith ist die Aufklrung ber das Judentum und die Erziehung innerhalb des Judentums. Zurzeit gibt es rund 500.000 organisierte Mitglieder in ungefhr 60 Staaten

About Us :: B’nai B’rith UK

| July 16, 2015

BBI Magazine BBUK LBIA Chair Profile BBI International Centre Newsletter BBE Newsletter How BB Operates Bnai Brith is an international global organisation, which brings together Jews from all backgrounds, with the aims of strengthening the Jewish community, combating racial and religious intolerance, and helping the less fortunate. The membership spans the whole Jewish community irrespective of religious or other affiliations.

B’nai B’rith | Jewish organization |

| July 12, 2015

Bnai Brith, (Hebrew: Sons of the Covenant), oldest and largest Jewish service organization in the world, with mens lodges, womens chapters, and youth chapters in countries all over the world. Bnai Brith, founded in New York City in 1843, defends human rights, promotes intercultural relations, provides for the religious and cultural needs of Jewish college students (especially through the Hillel Foundation), sponsors Jewish education among adults and youth groups, supports hospitals and philanthropic institutions, provides vocational guidance, sponsors welfare projects in Israel, assists victims of natural disasters, and carries on a broad program of community service and welfare.

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